Group Investigation (GI) in general is a lecturer in
designing a fairly broad scope of topics and then
divide it into sub-topics. conclusions, and present a
final report. Implementation of cooperative learning
model of Group Investigation (GI) in general is a
lecturer in designing a fairly broad scope of topics
and then divide it into sub-topics. conclusions, and
present a final report. Implementation of cooperative
learning model of Group Investigation (GI) in
general is a lecturer in designing a fairly broad scope
of topics and then divide it into sub-topics.
Implementation Group Investigation (GI) in the
study is expected to improve student learning
activities. Group Investigation (GI) require students
to actively seek information from various sources, so
that students not only rely on the lecturer as an
information resource. Through Group Investigation
(GI) Students are expected to be more active,
namely in terms of recorded material, cooperation
within the group, issued an opinion / bartanya,
answering questions, participation in preparing
reports and presentations, as well as enthusiastic
about learning.
2.1 Type Group Investigation
Model Group Investigation by Slavin (2005) is a
cooperative planning students on what is required of
them. Members of the group take part in the
planning of various dimensions and demands of their
projects. Cooperative planning skills should be
introduced gradually into the classroom and trained
in a variety of situations before the class is carrying
out a full investigation project ". It is intended that
the Group Investigation will be successfully carried
out if each member of the group participate actively
participated from the beginning of the end sampat
activities, namely in terms of planning,
investigation, preparation of a report or presentation
of the results of investigations should be done to be
able to run smoothly.
2.2 Learning Outcomes
Nana Sudjana (2009) defines student learning
outcomes in is a change in behavior as a result of
learning in a broader sense include the areas of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.Learning
Outcomes are the abilities of the students after
receiving their learning experience. "From these
processes will lead to new experiences by students.
The realization of his own learning outcomes are
skills that have been mastered by students, so that
the learning outcomes is the ability of students
receiving learning experience which looked at
changes in behavior.
2.3 Framework for Thinking
This study uses a model of cooperative learning
Group Investigation. Implementation of cooperative
learning model of Group Investigation in general is a
lecturer in designing a pretty broad scope of topics
and then divide it into sub-topics. The class is
divided into groups of 5-6 students. These groups
can be formed based on shared interests, or
familiarity. Students are given the freedom to form
their own group. Each group chooses a topic and
then conduct an investigation on the topic. As part of
the investigation, students seeking information from
various sources that offer a variety of ideas,
opinions, data or solutions related to the topic being
studied. Results of investigation of students then
made a report and presented to the class. Lecturer in
this study serve as resource persons and facilitators.
Based on the above, it can be described as follows
Figure 1: Worldview
2.4 Research Hypothesis
According Arikunto (2010) hypothesis comes from
two fragments word "hypo", which means "under"
and "Thesa" which means "truth". The hypothesis in
this study there, namely:
H0 = No influence of the model group investigation
on learning outcomes in the course Introduction to
Accounting students of the first semester of the
academic year 2018/2019 Prodi Pendeko.
Ha = There is the influence of the model group
investigation on learning outcomes in introductory
accounting courses students Prodi Pendeko the first
half of the academic year 2018/2019.
This study uses a true experimental research
(research that truly). In this design researchers can