understood the tax calculation, so the government
issued a regulation on Income Tax for Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises dated June 12, 2013,
namely Government Regulation Number 46 of 2013
(PP 46 of 2013).
This regulation is aimed at Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises which have a maximum gross
circulation of Rp. 4,800,000,000.00. The amount of
turnover is regulated in Law Number 20 of 2008
concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
with a maximum of Rp. 300,000,000 per year for
Micro business, Rp. 2,500,000,000 per year for
small businesses, and Rp. 50,000,000,000 per year
for businesses. medium (Article 6 of Law Number
20 of 2008).
With the issuance of PP 46, the calculation of
corporate income tax for Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises will be very easy, just by multiplying
turnover at a rate of 1% of taxpayers already able to
know the amount of the payable PPh. When viewed
from the nature of the tax, the PP 46 Year 2013
product is final, meaning that after calculate,
deposit, and report the income tax payable, the
taxpayer's duties have been completed. At a glance,
anyone who sees the amount of the tariff will feel
that the tariff charged to taxpayers is very small and
should not be too burdensome for taxpayers.
In line with the implementation of the new
Taxation policy, specifically PP 46 of 2013, surely
every policy has its shortcomings and advantages,
not least with this taxation policy. PP 46 of 2013 is
indeed a very simple calculation procedure, and it is
very easy to implement tax administration, so that
small and medium business taxpayers will be very
helpful in resolving their tax obligations due to lack
of knowledge, and staff in the field of taxation. The
less good side is that the company must pay taxes
1% of turnover, no matter if the company makes a
profit or loses, plus this PPh is final, which means it
cannot be credited or restored or compensated
If we look at the tax revenue side, the application
of PP 46 of 2013 provides benefits, because it can be
ascertained that tax revenues from the Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises sector, especially in the city
of Binjai, must be there every month, because the
tax base from omze is not profit. However, the
potential reduction in tax revenue can occur, because
the significant difference in tariffs from PP 46 of
2013 is 1% of turnover, when compared to the
General Tax Income in Law No. 36 of 2008 with
rate 25%.
General Concept of Efficiency
The concept of efficiency is a fundamental concept
and is born from the concept of economics.
However, the concept of efficiency can be defined
from various perspectives and backgrounds. In
general, efficiency can be directed to a concept of
achieving an outcome with optimal use of resources.
In Adiwarman A. Karim (2006), it is explained that
"Efficiency is doing the things right", which means
that doing everything in the right way to get optimal
Taxation Efficiency
The concept of efficiency in tax administration
administration is reflected in one of the tax
collection principles proposed by Adam Smith,
namely the principle of Economy.
Economically, the collection costs and the cost of
fulfilling tax obligations for taxpayers are expected
to be as minimal as possible, as well as the burden
borne by taxpayers (Mulyo Agung, 2011).
Tax is defined as a contribution that does not receive
the services of lead (contraception) which can be
directly demonstrated and used to pay for general
expenses. There are several definitions of tax, both
according to experts in the field of taxation or
according to the law. The definition of tax proposed
by some experts is as follows:
According to Law No. 16 of 2009 concerning the
fourth amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983
concerning General Provisions and Procedures for
Taxation in Article 1 paragraph 1 which reads "Tax
is a compulsory contribution to the state owed by an
individual or a compelling body based on law invite
by not getting rewards directly and used for the
state's needs and the greatest prosperity of the people
Tax Structure in Indonesia
State Taxes that are still valid are:
1. Income Tax (PPh)
The legal basis for imposing PPh is Law No.7
of 1984 as amended lastly by Law No. 36 of
2. Value Added Tax (PPN) and Sales Tax on
Luxury Goods (VAT & PPn BM).
The legal basis for the imposition of VAT &
PPn BM is Law No.8 of 1983 as last amended
by Law No. 42 of 2009.
3. Stamp Duty (Bea Materai)
The legal basis for imposing Stamp Duty is Law
No. 13 of 1985.