Student Center Learning Learning Strategies
with a Solving Approach Problem
The learning process is the process of interacting
students with educators and learning resources in a
learning environment (Siti Mutmainah, 2011).
Handoko (2005) states that as educators are required
to be able to choose the most accommodating and
conducive learning method so that students can
understand something delivered. Many learning
goals can be developed ranging from gaining
knowledge, developing concepts, understanding
technical analysis, acquiring skills to use / practice
concepts, developing communication skills to
develop certain attitudes, developing thinking
patterns to developing judgment and wisdom.
Technological developments and the
advancement of the business world demand
universities to produce graduates who have high
competencies, so now there must be a change in
learning strategies centered on Student Center
Learning (SCL) students with a problem-solving
approach. Raising a question / case designed by the
lecturer that is able to bring out the students'
curiosity is then presented by randomly selecting
groups of students who will advance so that all
students have first understood and solved the
problem / case and then held a question and answer
so that the main role of the lecturer is as consultants
and facilitators, not as authorities and the only
source of knowledge. Siti Mutmainah (2011) states
that a case is called a good case if it has the
following characteristics: 1) decision-oriented
(raises a managerial situation in which a decision
must be made), 2) there is active student
participation (the case must be able to arouse
students' curiosity), 3 ) development of discussions
(the emergence of diverse views and analyzes), 4)
substantive cases (consisting of main sections that
discuss issues and other information), 5) questions
(understanding of what should be asked).
Problem solving learning strategy is a technique
in helping students learn to be able to understand
and master learning material by using problem
solving strategies. Problem solving is more likely
towards concepts or strategies. Problem solving
learning strategies can be implemented through a
learning approach, which is a way that is done by the
teacher / lecturer so that the material displayed can
adapt to the students. In addition, it can also be done
using learning methods, namely by presenting
material that is still broad (general). Problem solving
learning through the learning approach in the
subject, the lecturer conveys the subject matter by
directing students to the understanding of the
following subject matter in solving the problems.
Lecture material is seen as a problem that must be
understood, understood and resolved. Strategy
Problem solving learning as a teaching and learning
process, students are taught about problem solving
strategies by providing various examples of
problems related to lecture material concepts that
can and must be solved through problem solving
Problem solving learning through the learning
approach in the subject, the lecturer conveys the
subject matter by directing students to the
understanding of the following subject matter in
solving the problems. Lecture material is seen as a
problem that must be understood, understood and
resolved. Strategy Problem solving learning as a
teaching and learning process, students are taught
about problem solving strategies by providing
various examples of problems related to lecture
material concepts that can and must be solved
through problem solving strategies.
According to Krulik and Rudnick (Carson, 2007:
21-22), there are five stages that can be done in
solving problems, namely as follows: 1. Read (read).
Activities carried out by students / students at this
stage are recording key words, asking other students
/ students what is being asked about the problem, or
re-expressing the problem into a language that is
easier to understand. 2. Explore (explore). This
process involves finding patterns to determine the
concept or principle of the problem. At this stage the
student / student identifies the problem given,
presents the problem in an easy-to-understand way.
The question used at this stage is, "what is the
problem like?" At this stage it is usually done
drawing or making tables. 3. Choose a strategy
(select a strategy). At this stage, students / students
draw conclusions or make hypotheses about how to
solve problems encountered based on what has been
obtained in the first two stages. 4. Solve the problem
(solve the problem). At this stage all mathematical
skills such as counting are done to find an answer. 5.
Review and discuss (review and extend). At this
stage, students check the answer again and see the
variation from how to solve the problem.
Definition of Teaching Materials
One of the initial activities in improving learning is
designing teaching materials that refer to a
development model to facilitate learning. Learning
design can be used as a starting point for efforts to
improve the quality of learning. This means that the
improvement of the quality of learning must begin
from improving the quality of learning design, and
designing learning with a system approach (Degeng,
1989 in M. Harijanto 2007).