the Accounting Standards Board (DSAK IAI) under
the auspices of the Indonesian Institute of
Accountants or IAI. Since 2012, the PSAK refers to
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
which are effective since January 1, 2009.
Indonesia's commitment is to support the IFRS
standard as an accepted accounting standard globally
and continue with the IFRS standard convergence
process, to minimize the gap between financial
accounting standards (FAS) and IFRS
The question arises why adopt International
Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)? Practically
speaking, adoption of IFRS is not an option for
Indonesia, but a necessity, with hope, foreign
investment will continue to enter or even increase
and we are not excluded from international relations
and even get maximum recognition from the
international community. Companies in the world
have been and are in the process of adopting IFRS
with very impressive developments. Most G20
member countries are also IFRS adopters. This is the
reason for the need for international accounting
standards to remove barriers to international capital
flows by reducing differences in financial reporting
provisions, reducing financial reporting costs for
multinational companies and costs for financial
analysis for analysts and improving financial
comparability in providing quality information on
international capital markets.
(, 2012)
The development of IFRS-based introductory
accounting practicum teaching materials is one of
the efforts taken to be able to improve the ability of
student practicum in accordance with new
developments in international accounting standards,
because accounting is one of the fields of science
that is not sufficiently studied only in terms of
theory, but accounting is easier to understand with
real bookkeeping practices.
Definition of Teaching Materials
One of the tasks of educators is to provide a pleasant
learning atmosphere. One way to make learning fun
is to use fun teaching materials too. (Prastowo Andi,
2011) Teaching materials are basically all materials
(both information, tools, and texts) that are arranged
systematically, which displays the complete figure
of the competencies that will be mastered by
students and used in the learning process with the
objectives of planning and reviewing the
implementation of learning.
Teaching materials that are well designed by
lecturers will be able to make learning more
effective and students' understanding of accounting
increases. The results of Demaja W's research in
(Pujiati, 2007) show that: Learning outcomes of
PAK learning strategies between students who use
teaching materials for Dick and Carey models with
students using traditional teaching materials differ
significantly. It was found that the learning
outcomes of PAK learning strategies for students
who use teaching materials compiled by researchers
are higher than students who use traditional teaching
Usually teaching materials are "independent",
meaning that they can be studied by students
independently because they are systematic and
complete. (Paulina, Pannen, 2001). Further
explained that:
"Teaching materials designed
and developed based on good
instructional principles will be
able to: 1) assist students in the
learning process, 2) assist
lecturers to reduce material
presentation time and increase
lecturer guidance time for
students, 3) assist universities in
completing curriculum and
achieving goals instructional
with the time available.
"(Paulina, Pannen, 2001.)
Independent learning shows that students are not
dependent on continuous supervision and lecturer
direction, but students also have their own creativity
and initiative, and are able to work alone by
referring to the guidance they obtain (Self Directed
Learning, Knowles, 1975 in (Paulina, Pannen,
2001). The main role of the lecturer in independent
learning is as a consultant and facilitator, not as an
authority and the only source of knowledge.
(Wadjadi Faried, 2004) explained that good
teaching materials are materials that: (1) can arouse
students' interest in learning, (2) have instructional
purpose clarity, (3) present material with good
structure, (4) provide opportunities for students to
practice and provide feedback to students, and (5)
create two-way communication. In addition to the
above to stimulate students' creativity and interest in
learning, instructional materials are designed as
attractive as possible including the use of color,
shape, font size and thickening of letters, lacing and
lines are also needed to clarify the contents of the
message. Like Leshin, Pollock, and Reigeluth,
(1992: 280) describes the tools used to be able to