The Effects of the Learning Achievement, Study Period, and
Activeness in Organizations on the Waiting Period Job Relevance
Darto Paulus Simanihuruk
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Learning achievement, study period, activeness in organizations, waiting period, job relevance
Abstract: This study aimed to find out the effect of the learning achievement, study period, and activeness in
organizations on the waiting period and job relevance among graduates of the study program of economics
education, Faculty of Economics, Medan State University partially and simultaneously. This research method
using descriptive quantitative approach. Population in this research is the graduates of Economic Education
Program FE UNIMED year 2013-2017. Sampling of 186 respondents with proportionate random sampling.
The data were collected using questionnaire. Analytical technique using logisctic regression analysis. The
result of research is (1) learning achievement has no effect in job search period. (2) Learning achievement has
a positive effect on the job relevance. (3) Study period has no effect in job search period. (4) Study period has
no effect in job relevance. (5) Graduates who participate in the organization have a job search period faster
than those who are not participate. (6) Participation in the organization has no effect in job relevance. (7)
Learning achievement, study period, and participation in the organization collectively affect the job search
period. (8) Learning achievement, study period, and participation in the organization collectively affect the
job relevance.
Unemployment is still a problem in Indonesia. Based
on Macro, unemployment is a workforce that is
currently unemployed, meanwhile based on micro,
unemployment is those who is able and willing to do
work but is currently unemployed (Suroto, 1986: 12-
13). Unemployment too defined as a workforce that
does not have a job or does not yet have work and are
actively seeking work (Kusnendi, 2003: 203).
Unemployment based on the reason is divided into
frictional, seasonal, cyclical, structural, and
technological unemployment (Kusnendi, 2003: 206-
Now days, in fact of graduates of Indonesian
universities have a bachelor's degree and diplomas
are no longer an easy guarantee to get a job. For
marking this phenomenon, the term educated
unemployment arises. Educated unemployment is a
workforce that does not work but has a high school
education (high school) Diploma, and Bachelor).
Based on data obtained from Kemenristekdikti,
the number of study programs or the number of
students taking majors or educational study programs
was very high. This includes many undergraduate
degrees. The highest education program for the soul
was 110,879 people with a total workforce of 730,728
people, the number of students for graduates of
education and teacher programs was 15.17 percent
and classified as a bored graduate student. On the
other hand, currently competition between education
and teacher majors was getting tougher. Competition
was increasingly tightened since the registration of
CPNS teachers formation in the future must obtain
the title of teacher profession (Gr) to be accepted as a
CPNS teacher. To achieve a bachelor's degree,
undergraduate teachers can determine additional
schools known as the Pre-service Professional
Teacher Program (PPG). Not to mention competitors
who have education because the program was not
only attended by scholars, but can also be attended by
non-educational scholars.
As an educational institution, the Economic
Education study program is one of the majors at the
Faculty of Economics, Medan State University,
which creates graduates with degrees in education in
the field of economics. For this reason, all Economic
Simanihuruk, D.
The Effects of the Learning Achievement, Study Period, and Activeness in Organizations on the Waiting Period Job Relevance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009495706850691
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 685-691
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Education graduates are expected to have the
competence to become competent and professional
teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a
search of UNIMED Economic Education graduates,
to find out the competencies of graduates which are
produced as well as an effort to evaluate the
performance of study programs, one of them is by
measuring the waiting period and the relevance of
The waiting period is defined as the length of time
a person gets the first job after graduating from the
last completed education. The waiting period or long
time to find a job is usually expressed in months or
years. Waiting period is closely related to
unemployment. Unemployment is a period in which
a person continues to be unemployed or the average
unemployment period of a worker.
In relation to the waiting period, someone will try
to find work to get a job that is considered feasible.
For this reason, a theory is needed to explain how
someone looks for work. Search theory or the theory
of looking for work according to Sutomo and
Prihatini (1999) is a model that explains the problem
of unemployment from the point of supply (Susanti,
2014). Search theory arises from economic
uncertainty where there is imperfect labor market
information. The unemployed do not know the
qualifications of the labor needed and the level of
wages offered by job seekers. they will maximize
expected net income and wage reservation or
reservation wages as criteria for accepting or rejecting
a job. Job seekers will stop looking for work when
additional costs or marginal costs from an additional
one job offer are equal to the marginal return of the
job offer.
There are several factors that can influence the
waiting period, including age, education, experience,
marital status, and wages (Astuti, 2013). In addition,
information in the imperfect labor market will make
a person unemployed at a certain time and will
continue to find the best job (Kaufman, 1999).
Meanwhile, according to Sutomo (2001), several
other factors that cause long time a person gets a job,
especially for educated labor, are caused by structural
inequalities between supply and employment, too
strong the influence of human capital theory on
people's thinking, and educational programs seen
from high school graduates and Bachelor who gets
the fastest job (Mariska, 2016). Then, based on
research conducted (Setiawan, 2010) on educated
workers in the city of Magelang, that age, education,
income and work experience have a positive
influence on the length of seeking employment.
While gender does not have an effect on the length of
time seeking work, there are differences between the
length of time seeking work for men and women.
Unlike the study (Putranto and Mashuri, 2012) for
graduates of the Department of Statistics, Sepuluh
Nopember Institute of Technology, work waiting
time can be influenced by factors of family members,
high school status, type of work chosen, and
motivation in finding work where chosen to be a
factor that further determines the waiting time for
work among other factors. Graduates who choose the
type of entrepreneurial work will work much faster,
so in this case it is important for the relevant
educational institutions to provide entrepreneurship
education to students.
Relevance according to the Big Indonesian
Dictionary means relationships, suitability, relation to
objectives, useful directly with what is needed
(Muhson et al, 2012). When producing graduates who
are unemployed, it means that a unit, type, or level of
education can be said to be less relevant to
community needs and social development (Suryadi,
2014: 11). An institution of higher education is said
to be relevant to its existence if all or most of its
graduates can be quickly absorbed by employment in
accordance with their fields and strategic rank
(Muhson et al., 2012). The level of absorption of
graduates in employment also depends on the quality
of graduates, namely the skills, knowledge, and
abilities possessed. Whether or not the competency of
graduates can be seen from the job profile includes
the type of work, number of hours worked, position,
and salary earned (Muhson et al, 2012).
The relevance of work can be influenced by
several factors, including unemployment, education
and training, labor market information, and changes
in economic structure. In relation to the long
unemployed factors, long-unemployed graduates
tend to have no choice to capture any employment
opportunities. For them, getting the first job is very
important to get experience (Saputra, 2014). While
the education and training factors concern the
competencies possessed by job seekers. According to
Alwi (2010) education is related to the relevance of
the curriculum where it also leads to the suitability of
courses, material in teaching books, and even
reference books used (Asnawi et al, 2015). Higher
education will provide knowledge in accordance with
work requirements. For this reason, certain types of
work require educational qualifications from majors
and certain GPAs that are charged to job applicants.
As for developing practical skills, educational
institutions will provide internship opportunities. For
this reason, some types of work require qualifications
in the form of work experience so that learning
through internships is very important. In addition, the
company has also anticipated by providing training in
the initial period of work (Saputra, 2014). In addition,
the information factors available in the labor market
also affect the relevance of work. Usually this
involves information about the skills needed by the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
business world and even a system of remuneration
and wages. Finally, changing economic structures can
affect the relevance of work. Changes that occur in
the form of revolutionary changes in industry and
technology are accompanied by various forms of
transformation in the types of jobs and job
qualifications. This transformation eventually
resulted in a shift in the need for the types of
knowledge and skills of the workers (Suryadi, 2014:
Based on the results of the 2016 UNNIMED
annual report, the average waiting period for
graduates to get the first job is for 3 months, where
the Faculty of Social and Economics is a faculty with
the respondent's work waiting period of 4 months
(more than the average waiting period of UNIMED).
Then most of the UNIMED respondents in the tracer
study amounted to 47.51% working according to their
field of study and 13.03% not working according to
their field of study. Based on research conducted by
Muhson et al. (2012) on FE UNIMED Economics
Education graduates, there were 6% of graduates who
had not yet worked and some of the respondents who
continued to study S2 were only counted as not the
workforce. If the conclusion is drawn, as many as
4.8% of graduates of S1 Economic Education have
not been absorbed in the labor market, while as many
as 95.2% have been absorbed in the labor market with
the waiting time getting the first job is 4 months. The
level of work relevance of graduates of Economic
Education reaches 51%. The salary level is not
relevant because 68% of graduates have sub-standard
salaries or Rp1,655,800 with a number of working
hours of less than 35 hours per week.
Learning achievement is proof of the success of
the learning process or the ability of a student to carry
out learning activities according to the weight
achieved (Winkel, 1996: 162). Learning achievement
in the world of work is one of the conditions that must
always be included when job seekers apply for jobs.
For college graduates who hold Diploma or Bachelor
degrees, their learning achievements are measured
through the GPA. In addition to the GPA, the study
period is related to the absorption of graduates in the
world of work. The study period or duration of study
is the length of time someone completes studies in
college (Samekto, 2014). The study period is the time
it takes for someone to take a study program at a
certain level of strata which is calculated through a
minimum Semester Credit Unit. Graduates who have
a study period longer than the average study period of
one class, will tend to be late in finding work. Then,
activeness of organization can be a consideration of
how graduates will be accepted to work.
Organizational activeness is someone's involvement
in organizational activities. For this reason, according
to Susseldrop, various forms of involvement or
activity in the organization can be in the form of
attending meetings, involving themselves in
discussions, participating in activities carried out,
taking part in decision-making processes by
expressing opinions, and participating in utilizing
program results (Suryobroto, 2009: 300) . Graduates
who have organizational experience in college or in
other words the graduates are actively organizing,
certainly get a lot of added value for job seekers to
receive them working in their place. For this reason,
learning achievement, study period, and
organizational activity are chosen to be independent
variables that can affect the waiting period and the
relevance of the work.
Based on this phenomenon, the author wants to
conduct research on "The Effect of Learning
Achievement, Study Period, and Activeness of
Organizing on the Waiting Period and the Relevance
of Work Graduates of Economic Education Faculty
of Economics, Medan State University".
This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach
with the research subject being a graduate of the
Faculty of Economics UNIMED. Data used in the
form of primary data and secondary data. The
variables examined in this study consisted of three
independent variables and two dependent variables.
The dependent variable in this study is the waiting
period and the relevance of the work. The two
dependent variables are measured using Dummy
variables. Waiting period 0 means not fast and 1 fast.
while the relevance of category 0 work is irrelevant
and 1 is relevant. The independent variables in this
study include the CPI variable, the period of study
and active organization. The GPA variable and study
period are quantitative data while the organizational
activeness variable is categorical and measured using
Dummy 0 variable which means it is inactive and 1
active. Figure 1. The following illustrates the research
The Effects of the Learning Achievement, Study Period, and Activeness in Organizations on the Waiting Period Job Relevance
Figure 1: Research Paradigm
The population in this study were 348 graduates
of the UNIMED FE Economics Education class of
2013-2017. Sampling was 186 respondents using the
proportionate random sampling technique. Table 1.
illustrates the distribution of research samples
graduated from the FE UNIMED Economic
Table 1: Distribution of Research Samples
Year Number of
Number of
2013 100 53
2014 79 42
2015 65 35
2016 66 36
2017 38 20
348 186
The method of data collection uses a
questionnaire, where the questions in the
questionnaire do not require a validity test because
the answers in the questionnaire are accurate and
definitely describe the conditions experienced by the
respondents. Similar to the validity test, the
instrument used in this study does not require
reliability testing because the answers contained in
the questionnaire are unlikely to produce different
data even though the instrument was used several
times for the same respondent. The analysis technique
uses logistic regression analysis.
The results showed that the average waiting period
obtained the first job (after graduating S1) of the
respondents of 3.26 months. The first job relevance
level of respondents was 41.40%, where the majority
of respondents in this study or 63.98% obtained non-
teacher jobs at their first job and only 36.02% were
classified as working as teachers. Most respondents
work for the first time in private companies, namely
44.60%. The average income of the respondent's first
job was Rp2,084,946, with the average income for the
type of work of the teacher amounting to
Rp1,325,373, while the average income for the type
of work for the non-teacher was Rp2,512,605. For
this reason, it can be concluded that overall,
respondents who obtained non-teacher jobs at their
first job obtained higher average income compared to
respondents who worked as teachers. Based on the
number of hours worked in a week, respondents in
this study 53.76% were categorized as full-employed
workforce because they worked above 35 hours per
Meanwhile, for the history of the type of work
now, the level of relevance of the work of respondents
currently rose to 45.70%, where the majority of
respondents or 61.29% currently work as non-
teachers, amounting to 34.41% who work as teachers,
and as much as 4.30% are currently not working when
the study takes place because 6 respondents prefer to
be housewives, 1 person is continuing his studies S2,
and 1 person has just resigned and is looking for
work. Based on the type of work agency now, 34.90%
of respondents are currently private companies. The
average income from occupation owned by
respondents has now risen to Rp2,989,354, with the
average income for the type of work of the teacher
rising to Rp1,815,589 and for the type of non-teacher
work being increased to Rp3,648,158. For this reason,
it can be concluded that overall, respondents who
worked as non-teachers obtained higher average
income compared to respondents who worked as
teachers. Based on the number of hours worked in a
week, the respondents in this study 57.53% were
categorized as full employed workforce or increased
by 3.76% from the first job.
Then it is necessary to test hypotheses on the five
variables used in this study. However, before testing
the hypothesis, a multicollinearity test is conducted
on the three independent variables. Based on the
results of multicollinearity test between independent
variables in this study, the correlation matrix value is
worth less than 0.8. This means that multicollinearity
was not found among the three independent variables
used in the study. Furthermore, hypothesis testing can
be done. Based on the results of hypothesis testing
using logistic regression, conclusions can be drawn as
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing of
the learning achievement variable (GPA) on the
waiting period partially using the Wald test, the Wald
t count is obtained at 0.005 with a significance of
0.943. Because the significance value is greater than
0.05, the GPA variable has no effect on the waiting
period to get the first job of the UNIMED FE
Economics Education Study Program graduate.
The results of testing the hypothesis of the effect
of GPA on the relevance of the work show a positive
value on the regression coefficient of 2.404, Wald's t
count is 5.769 and significance is 0.016 or less than
0.05. The GPA Odds ratio for job relevance shows a
positive value of 11.068. For this reason, it can be
concluded that the GPA has a positive effect on the
relevance of the graduates' first job. The greater the
graduates' GPA, the chance for graduates to obtain the
first relevant type of work is 11,068 times greater,
where other factors are considered constant. That is,
the greater the graduates' GPA, the chances of
graduates working first after graduating S1 as civil
servant teachers, teaching staff, private teachers,
lecturers and entrepreneurs are greater 11,068 times.
GPA shows the learning outcomes obtained by
someone after going through education.
According to Alwi (2010) education itself is
related to the suitability of courses, material in
textbooks and reference books used and universities
as educational institutions will provide knowledge
according to work needs (Asnawi et al., 2015). In
relation to education and work needs, all graduates of
the Economics Education Study Program certainly
gain insight into economics, entrepreneurship
science, teaching methods, and how to administer
teacher administration that can support their work
needs. So that graduates of the Economic Education
Study Program who obtain a higher GPA are
considered to have more mastery of the knowledge
and are more likely to have jobs that are relevant to
the education they pursue.
Then, the results of partial hypothesis testing
indicate that the study period does not affect the
waiting period of UNIMED FE Economics Education
Study Program graduates. Regression coefficient
obtained for 0.405 with Wald test t count of 3.173 and
significance of 0.075 or greater than 0.05. This was
also supported by research conducted by Dewi (2017)
in the year 2005-2009 graduates of Economic
Education Study Program where the results of the
study found that the study period did not affect the
waiting period. In addition, research conducted by
Putranto and Mashuri (2012) on the analysis of
factors that influence the waiting time for fresh
graduate work in ITS Statistics.
Testing the hypothesis of the influence of the
study period on the relevance of the work, obtained a
regression coefficient of -0.296 with Wald test tcount
of 1.951 and significance of 0.162 or greater than 0.05
so that the study period did not partially affect the
relevance of work of Economic Education Study
Program graduates. This is because the study period
does not have a direct relationship with the first type
of work that is classified as relevant work in this
Furthermore, the results of the hypothesis test
influence the activeness of the first category of
organization (active organization) for the partial
waiting period, obtained a regression coefficient of -
0.695, Wald test tcount of 4.535, significance of
0.033 or less than 0.05 and odds ratio of 0.499. For
this reason, it was concluded that the activeness of the
first category of organization (active organization)
had a negative effect on the waiting period of
Economic Education Study Program graduates
partially. In this case, graduates who are actively
organizing have a 0.499 times greater chance of
obtaining a fast waiting period (less than three
months) compared to graduates who are not actively
organizing. Organizational activity has something to
do with organizational experience. Graduates who
have organizational experience have the provision of
competing in the world of work. In addition, the
activity of students in organizing has a positive effect
on job readiness (Widyatmoko, 2014). The results of
this study are in accordance with the benefits of the
organization according to Sukirman (2004), namely
training cooperation, adding insight and fostering
self-confidence which will later be useful in the world
of work. Someone who is active in organizing during
college, shows a personality that is more ready to
work than those who are not actively organized. This
is the consideration of the labor seekers. For that the
opportunity for graduates who are actively organizing
to get a short waiting period is getting bigger.
However, in another study conducted by Putranto and
Mashuri (2012) on "Analysis of Factors Affecting the
Fresh Graduate Work Wait Time in the ITS Statistics
Department with Ordinal Logistic Regression
Method" it was found that organizational experience
had no effect on work waiting time.
Hypothesis test results influence the active
activity of the first category (active organization) on
the relevance of the work partially, obtained a
regression coefficient of -0.063, Wald t test count of
0.039, significance of 0.844 or more than 0.05 and the
odds ratio of 0.939. For this reason, it was concluded
that the activeness of the first category of
organization (active organization) did not affect the
The Effects of the Learning Achievement, Study Period, and Activeness in Organizations on the Waiting Period Job Relevance
relevance of the work of Economic Education Study
Program graduates partially. According to Sudarman
(2004) organizational experience can shape the
personality of students so as not to show an influence
on the type of work first obtained after graduation, but
rather leads to an increase in soft skills.
Finally, simultaneous hypothesis testing
regarding the effect of learning achievement (GPA),
study period, and organizational activity on the
waiting period of graduates of the Economics
Education Study Program FE UNIMED, obtained a
significance result of 0.034 or less than 0.05. So it can
be concluded that simultaneously or at least one of the
three independent variables above affects the
graduate waiting period. Likewise with the results of
simultaneous hypothesis testing regarding the effect
of learning achievement (GPA), study period, and
activeness of the organization on the relevance of the
work of graduates of Economics Education Study
Program FE UNIMED, obtained significance results
of 0.008 or less than 0.05. So that simultaneously or
at least one of the three independent variables above
affects the relevance of graduate work.
Then the model that has been formed must go
through the model conformity test. The suitability
testing of the model in this study used the Hosmer and
Lemeshow test. Based on the results of the model
testing to see the effect of the GPA variables, study
period, and organizational activeness on the waiting
period the significance was 0.128 or greater than 0.05.
This means that there is no significant difference
between the value of observation and the model so
that the model is said to be fit. Likewise, the
significance of the model testing on the effect of the
GPA variable, study period, and organizational
activity on job relevance, obtained a significance of
0.416 or greater than 0.05, so that no significant
difference was found between the observation value
and the model so that the model was said to be fit.
After conducting a model suitability test, the
model needs to be tested for the probability of
classification errors. For this reason, it is necessary to
test the model classification. Based on the results of
the classification test on the waiting period variable
model, the percentage accuracy of the model in
classifying observations was 66.1%. This means that
from 186 observations, there are 123 observations
that are appropriate for classification by the logistic
regression model. While the results of the
classification test on the model of job relevance
variables, obtained the percentage accuracy of the
model in classifying observations by 59.7%. This
means that from 186 observations, there were 111
observations that were appropriate in their
classification by the logistic regression model.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion,
the conclusions are as follows:
1. Learning achievement (GPA) does not affect
the waiting period of UNIMED FE Economics
Education Study Program graduates
2. Learning achievement (GPA) has a positive
effect on the relevance of the work of
UNIMED FE Economics Education Study
Program graduates
3. The period of study does not affect the waiting
period of UNIMED FE Economics Education
Study Program graduates
4. The period of study does not affect the
relevance of the work of UNIMED FE
Economics Education Study Program
5. Active organization has a negative effect on
the waiting period of UNIMED FE Economics
Education Study Program graduates with
6. Organizational activity does not affect the
relevance of the work of UNIMED FE
Economics Education Study Program
7. Learning achievement (GPA), study period,
and active organization have a simultaneous
effect on the waiting period of UNIMED FE
Economics Education Study Program
8. Learning achievement (GPA), study period,
and active organizational activities
The suggestions that can be given relating to the
results of this study include:
1. The learning achievement of the graduates of
the Faculty of Economics of UNIMED is good
because the majority of graduates obtain a
GPA with a very satisfying predicate. This is
an illustration for students to maintain good
academic achievement and if necessary be
increased to cum laude. Improving learning
achievement can be done by developing more
varied ways of learning by learning with peers.
In addition, the improvement of learning
achievement can be done by maximizing the
functions of department-level organizations to
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
hold academic tutorials through the student
association work program.
2. The interest in organizing graduates of the
Faculty of Economics of the Medan State
University is good because the majority of
graduates are active in organization. This is an
illustration for students to continue to be active
and participate in organizations, even old
students need to build interest in organizing
new students. Student organizations together
with the campus environment need to provide
an understanding of the benefits of organizing
with a more varied approach, for example
holding an introduction program for high-
performing organizational managers, so that
new students gain an understanding that
organization will not interfere with their
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