material and learning independently without the help
of a facilitator.
Preparation of problem based learning based
learning modules has begun with previous research.
From the results of previous studies it has been
produced problem based learning modules with
content material, language and design that are valid
for use by students in taxation subjects. By
presenting the problem based learning module,
students are expected to be able to solve whatever
problems they face.
a. Learning Module
Modules are a set of teaching materials that are
presented systematically so that users can learn
independently or without a facilitator / teacher.
Thus, a module can be used as teaching material
instead of the teacher's function. The teacher has the
function of explaining material with sound. A
module must be able to explain material with
communicative language for students according to
their level of knowledge and age. Modules are a way
of organizing subject matter that takes into account
the function of education. The strategy of organizing
learning material contains squencing which refers to
the making of the sequence of presentation of
subject matter, and synthesizing which refers to
efforts to show students the relationship between
facts, concepts, procedures and principles contained
in the learning material. To design learning material
capability categories that can be learned by students,
namely verbal information, intellectual skills,
cognitive strategies, attitudes, and motor skills. The
strategy of organizing learning material consists of
three stages of the thinking process, namely the
formation of concepts, interpretation of concepts,
and application of principles (Santyasa: 2009).
According to Sanjaya (2010: 332-333), the
purpose of using modules in the learning process is
as follows; (a) Increasing the effectiveness and
efficiency of achieving educational and teaching
goals, (b) Encouraging students to be more active in
independent learning, (c) So that the learning
process does not rely too much on the teacher,
meaning that there are or not teachers ) Learners can
find out the results of self-learning in an advanced
manner, (e) Learners can know the results of their
own learning on an ongoing basis, and will know
where their own weaknesses are.
According to the Ministry of National Education
(2008b: 3-4) a module can be said to be good and
interesting if there are characteristics as follows; (a)
Self Instructional, that is through the module,
someone or participant learns to be able to teach
themselves, not dependent on other parties, (b) Self
Contained, that is, all learning material from one
competency unit or sub-competency studied is
contained in one module as a whole The aim is to
provide the opportunity for learners to learn the
learning material that is complete, because the
material is packaged into one whole unit, (c) Stand
Alone (stand alone) ie the module developed is not
dependent on other media or does not have to be
used together with other learning media, (d)
Adaptive modules should have high adaptive power
to the development of science and technology, (e)
User Friendly; the module should be friendly with
the wearer. Information that appears is helpful and
friendly to the wearer, including the ease of the user
in responding, accessing as desired. The use of
language that is simple, easy to understand and uses
general terms.
b. Problem Based Learning
The problem based learning (PBL) learning model
known as the problem-based learning model is a
learning model that uses real problems encountered
in the environment as a basis for gaining knowledge
and concepts through critical thinking skills and
solving problems. The application of the PBL model
can help create learning conditions that originally
only transfer information from lecturers to students
to the learning process which emphasizes
constructing knowledge based on understanding and
experience gained both individually and in groups.
The problems raised in PBL are real problems in the
PBL is a learning method that uses problems as a
first step in collecting and integrating new
knowledge. According to Hmelo-Silver & Barrows
in Fakhriyah (2014) states that the problems raised
in PBL learning do not have a single answer,
meaning that students must be involved in
exploration with several solution paths.
Problem Based Learning learning model shapes
students' thinking abilities that are truly optimized
and developed to be able to solve real problems.
Based on Trianto's opinion (2010: 90) said that
"Problem based learning model is a learning model
that is based on the many problems that require
authentic investigation, namely investigation that
requires real solutions to real problems".
Problem Based Learning learning has a purpose
in its application in the learning process. As for
Suyanto and Jihad (2013:154) argues that: Problem-
based learning is designed to (a) help students
develop thinking skills and problem solving skills,
(b) learn the role of adults authentic, and (c)
becoming independent learners. The aim of using
this model is to provide students with the basic