benefits for students because students will learn
more than material only presented in the visual
stimulus or just audio stimulus. The use of the
Picture and Picture model is able to contribute
greatly to the success of the students’ learning.
Picture and Picture learning model are not free
from strengths and weaknesses. Picture and Picture
learning model is an active, innovative, creative, and
fun learning model. However, to choose the right
material used in the Picture and Picture learning
model is quite difficult, and the Picture and Picture
learning model requires adequate facilities.
According to Hosnan (2015: 34), "scientific
approach is a learning process designed in such a
way that students actively construct concepts, laws
or principles through observing stages (to identify or
find problems), formulate problems, propose or
formulate hypotheses, collect data with various
techniques, analyzing data, drawing conclusions and
communicating concepts, laws or principles found ".
Therefore, scientific approach is an approach to
learning that is carried out through various stages in
which it requires high level of reasoning.The criteria
of the scientific approach are said to be a learning
approach because in the scientific approach the
problem presented to students is a problem related to
real life, so that students do not make guesses the
answer to the problem, students are also expected to
be able to think critically, rationally and be able to
account for the conclusions obtained.
Hosnan (2015: 37) states that "the scientific
approach in learning has steps, namely: 1).
Observing, 2). Questioning, 3). Reasoning, 4).
Trying, 5). Establishing networks for all subjects.
The conventional method or the lecture method
is also called traditional learning methods because
this method has always been used by the teacher as a
learning method in the teaching and learning
process. According to Hamruni (in Supriyono, 2013:
475), "the conventional approach is the approach
applied by the teacher to the new students to the
extent of providing knowledge or skills to the extent
of knowing, not to putting the values of social and
humanity insight and practical mastery of life
provision. "
According to Hasyim (2012), "conventional
learning method is a learning method that
emphasizes the process of delivering material
verbally from a teacher to a group of students with
the intention to make the students able to master the
lesson material optimally".
Based on the description above it can be seen
that learning activities are only teacher-centered.
Therefore, the teacher has an important role in the
learning process and students are the passive
followers and recipients of one-direction learning.
The role of teacher in this conventional model is not
only as a good facilitator and mediator, but also
teacher has the learning authority.
Slameto (2010), "learning is an effort process
carried out by individuals to obtain a new behavior
change as a whole, as a result of the individual's own
experience in the individual' sinteraction and
Slameto (2010) "learning outcomes are the value
of the overall activities of measurement, processing,
interpretation, and consideration to make decisions
about the level of understanding of students after
conducting learning activities in an effort to achieve
the learning objectives that have been set. The
learning outcomes illustrate the progress, failure,
and determine the type and level of difficulty of each
student and the factors that cause difficulties when
learning, if the learning is good, the learning
outcomes can be affected." It can be concluded that
learning outcomes are a level of mastery of students
towards the lessons obtained by means of effort and
tenacity both individually and in groups that are
shown by the increase of the obtained value
The population in this research is all the students of
class X Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam of
2014/2015 academic year with the 280 students in
Sampling in this study was carried out in two
stages. In the first stage of class sampling, two
classes were taken from eight classes with cluster
sampling technique. In the second stage the
sampling for students from 73 students was taken by
simple random sampling as many as 60 people (each
class of 30 people), this was done to maintain the
loss of samples.
Data analysis method in this study used
Descriptive Analysis Method, Normality Test,
Homogeneity Test, And Hypothesis Test.
Descriptive analysis was used to determine the true
state of the Picture and Picture learning model with
scientific approach to economy learning outcomes.
Normality test was used to find out whether the
sample taken comes from a population that is
normally distributed or not. The homogeneity test
aimed to find out whether the data has a
homogeneous variance or not. Testing the
hypothesis to determine the effect of economic
learning outcomes taught by the Picture and Picture
learning model with a scientific approach is
significantly higher than the economic learning
outcomes that weretaught by conventional methods.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science