The Effect of Learning Model and Learning Independence on the
Economic Learning Outcomes of the 11
Grade Students of SMA
Bhayangkari 2 Rantauprapat
Swara Kasih Kartini Putri
, Nurul Shadrina Bintang
,Ummi Chairani
, Opy Triansyah
and Eduward Situmorang
Economics Education, Faculty of Postgraduated, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan - Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Learning Model, Learning Independence.
Abstract: This research was aimed to knowing: (1) whether the students’ economic learning outcomes who are taught
using the ARIAS learning model are higher than students are taught using conventional learning models; (2)
whether the students’ economic learning outcomes that have higher independence to learn than students
who have lower learning independence; (3) the interaction between learning model and the learning
independence of economic learning outcomes. The population of this research is all the 11th grade students
of SMA Bhayangkari 2 Rantauprapat. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. The
research methods used is quasi experimental method with 2x2 factorial research design, while the data
analysis techniques use two-way Anova. The results obtained: (1) the average of students’ economic
learning outcomes who are taught with ARIAS learning model is higher than the average of students’
economic learning results taught by conventional learning model; (2) The average of students’ economic
learning outcomes with higher independence is higher compared to lower learning independence; and (3)
there is an interaction between learning model and learning independence to the economic learning
Education is related to learning and the process of
human learning to continue to develop its potential.
Learning is the process of change that occurs in a
person as a result of his own experience in
interaction with his environment. Learning is the
stages that are done to achieve changes both from
the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.
Learning outcomes are evidence of the achievement
and change of the learning process that students
have undergone which can be seen from the change
in their understanding. Therefore, learning is a
process of change while learning outcomes are proof
of the change.
Sudjana (2005) stated that the main factors that
influence student learning outcomes are divided into
two, which are internal factors and external factors.
Internal factors are factors that come from within
students, especially motivation and interest in
learning that will encourage students to be
independent in learning. External factors are factors
that come from the outside the student, one of them
is the quality of learning. The quality of learning
refers to whether or not the teaching and learning
process is effective in order to achieve learning
Learning independence is one of the factors that
can affect student learning outcomes. Students who
have learning independence are able to analyze
difficult problems, able to work individually or
cooperate with groups, and brave to express ideas.
Success in the process of learning economics is not
only determined by the accuracy of the teacher in
explaining, the independence of students in the
learning process also play a very important role.
One strategic effort that can be done by a teacher
to improve the students' learning outcomes in
economic learning is selecting and using the
appropriate learning model. The appropriate learning
model will help students to achieve high learning
ARIAS learning model is a learning model that
includes five interrelated components and is a unity
Putri, S., Bintang, N., Chairani, U., Triansyah, O. and Situmorang, E.
The Effect of Learning Model and Learning Independence on the Economic Learning Outcomes of the 11th Grade Students of SMA Bhayangkari 2 Rantauprapat.
DOI: 10.5220/0009497001410144
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 141-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that needs to be applied in learning activities. The
five components of the ARIAS learning model are
Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assessment, and
Satisfaction which are compiled based on learning
Based on observations made at Bhayangkari 2
High School 2 students about the economic learning
outcomes of 11th grade students, it was obtained
data that their learning outcomes were not
satisfactory. This was evident from the fact that
there were still many students who do not complete
the daily test because they get scores below the
KKM (Minimum Learning Mastery Standard) set by
the subject of Economics, which is a score of 75.
That of 108 11th grade students, there were 68
students who did not pass daily test with a
percentage of failure in passing the score reached
62.96% and only 40 students who passed the
standard with a percentage of 37.04%.
In the observations made, it was also found that
teachers of Economics still used conventional
learning models in delivering the learning material
so that learning still took place in one direction and
was only centered on the teacher (Teacher
Centered). This has an impact on students who are
passive and less enthusiastic in participating in
learning. In fact, the teacher have mastered the
learning material well but they were not in carrying
out the learning activities correctly. This happens
because the teachers do not choose the learning
model correctly and are monotonous in choosing the
learning model and this makes students tend to get
low learning outcomes.
Observation in class 11 IIS-2 consisted of 36
students showed that there were still many students
with low learning independence. Low learning
independence could be seen from students who were
brave to present in front of the class with only 6
students or 16.67%. Students who were brave to ask
questions or give opinions are only 4 students or
11.11%. Students who were able to work on
individual test questions independently are only 15
people or 41.67%. Students who did homework
assignments are only 25 people or 69.44%.
The aims to be achieved in this study are to find
out: (1) whether the economic learning outcomes of
students taught using the ARIAS learning model are
higher than students taught using conventional
learning models; (2) whether the economic learning
outcomes of students who have high learning
independence are higher than students who have low
learning independence; (3) interaction between
learning models and learning independence on the
economic learning outcomes.
According to Purwanto (2011), learning outcomes
are the achievement of educational goals for students
who follow the teaching and learning process.
Learning outcomes are the realization of the
achievement of educational goals. Therefore, the
learning outcomes measured are very dependent on
the goals of education. Learning outcomes can be
affected by several factors, two of which are student
learning independence and the learning model used
by the teacher.
Ahmadi (2011) states that the learning model is a
pattern or a plan that is used as a guide in planning
classroom learning and tutorial learning and to
determine learning tools. According to Rahman and
Amri (2014), ARIAS learning model is the first
attempt at learning activities to instill a sense of
confidence in students. Learning activities have
relevance to students' lives, trying to attract and
maintain student interest or attention. Then, an
evaluation is held and it grows a sense of pride in
students by providing reinforcement.
According to Tirtarahardja and Sulo (2000),
independence in learning is defined as learning
activities which are driven more by their own will,
their own choices, and their own responsibilities
from learners when taking place. Here,
independence is more about individuals who learn
and their obligations in learning are done on their
own and fully controlled by themselves. The
characteristics of learning independence according
to Laird (in Mujiman, 2011) include learning
activities which are self-directed or independent
from others, able to answer questions during
learning not because of the teacher or other
assistances, more active rather than passive, having
the awareness of what must be done, learning
evaluations are carried out together, learning by
applying, collaborative learning means utilizing
experience and exchanging experiences, problem-
based learning, and always expecting benefits that
can be applied in life.
This research was conducted at SMA Bhayangkari 2
Rantauprapat at Jalan Cik Ditiro Rantauprapat in the
even semester of academic year of 2017/2018. The
population of this research is all 11
grade students
of SMA Bhayangkari 2 Rantauprapat consisted of
nine classes with 108 students in total. The sample
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
in this research consisted of two classes, classes 11-
IIS 1 as the experimental class and class 11-IIS 2 as
control class. Technique used in sample collecting is
cluster random sampling. The method used is quasi-
experimental research with factorial design 2 x 2.
Questionnaire and Test were used for data
collecting. Questionnaire was used to get data about
the independence of the students’ learning and Test
was used to get data about the economic learning
outcomes of the students. The testing of the
instruments of the research used tests of validity,
reliability, difficulty level and discrimination power.
Classic assumption test was done using normality
test with Levene statistic test. The hypothesis test
was done using the analysis of two way ANOVA.
The testing of the first, second and third research
hypothesis were done using the two way ANOVA.
The data used in the hypothesis test are listed in
Table 1 below:
Table 1: Learning Outcomes Data for Hypothesis Test.
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: LearningOutcomes
Source: Data Processing using SPSS 20.
The hypothesis test on analysis of two way
varince, the criteria to reject or accept H
are based
on the Significance (abbreviated as Sig.). If the Sig.
value α 0.05, then H
is rejected, If the Sig. value
> α 0.05, then H
is accepted. Below are the data of
analysis of calculation result of two way ANOVA in
Table 2.
Table 2: Calculation of Two Way ANOVA.
Source: Data Processing using SPSS 20.
Based on table 2 it can be seen that the R
Squared value of 0.791 can mean that the learning
model and learning independence variables explain
learning outcomes by 79.10%.
The testing of the first hypothesis: the economic
learning outcomes of students taught by using
ARIAS learning model were higher than the
economic learning outcomes of students taught by
using conventional learning model. The statistic of
the hypothesis is:
: µA
= µA
: µA
> µA
Based on the two-way ANAVA calculation, the
sig. value was obtained. 0.00 0.05 so testing the
hypothesis rejected H
. Thus, it can be concluded
that the economic learning outcomes of students
taught using ARIAS learning models were higher
than students taught using conventional learning
models could be accepted and tested empirically. It
is also seen from the average economic learning
outcomes of students taught by the ARIAS learning
model (X
= 81.25) were higher than the economic
learning outcomes taught by conventional learning
models (X
= 65.00).
The testing of the second hypothesis: the
economic learning outcomes of students who had
higher learning independence was higher that those
who had low learning independence. The statistic of
the hypothesis is:
: µB
= µB
: µB
> µB
Based on the two-way ANAVA calculation, the
sig value is obtained. 0.00 <α 0.05 so testing the
hypothesis rejected H
. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the economic learning outcomes of
students who had higher learning independence were
higher than students who had low learning
independence could be accepted and tested
empirically. It is also seen from the average
economic learning outcomes of students who had
high learning independence (X
= 80,24) were higher
The Effect of Learning Model and Learning Independence on the Economic Learning Outcomes of the 11th Grade Students of SMA
Bhayangkari 2 Rantauprapat
than the economic learning outcomes of students
who had low learning independence (X
= 63,71).
The testing of the second hypothesis: there was
an interaction between learning model and learning
independence toward the economic learning result.
The statistic of the hypothesis is:
: µA
>< µB = 0
: µA
>/< µB = 0
Based on the two-way ANAVA calculation, the
sig value was obtained. 0.04 0.05 so testing the
hypothesis rejected H
. Thus it can be concluded that
there was an interaction between the learning model
and the independence of learning on economic
learning outcomes can be accepted and tested
In the first hypothesis test, it was obtained that sig.
value was 0.00 0.05. This showed that the
economic learning outcomes of students taught
using ARIAS learning models were higher than
students taught using conventional learning models.
The results of this research support the research
conducted by Praptinasari et al. (2012) who studied
the effect of the application of ARIAS learning
model on the biology learning outcomes of 11
science students of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta. The
results showed that there were significant
differences between the application of the ARIAS
learning model and conventional learning models of
the learning outcomes of biology of the 11
students of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta
For the results of the second hypothesis, it was
optained that the sig. value was 0,00 < α 0,05. This
showed the economic learning outcomes of students
who had high learning independence were higher
than students who had low learning independence.
The results of this study support the research
conducted by al. (2014) who studied the
effect of learning independence on the learning
outcomes of economic subject in a senior high
school. The results showed that learning
independence had an influence on student learning
outcomes in economic subjects of tenth grade class
in SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Kunyit.
In the third hypothesis test, it was obtained that
sig. value 0.04 0.05. This showed that there were
interactions between learning models and learning
independence on economic learning outcomes. The
results of this study support the research conducted
by Ansori and Munoto (2015) who studied the effect
of direct learning models and ETH-type cooperative
learning models as well as learning independence on
student learning outcomes in basic subjects and
electrical measurements. The results showed that
there were interactions between learning models and
learning independence on learning outcomes in the
cognitive and psychomotor domains.
Based on the results of the research and discussion
that have been described, the conclusions can be
drawn as follow:
1. The average economic learning outcomes of
students taught by the ARIAS learning model
were higher than the average economic learning
outcomes of students taught by conventional
learning models.
2. The average economic learning outcomes of
students with higher learning independence are
higher than low learning independence.
3. There was an interaction between the learning
model and learning independence on the
economic learning outcomes.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science