Business and Finance. Based on the age of
Bengawan Solo SL students entering the pre-aqil
baligh training phase, namely the preparation stage
to build their ability to carry the burden of sharia
when baligh arrives, business and financial programs
are carried out to be able to prepare students'
independence in terms of livelihood and knowledge
about zakat and other social responsibilities.
3.2 Business Program
General business programs are carried out in natural
schools in Indonesia. However, each natural school
has its own characteristics. Ar-Ridho Nature-Based
Junior High School, for example, has a business
program in the form of small enterprises in
agriculture and fisheries such as mushroom
cultivation, fish and others. Bengawan Solo Junior
High School conducts business programs as a way to
develop student entrepreneurial competencies
through 2 types of businesses, namely personal and
communal business.
Personal business is carried out by students
according to the nature of their talents. According to
the head of the Bengawan Solo Junior High School,
students develop their businesses according to their
talents, both in the form of talent and field talents.
Talent traits are related to the nature of the child
which encourages him to see a phenomenon such as
personalizing and profiling against other people who
are encountered or invited to interact, while talent in
the field is related to the type of work which the
child tends to like cooking, farming and so on.
Personal business is done not limited to the activities
of processing something and then marketing it, but
also related to how students place themselves as
resources that can make money.
Capital to run personal business was obtained
from private parents, cash from Bengawan Solo
Junior High School and from community. Personal
business capital that comes from external students is
a consequence in the form of sharing the results of
the business that he does. If the capital comes from
parents, the profit sharing is adjusted according to
the agreement of each child with his parents.
However, if the capital comes from cash or
community, students are required to return the
amount of money he borrowed, but it is
recommended to take advantage of the results of the
effort he made with the capital.
Meanwhile, communal business is a business
program managed jointly by Bengawan Solo Junior
High School’s students. The program that has been
running is "Cafe 1720". This is a business in the
form of a cafe that is operated in certain weeks
according to the project planned in the timeline. The
cafe is held a full day which includes preparation
(setting places, menus and so on) before 5.00 p.m.
(17.00 Time of West Indonesia) and the execution at
5.00 p.m. (17.00 Time of West Indonesia) until 8.00
p.m. (20.00 Time of West Indonesia). The capital to
run this communal business is obtained from
community money so that the management of the
results is carried out jointly.
3.3 Financial Reports
To support the running of business programs, both
personal and communal, Bengawan Solo Junior
High School includes business and financial
activities on the student timeline at points (8) (as
described in the previous section). The financial
statements made are students' personal financial
statements for a week. Reporting is done every
The process of financial education through
financial statements begins with the preparation of
financial proposals by students submitted to their
parents. Previously, it was easy with parents to agree
on what needs could be financed and subsidized by
parents. If in the proposed poposal there is an
inappropriate budget, then the student will evaluate
and correct it. If the proposal is approved, the
student obtains an allowance according to the
proposed plan and must compile a simple financial
report recorded in each of his books. This is in
accordance with the narrative of the Headmaster of
Bengawan Solo Junior High School:
"The principle is like this with his parents. Most
of them are still subsidized with parents. If we talk
about business it is not possible (it can work well) if
the child has not been able to manage their money.
So, starting the first year yesterday, we request it
with parents (related to this financial report) weekly
proposal. From there, put it in the financial report. "
Money managed by students is standard money
for students' daily needs. This financial management
does not include other consumptive needs such as
credit, quota and so on, or financing of Rich Insight
activities, such as monthly roaming or project back-
packing. This is in accordance with the Headmaster
of Bengawan Solo Junior High School statement:
"For quota and credit, we don't allow parents to
give, so children are trained to make their own
money to pay for this need."
In planned and reported financial management,
students not only include income receipts from
parents and expenditures for consumption only, but
also include revenue posts from other sources, such
as personal business results and debt, as well as
other expenditure items such as giving accounts to
peers .
3.4 Discussion
Understanding the concept of managing finances is
the essence of financial education. Financial