There is an anomaly in Indonesia, whereas the
amount of collecting of fund from cash waqf program
is lower than its potential. Although, the
empowerment of cash waqf in Indonesia has been
formally formalized by very progressive legislation in
regulating fiqh law, namely Law No.41 of 2004
concerning waqf and Government Regulation No.42
of 2006 concerning implementation guidelines (O. S.
Arif, 2010). And legally, there are some of official
waqf institutions in Indonesia, namely Islamic
Financial Institutions (LKS) which have been pointed
by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of
Indonesia. Every of cash waqf that given by someone
can be proven by giving a certificate by the legal
institution (M. N. R. Al Arif, 2012).
Meanwhile, the cash waqf collection in Indonesia
is still not optimal yet, even though the distribution of
cash waqf has been implemented. It is caused by the
community intention of waqf so could not empower
yet. The low accumulation of cash waqf funds
illustrates that people's intention or desire to pay cash
waqf is still low. From the data of the Indonesian
Waqf Agency (Badan Wakaf Indonesia/BWI) in
2017, the amount of cash waqf that succeeded to be
collected was around 199 billion rupiahs. In which, it
was very far from what BWI's predicted, which states
that the potential of cash waqf in Indonesia able to
reach 120 trillion rupiahs. This amount of money
shows that public intention in making cash waqf was
and still very low (Nuraini, Takidah, & Fauzi, 2018).
On the other hand, there was a lack of
understanding of cash waqf in Indonesia. This is can
be seen from the trend of most of Indonesia people
know about waqf only as limited to immovable
property (Medias, 2009). In most cases, waqf in
Indonesia is used for worship purposes such as the
construction of mosques, prayer rooms, Islamic
boarding schools, cemeteries, orphanages and so on.
So that this does not have a significant impact on
Indonesia's economic growth (Putri, 2015).
Therefore, people's understanding of cash waqf must
be improved and socialized. To overcome this
problem, BWI has various programs to socialize cash
waqf to the community, such as BWI goes to campus
and BWI goes to community or other society
(Haliding, 2018).
Basically, in the implementation of productive
waqf can be divided into two dimensions, namely the
economic dimension as described previously and the
religious dimension. Where religious dimensions
have the meaning that, waqf carried out by a Muslim
is a God’s command that needs to be done by every
Muslim. This is a form of obedience of a Muslim to
his God. So that from the waqf activity will get a
reward from Allah SWT for carrying out and obeying
His commands. This dimension of religion, shows a
vertical relationship between mankind and its creator
commonly known as hablun-minannas (Kurniawan,
n.d.). Waqf is valued not only as ordinary charity, but
a religious activity that can provide greater rewards
for benefits, especially for beneficiaries. Because the
rewards of endowments continue to flow as long as
the assets represented can still be used continuously.
Waqf management can be managed by male or
female. In addition, the role of Muslim women is
considered to have more high potential in developed
and empowered waqf, especially cash waqf.
Throughout Islamic history, women have a large
contribution in the field of waqf (Ak, 2017). Recorded
in Islamic history in the Mamluk era, 30 percent of
the waqf administrators or Nazir were women. Based
on the population growth projection of the National
Development Planning Agency (BPPN), the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS), and the United Nations
Population Fund noted that in 2018 Indonesia's
population reached 265 million, in which 131.88
million of those numbers were women. So, women
have a huge potential in doing waqf.
Based on the previous explanation, the research
related to the intention to pay on cash waqf in
Indonesia and what factors influence it is very
attractive for research. So, it is expected from this
research can show the main factors that can influence
the interest of the Indonesian people in making cash
waqf. It is intended that the cash waqf in Indonesia
can be maximally realized, realizing the huge
potential of cash waqf in Indonesia.
In general, in terminology shara’ waqf is a type of gift
which is carried out by holding (ownership) of origin
(tahbis al asli), then making the benefits for the
public. What is meant by the tahbis al asli, is holding
things that have been waqf so that they are not
inherited, sold, donated, mortgaged, rented or the like
(M. N. R. Al Arif, 2012). In addition, other meanings
of waqf are as one of the Islamic policies in the form
of property that is given benefits to others. The Qur'an
said waqf as al-habs, interpreted as personal property
given for the public interest. The essence of waqf is a
form of permanent goods in Islamic teachings as
Amal jariyah (continuous) and as one of shadaqah
jariyah (Kencana, 2015).
Whereas according to Law No. 41 of 2004, waqf
is a legal act of wakif to separate and/or give a portion
of his property to be used forever or for a certain
period of time in accordance with his interests for the
purposes of worship and/or general welfare according
to Islamic law. The introduction of cash waqf on May
11, 2002, by the MUI fatwa. In the fatwa explained