with Daniah's research which states that learning
outcomes are higher with the use of contextual
rather than expository strategies (Daniah. 2010).
To obtain stages of learning activities that are
empowered and effective, the teacher must be able
to determine what teaching and learning strategies
are used (Lubis, 2015). This means that the
creativity and skill of the teacher are needed in
determining the learning strategy based on the
students' character and the situation in which they
are facing.
Concerning this statement, in the teaching and
learning process, an educator will be faced with
many situations, one of which is the readiness of
students. This is inseparable from the nature of
students/personality given that one of the factors that
influence student learning readiness is personality.
In essence, there are 2 types of personality namely
extrovert and introvert. Students who have
extroverted personalities tend to be very enthusiastic
in starting lessons because they are basically very
fond of collaboration and tend to be active, so active
learning strategies are very appropriate to use in
their classrooms. While introverted individuals are
the opposite, they tend to be passive and do not like
working together. So that passive learning strategies
are appropriate for students who have this type of
2.1 Learning Strategies
Learning and teaching are processes that contain
three elements, namely teaching (instructional),
experience (process), and learning outcomes.
(Sudjana, 2014). Learning is an ongoing process,
which never stops and is not limited to the classroom
walls. This is based on the assumption that all
human life will always face problems or goals they
want to achieve. In the process of achieving that
goal, humans will be faced with various obstacles.
Learning can also be interpreted as a process of the
occurrence of relatively permanent changes resulting
from experience in the form of training or
interaction with the environment. The results of
economic learning can be interpreted as the results
achieved by students in the form of changes in the
mastery of knowledge and skills in learning about
human behavior in meeting their diverse needs with
limited resources through the choice of activities of
production, consumption, and/or distribution (Rondi,
Then it can be concluded that economic learning
outcomes are behavioral changes such as memory,
understanding, application, analysis, evaluation, and
creativity that students have after experiencing an
economic learning process within a specified period
based on instructional objectives.
Strategy as an arrangement, approach, or rules to
achieve a goal by using energy, time, and
convenience optimally. (Hamdani, 2011). Now the
term strategy is widely used in various fields of
activity that aim to obtain success or success in
achieving goals. For example, a manager or
company leader who wants big profits and success
will implement a strategy to achieve that goal, a
basketball team coach will determine the strategy
that is considered appropriate to win a match.
Likewise, a teacher who expects good results in the
learning process will also apply a strategy so that the
learning outcomes of students get the best results.
Learning strategy is a learning activity that must
be done by teachers and students so that learning
objectives can be achieved effective and efficient
simultaneously. (Istarani, 2012).
Menurut Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
(2003:5) menyatakan:Pendekatan kontekstual
(Contextual Teaching and Learning/CTL) adalah
konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengaitkan
antara materi yang diajarkannya dengan situasi
dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat
hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya
dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan mereka
sehari-hari, dengan melibatkan tujuh komponen
utama pembelajaran efektif, yakni: konstruktivisme
(Constructivism), bertanya (Questioning),
menemukan (Inquiri), masyarakat belajar (Learning
Community), pemodelan (Modelling), refleksi
(Reflection), dan penilaian sebenarnya (Authentic
The expository learning strategy is a learning
strategy that emphasizes the process of delivering
material verbally from a teacher to a group of
students with the intention that students can master
the material optimally. (Sanjaya, 2005). Roy Killen
named this expository strategy as a direct learning
strategy because in this strategy learning material
was delivered directly by the teacher, students were
not required to find the material (Sanjaya, 2009).
Basically, expository learning is the same as
learning that occurs by learning to accept (Ausubel
and Anwar, 2006) "This strategy emphasizes the
speaking process, the subject matter is deliberately
given directly. The role of students in this strategy is
to listen and master the material presented by the
teacher. This learning strategy emphasizes the