The Effect of Parents’ Socio-economic Status and Learning
Environments on Student Achievements
Herna Valentina Sitorus
, Samuel B. T. Simorangkir
, Khoirul Pahmi
and Juliani
Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan –Indonesia
Universitas Nommensen HKBP, Medan –Indonesia
Keywords: Parents’ Socio-Economic Status, Learning Environment, Learning Achievement
Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of parents' socio-economic status and learning environment on
student achievements. This research was carried out in the Business Education Study Program of Economics
Faculty, State University of Medan. This type of research was exposited facto with the sampling technique
using random sampling technique or randomly from 103 students who were sampled, there’re 52 students.
Data collection instruments in this research were observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The
results of multiple linear regression calculations are Y = 2.731 + 0.119X1 + 0.104X2. The results of it
indicate that the hypothesis is accepted that there is a positive and significant influence on parents’ socio-
economic status and the learning environment on student achievement.
Education is one of the fields of development that is
prioritized for its implementation as an effort to
achieve one of the national goals, namely to educate
the nation’s life. Through education, there will be
changed in one's behavior, from those who did not
know before knowing and understanding something.
According to Act No.20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System That "education is a
conscious and planned effort to realize a learning
atmosphere and learning process so that students
actively develop their potential to have spiritual,
religious, self-control, personality, intelligence,
Noble character, as well as the skills needed by him,
society, nation and state.
Based on this understanding above, formal
education is very important for everyone so that
individuals can develop their potential and will be
useful for themselves, society, nation and country.
The strategic position in the field of education in the
development of the nation must always be sought to
improve the quality and quantity by existing
educational institutions.
Higher education as one of the institutions that
has the task and function to strive for, enhance and
foster the potential of the students in order to have a
quality in the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed
in the life of society, nation and state. One measure
of educational success is academic achievement of
students. Students in this case are students who are
still in transition and adjustment. Adolescents
generally can’t be separated from problems that can
affect their academic performance.
According to Syah (2010) that achievement is
the level of success of students achieving the goals
set in a program. Achievement is a person's real
ability as a result of doing a certain activity that can
be measured.
Table 1: Learning Achievement Students of
Business Education Study Program Alumni 2016
No GPA The Total of
2,01-3,00 25 24%
3,01-3,24 27 26%
3,25-3,49 39 38%
3,50-3,74 10 10%
3,75-4,00 2 2%
Total 103 100%
(Source : List of Semester Grades 1V 2017/2018)
From the achievement index table above, it can
be seen that only 12% of students who have an
achievement index from 3.50 and above.
Good education is certainly influenced by many
factors. According to Slameto (2010) there are 2
Sitorus, H., Simorangkir, S., Pahmi, K. and Juliani, .
The Effect of Parents’ Socio-economic Status and Learning Environments on Student Achievements.
DOI: 10.5220/0009497801650170
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 165-170
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
factors that influence learning achievement, namely
internal and external factors. Internal factors include
the level of ability, motivation, talent, and also
interest, while external factors such as family
circumstances, parents' socio-economic status, and
learning environment.
Today, especially in Indonesia, there are many
parents who can’t afford to meet their children's
expensive educational needs. In the family, parents
have very heavy duties and obligations, especially in
fulfilling all the needs of the child, both daily needs
and needs in children's education.
Slameto (2010) states that the family's economic
condition is closely related to children's learning.
Children who are learning other than having to
fulfill their basic needs, such as food, clothing,
protection, health, etc., also need learning facilities
such as study rooms, tables, chairs, lighting,
stationery, books, and others.
In reality in real life many parents who have low
socio-economic status find it difficult to meet their
children's educational needs. With this situation, it
will be difficult for the them to obtain information
from outside because they are not supported by the
facilities. They are also not supported by enough
money to buy books.
Most of the students with families’ low
socioeconomic status backgrounds besides learning,
they also try to find a side job to get additional fees
from parents.
In addition to the parents’ socio-economic status,
one that supports learning achievement is the
learning environment. Students who have high
knowledge but the location of learning is in the
midst of an unfavorable community environment,
the environment will have an unfavorable impact on
students learning achievement. Instead a pleasant
learning environment, not threatening, encouraging,
and optimism for students in learning, tends to
encourage someone to learn.
According to Slameto (2010) that the learning
environment should be calm, do not be disturbed by
the surroundings from around. For learning, mind
concentration is needed.
Based on the observations which is made by
researchers on 2016 in Business Education Study
Program of the students on February 15, 2018, they
had not only experienced problems in the campus
environment, but there were also students who
experienced problems in the family environment and
the community.
Tabel 2: Parents’ (Father) Education Level of
Business Education Students Alumni 2016
No Education Level %
Graduated from 17%
Graduated from Senior
High School
Graduated from Junior
High School
Graduated from
Primary School
Total 100%
(Source: Data of business Education Students on
Tabel 3: Parents’ (Mother) Education Level of
Business Education Students Alumni 2016
No Education Level %
Graduated from
Graduated from Senior
High School
Graduated from Junior
High School
Graduated from Primary
Total 100%
Tabel 4: Parents’ Income Presentation The Students
of Business Education Study Program 2016
Class >Rp3.000.0
= Rp
= Rp
– Rp
A Reguler 20% 40% 40%
B Reguler 13% 46% 41%
C Ekstensi 62% 21% 17%
(Source: Data of business Education Students on
Based on the table data above, it can be seen that
the conditions of socio-economic status of various
students’ parents. The parents' economic income has
an effect on the ability to finance their children's
education and complete their learning needs. So that
the situation can be said as one of the factors
influencing the socio-economic status of learning
Every student in principle has the right to get
opportunities in achieving satisfactory achievements
in various fields, especially in education field. But in
reality it seems clear that students have differences
in intellectual abilities, physical abilities, learning
approaches and most importantly the family's
economic background which is sometimes very
striking between one of students with other students
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
which has an impact on students learning
In fact, seeing these two factors, there are still
many parents who pay less attention to their
children's education, where parents socio-economic
status and parents' income affect student
achievement and learning environment that are less
supportive so that students themselves are less eager
in learning.
Parents’ Socio-Economic Status
According to Soekanto (2003: 53) Socio-economic
status is a condition or socially regulated position in
a particular position in the structure of society, the
provision of this position is accompanied by a set of
rights and obligations that are only fulfilled by the
bearer of status, namely: education, employment,
income and dependents of parents.
The economic condition of parents in daily life
depends on two interrelated things, namely the
existence of unlimited family needs, both in quantity
and quality, and the number of resources available to
fulfilled these needs is limited above.
From the definition above, it can be emphasized
that social status is the position of someone who
influences that person in a different group between
individuals and positions, having an order that is not
separated. Whereas socio-economic status is more
directed at the income a person has. The socio-
economic status of parents determines the level of
experience in a person's life.
According to Iman (2013) states that socio-
economic status or socio economic status is a socio-
economic ranking or stratification of society that is
compiled based on independent agency research.
Based on some of the meanings above, it can be
concluded that the notion of parents' socio-economic
status is an economic condition which is reflected in
the extent to which activities or businesses are
carried out by the family in the community to fulfill
their needs.
The Indicators used in measuring socio-
economic status include parents' education, parents'
work and parents' income, number of dependents
and type of residence.
1. Education Level
According to Amrizal (2013) in the Constitution of
the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 CHAPTER 1
Article 1 paragraph 1 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System states: Education is a
conscious and planned effort to realize a learning
atmosphere and learning process so that students
actively develop their potential to have spiritual
spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, morals noble, as well as the skills
needed by him, society, nation and state.
2. Work
Work is one of the activities that can be earned to
make money or reward. The work is not just done,
but also requires expertise and responsibility for
what is done.
3. Revenue
Revenue is the whole result of the work of the head
of the family and other family members which is
realized in the form of money and goods.
4. Number of Parents' Dependents
The number of dependents of parents will affect the
socioeconomic status of parents. Dependents are
family members who are not productive yet. The
more dependents in a family, the higher the cost of
family needs. Conversely if the family dependents
are few, the costs for living needs will also be
smaller. Thus parents can set aside income for
children's education costs.
5. Type of Residence
The atmosphere of a comfortable, clean home, and
accompanied by adequate facilities will provide
comfort to family members at home. This can be
found in families with sufficient economic
conditions and able to fulfilled basic needs,
secondary needs, and other needs. On the other
hand, in families with low economic conditions in
fulfilling the need for facilities, they are not fulfilled.
Learning Environment
According to Nasution, the learning environment is
the natural environment and social environment.
Natural environment such as temperature, humidity,
while the social environment can be human.
Muhammad Saroni explained that the learning
environment is everything related to the place where
the learning process is carried out. This environment
includes two main things, namely the physical
environment and social environment, both aspects of
the environment in the learning process must be
mutually supportive, so that students feel at home in
school and want to follow the learning process
consciously and not because of pressure or
From some of these definitions, it can be
concluded that the learning environment is
everything that includes and comes from outside and
from within students who can support learning
activities, so that the learning environment can be
created in such a way as to be able to facilitate
students to carry out learning activities.
The Effect of Parents’ Socio-economic Status and Learning Environments on Student Achievements
Learning achievement
According to Hamdani (in Istirani, 2017) it’s that:
"Achievement is the result of an activity that has
been done, created, both individually and in groups.
Achievements will never be produced as long as
someone does not carry out activities. "
According to Syah (2010) it’s that:
"Achievement is the level of success of students
achieving the goals set in a program. Achievement is
a person's real ability as a result of doing a particular
activity that can be measured by the results ".
From the description above can be taken the
notion that learning achievement is a result of
measurement and assessment of a learning or
experience includes the changing in behavior or
ability in a particular field in achieving a level of
maturity that can be directly measured by the test.
This assessment can be in the form of numbers or
letters. Learning achievement in this research is a list
of student grades in one semester.
The hypothesis of this research is that there is a
positive and significant influence between the socio-
economic status of parents and the learning
environment on the learning achievement of the
students of Business Education Study Program 2016
of Economics Faculty at State University of Medan.
This research was conducted at Economics Faculty,
State University of Medan. The population is in this
research were all business education students 2016
at State University of Medan which are totaling 103
students. Based on these provisions, the sample in
this research was determined as many as 52 students.
Instrument test uses questionnaire validity and
reliability. Data analysis technique in this research
uses multiple regression analysis, partial hypothesis
test (t test), simultaneous hypothesis test (f test) and
determination coefficient (R2).
Based on the table of calculation of hypotheses
partially shows that:
Table 5: t test
d Coefficients
ients T Sig.
Error Beta
2,731 ,182
,119 ,041 ,361 2,875 ,
,104 ,043 ,304 2,418 ,
a. Dependent Variable: Learning Achievement
Based on the results obtained above, it is known that
the tcount variable of the parent's socio-economic
status (X1) is 2.875 with a significant value of 0.006
while the value of ttable with the degree of freedom
(df) = N-K (52-2) = 50 is 2,009. Thus, the first
hypothesis is accepted which means there is a
positive and significant influence between parents'
socioeconomic status (X1) on the learning
achievement (Y) of the students of Business
Education Economics Faculty at State University of
Medan 2016 .
For learning environment variables (X2)
obtained tcount of 2.418 with a significant value of
0.019. While the value of t table is 2.009. Then from
these results we can see that the tcount> ttable
(2.418> 2.009) with a significance value is smaller
than the significance level of 0.05 (0.019 <0.05).
Thus, the first hypothesis is accepted which
means that there is a positive and significant
influence between the parents’ socioeconomic status
(X1) on the learning achievement (Y) of the students
of Business Education Study Program of Economics
Faculty at State University of Medan
Table 6: Hypothesis Test Simultaneously (F Test)
Sum of
Squares Df
Square F
,211 2 ,106 7,154
,723 49 ,015
Total ,934 51
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
a. Dependent Variable: Learning Achievement
b. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Environment,
Parents’ Socio-Economic Status
Based on the results obtained above, it is known
that the calculated Fcount is 7.154 with a
significance value of 0.05. While the value of Ftable
on the degree of freedom df (NI) is 3.18. It can be
concluded that Fcount> Ftable (7.154> 3.18) and the
significance value are equal to the significance level
α = 0.05 (0.002 <0.05). Thus, the third hypothesis is
accepted which means that there is a positive and
significant influence between the social status of
parents and the learning environment on the learning
achievement of students of Business Education
Study Program of the Economics Faculty 2016 at
State University of Medan
Deternment coefficients will explain how much
change or variation in a variable can be explained by
changes or variations in other variables. Deternment
calculations are used to determine the percentage of
the contribution of independent variables (X1 and
X2) together to the dependent variable (Y). To
calculate the value of deternment coefficients in this
study was carried out using SPSS Version 24, as
presented in the table below:
Table 7: Determination Coefficient Test
Model Summary
Model R
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
1 ,475
,226 ,194 ,12146
a. Predictors: (Constant), Learning
Environment, Parents’ Socio-Economic Status
From the table above, obtained by the value of the
determination coefficient (R squere) of 0.226 or in
other words the value of the determination
coefficient is 0.226 X 100% = 22.6%. From these
data we can draw the conclusion that in this study
the variable of the parents socio-economic status
(X1) and learning environment (X2) contributed
22.6% to the learning achievement (Y) and the
remaining 77.4% was contributed by other factors
outside this research.
The variable of parents’ socio-economic status (X1)
is 2.875 with a significant value of 0.006 while the
value of ttable with degrees of freedom (df) = N-K
(52 - 2) = 50 is equal to 2,009. Then from these
results we can see that the value of tcount> ttable
(2.875> 2.009) with a significance value greater than
the level of α = 0.05 (0.006 <0.05). Thus, the first
hypothesis is accepted which means that there is a
positive and significant influence between the
socioeconomic status of parents (X1) on the learning
achievement (Y) of the 2016 Faculty of Economics
Unimed Business Education students.
Learning Environment Variable (X2) is obtained
by tcount of 2.418 with a significant value of 0.019.
While the value of ttable is 2.009. Then from these
results we can see that the tcount> t table (2.418>
2.009) with a significance value smaller than the
significance level of 0.05 (0.019 <0.05). Thus, the
first hypothesis is accepted which means that there is
a positive and significant influence between the
socioeconomic status of parents (X1) on the learning
achievement (Y) of the students of Business
Education Study Program of Economics Faculty at
State University of Medan 2016.
From the research results obtained by the
coefficient of determination (R squere) of 0.226 or
in other words the value of the determination
coefficient is equal to 0.226 X 100% = 22.6%. From
these data we can draw the conclusion that in this
study the variable socioeconomic status of parents
(X1) and learning environment (X2) contributed
22.6% to the learning achievement (Y) and the
remaining 77.4% was contributed by other factors
outside this study.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science