In the teaching and learning process, a teacher must
certainly have the competence in teaching and
teaching students. Teachers as educators are the
most social and interact with students compared to
others in school. A teacher must be professional in
carrying out his duties, the teacher can make
teaching a task that must be carried out by giving
birth to intelligent students and able to get along
with the world of work when they graduate from
school. Teachers must be able to plan and carry out
the learning process, assess learning outcomes,
conduct training guidance, conduct research and
communicate with the community.
In Vocational Schools (SMK), especially the
subjects of entrepreneurship are important subjects
in the marketing department. When researcher did
an observation at SMKS Al-Washliyah 3 Medan, the
teachers of entrepreneurship subject still used an
expository learning strategy. The teacher only used
the lecture method, so that the learning system was a
one-way learning system. The teacher explained to
students then the students are given practice
questions and discuss. This is certainly not enough
because it does not generate creativity and
enthusiasm for student learning. This condition will
have an impact on students' learning outcomes.
The same thing was found by researcher when
conducting interviews with some eleventh grade
students, they said that the learning atmosphere was
not interesting. Teachers only depended on the
textbook. This is what makes learning boring and
causes laziness in students which ultimately affects
students' learning outcomes. Circumstances like this
will also affect students' level of understanding as
students will only understand as long as the material
is delivered. After that students will just forget the
material because the concepts embedded in students'
minds are not so strong since when the teaching and
learning process takes place, students do not
participate in learning. Based on this observation,
the research could tell that the learning outcomes of
students in entrepreneurship subjects were still low
which did not meet the Minimum Criteria of
Mastery learning set by the school which is 75.
The low student learning outcomes could be seen
from the achievement of the final results in the daily
tests conducted by the teacher. From 50 students,
there were only 19 people who scored above 75 and
fulfilled the KKM. Meanwhile, 31 people still
scored below 75, which meant they had not met the
From the data above, it can be concluded that the
learning outcomes of entrepreneurship subject of the
eleventh grade students were still low. This can be
seen from the scores of students that were still under
the KKM (Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning).
Based on the results of the conducted interviews at
school for students and teachers, that teachers still
taught students with an expository strategy which is
a type of learning that emphasizes more on speaking
to students. Thus, students easily feel bored during
the teaching and learning process. Therefore,
teachers need to design active and interesting
learning strategies that can encourage students to
participate in learning activities. If the teaching and
learning process is still monotonous, then students
will become bored and less motivated to learn so
that it will have an impact on student learning
outcomes. However, if the teacher designs an
interesting learning strategy, it will certainly
increase students' desire to learn and create creativity
in obtaining good learning outcomes.
Effort that can be done to reduce the monotonous
classroom atmosphere is applying learning
strategies and dividing students into heterogeneous
small groups. Therefore, teaching and learning
activities are more student-centered, while teachers
are only as mentors, motivators, and facilitators in
the classroom. Of the many learning strategies, the
choice of researchers is the Multimedia-assisted
Contextual Teaching and Learning learning (CTL)
From the above explanation, the researcher was
interested to conduct a research entitled: The Effect
of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Strategy with the Assistance of Multimedia on
Students’ Learning Outcomes of Entrepreneur
Subject of Class XI of SMKS Al-Washliyah 3
Medan in the Academic Year of 2018/2019”.
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is learning
taught by linking learning material with something
experienced by students in real-world life, or events
experienced by students in daily life and applied to
classroom learning. In Contextual Teaching and
Learning (CTL) strategy,students are required to
play an active role in learning activities. While
multimedia is defined as a collection of computer-
based media and communication systems that have a
role to build, store, deliver and receive information
in the form of text, graphics, animation, audio, video
and so on. Therefore, the use of media when
teaching is highly recommended with the intention
of strengthening the quality of learning. With this
concept, the learning process takes place naturally in
the form of student work activities and experiences,
not the transfer of knowledge from teacher to
student. So that learning will be more meaningful for
students if students experience or practice their own
what they learn not only knowing it. So learning