conditions will make the lecture process ineffective,
students become passive, they just wait for lecture
material from lecturers with limited lecture material.
Apart from that the problem is also seen when
formative examinations are held, most students are
only able to answer questions at the level of
knowledge (C1), Understanding (C2) and
application (C3) while for questions at the level of
analysis (c4), evaluation (C5) and creation (C6) only
a small number of students are able to answer
The results of previous studies conducted by
Winarno, Sunarno and Sarwanto (2015) show that
through the development of high order thinking
modules, there is a significant difference in
effectiveness. This is shown by the average
achievement of cognitive learning before using
module 67.4 and after using the module 85.3. The
results of this study are in line with the research
conducted by Sabar and Maureen (2013) on the
development of modules to improve high order
thinking skills in the learning strategy course.
83.33% in the posttest process.
One of the abilities that students must possess is
high-level thinking skills. If students do not have
this ability, students cannot link information
between disciplines so they cannot draw conclusions
and take advantage of the information. In the
Research Methodology course, this ability is very
much needed, because students must be able to link
existing learning theories with their application in
making research designs. Modules are needed in
learning because they function as guidelines for
lecturers, student learning guidelines, and guidelines
for evaluating.
The research that will be conducted for one
semester has two important objectives to determine
the design of learning modules based on High Order
Thinking Skill (HOTS) in the Research
Methodology course. Next to develop a module of
research methodology based on High Order
Thinking Skill (HOTS).
Learning with modules is learning that uses
modules. Even simple modules should make written
statements for students that make students learn
about the material and how to test students, Dick &
Carey (in Putri: 2013). This means that each module
contains at least subject matter, practice questions
and ability tests. The ability of students to solve
practice questions and assignments in the course can
illustrate the level of ability of students in the
thinking process. The overall ability of students
means recognizing low order thinking skills and
high order thinking skills.
High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is a thinking
process that does not merely memorize and re-
convey known information. High-level thinking
ability is the ability to connect, manipulate, and
transform knowledge and experience already
possessed to think critically and creatively in an
effort to determine decisions and solve problems in
new situations (Rofiah et al., 2013)
Wardana (2010) further explained "The ability to
think high-level is a thinking process that involves
mental activities in an effort to explore complex,
reflective and creative experiences that are carried
out consciously to achieve goals, namely acquiring
knowledge that includes the level of thinking
analyzing, evaluating and creating. "
To find out someone's high order thinking skills,
indicators that are capable of measuring these
abilities are needed. As previously described,
thinking skills include the levels of C1, C2 and C3
belonging to the Low Order Thinking thinking
aspect, while C4, C5 and C6 belong to the aspects of
High Order Thinking.
Brookhart (in Kurniati, Harimukti and Jamil
(2016) states that the indicators for measuring
analytical skills are focusing on the main ideas,
analyzing the arguments, and comparing and
contrasting.The indicators for measuring evaluation
ability are the ability to take decisions or methods to
be in line with the desired goals. measuring creative
ability is solving problems with more than one
solution, designing a way to solve problems, and
making something new.
Furthermore, Ramli (2015) explained that HOTS
learning tools include: teaching strategies (methods,
models), materials (modules), and assessment
instruments to map students' achievements. The
material is considered as one of the teaching
supporting the most reliable besides pedagogical
skills. Characteristics of material formulation for
training HOTS are contextual material. Real-word
problems, lifting locality, and following the pattern
of scientists.
The module of Research Methodology course
based on High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)
referred to in this study is a series of learning
activities that are arranged systematically to help
students achieve the goals that have been formulated
in the lecture process and help students in
understanding material contextually that can be
measured through indicators ability to analyze,
ability to evaluate and the ability to create ideas or
perspectives on something, design a way to solve
problems and be able to organize parts into new