The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Education by using the Context
of Toba Batak Culture
Sinta Dameria Simanjuntak
and Imelda
Department of Mathematic Education, Catholic University of St,. Thomas, Setia Budi, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Mathematic Education, The Catholic University of St. Thomas, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Realistic Mathematic Education, Learning Effectiveness, Toba Batak Culture
Abstract: Facts and research results show that the 2013 curriculum implementation has not been effective. The
contributing factors are teachers and students. The teacher is not able to manage student-centered learning
because it is used to teacher-centered learning. Students are not able to follow the learning because they are
familiar with teacher-dominated learning. Consequently, learning becomes ineffective. The alternative
solution to the problem is learning realistic mathematics education using context that is close to students.
The context applied is the context of the student's culture, namely the Toba Batak culture. The results of the
study show that students meet the minimum completeness criteria that have been set by the government, the
teacher is able to manage learning well, students gived positive responses to the learning carried out. In
accordance with the indicators of learning effectiveness, it can be concluded that the learning of realistic
mathematics education using the context of the Toba Batak culture is effective.
The government has continuously carried out some
socialization and training on the implementation of
the 2013 curriculum. However, in reality there are
still many educators and students who feel confused
about implementing it in the learning process. Thus,
the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in
schools has become less effective. This is proven
through several research results that refer to the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the 2013
curriculum implementation.
The studies conducted on the measurement of the
effectiveness of the implementation of the 2013
Curriculum generally reveal that the implementation
of the 2013 curriculum is less effective. Riptiani
Manik, et al who conducted the research in 2015
revealed that the implementation of 2013 curriculum
was less effective in terms of input aspects, the
implementation of 2013 curriculum was less
effective in terms of product aspects and concluded
that public elementary schools in rural areas of
Badung regency were less effective in implementing
2013 curriculum. Next, research conducted by Ni
Luh Karnita Dewi, et al in 2015 reported that the
implementation of the 2013 Curriculum on state
elementary schools in the outskirts of Badung
Regency was less effective.
Basically, the lack of effectiveness of the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum began with
educators. This is in line with the results of research
revealed by I Nyoman Ruja and Sukamto in 2015
which revealed that teachers experienced problems
in implementing the 2013 Curriculum. The problem
faced by teachers in the implementation of the 2013
National Curriculum was that teachers in the field
were not ready and teachers were still having
difficulties in making lesson plans despite the
teacher's syllabus and books.
The same research on the difficulties of teachers
in implementing the 2013 Curriculum was also
revealed by research carried out by Ayuk
Kusumastuti, Sudiyanto and Dini Octoria in 2016.
The study revealed that teachers experienced several
obstacles in implementing the 2013 Curriculum. The
results showed that teachers had difficulties in three
aspects of learning. These three aspects are learning
planning, learning implementation, and learning
Simanjuntak, S. and Imelda, .
The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Education by using the Context of Toba Batak Culture.
DOI: 10.5220/0009498503730380
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 373-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Other studies revealed that there were some
obstacles experienced by teachers in the
implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. The
research was research conducted by Heri Retnawati
in 2015. The study produced 4 research results. The
results of the first study revealed that training and
socialization had not been able to provide a good
and thorough understanding of the 2013 Curriculum.
The results of the second study revealed that
teachers had difficulty managing time in planning
learning, planning learning, planning attitude
assessments, and sorting knowledge and skills in the
preparation of assessment instruments. The results of
the third study revealed that time in the
implementation of learning, difficulties related to
learning devices, and difficulty activating students.
The results of the latest research revealed that the
assessment system in 2013 Curriculum was
complicated and needed a long time to compile
The difficulties faced by teachers in
implementing the 2013 curriculum have a significant
impact on students. As a result of the teacher's
inability, students become difficult to learn. Students
are as if placed on a ship without a skipper. Students
become confused and student learning activities
become passive.
Based on the problems that arise in the
implementation of the 2013 Curriculum, researchers
are interested in developing effective learning in
accordance with the demands of the 2013
curriculum. The development of learning carried out
will be a solution or answer to the confusion of
educators in designing learning in accordance with
the demands of the 2013 Curriculum. The
development of learning produced is also expected
to be a model or reference for educators in designing
learning through the context that is close to the
student's self. Thus, the learning process that
provokes students to be active in learning does not
become a difficult job because students are brought
to a real and contextual learning environment.
The development of learning that will be used to
produce effective learning in accordance with the
demands of the 2013 Curriculum is, the
development of realistic mathematical approaches
using the cultural context of the Toba Batak tribe.
This learning approach was chosen because it has
characteristics that are in accordance with the
scientific learning approach suggested by the 2013
curriculum. One of the main characteristics of the
scientific approach is based on facts or phenomena
and is not imaginary which is a characteristic of a
realistic mathematical approach. In addition, in
realistic mathematical approaches students are
facilitated to construct their own knowledge so that
students appear to be new inventors in accordance
with the philosophical basis of the 2013 Curriculum.
The next reason for the selection of the development
of realistic mathematical approaches is because
realistic mathematics contains steps the learning set
out in the 2013 curriculum is 5M activities which
include observing, asking, reasoning, trying and
building networks.
The context used in the development of this
learning is the cultural context of the Toba Batak
tribe which consists of cultural forms owned by the
Toba Batak tribe. Involving the cultural context in
the development of this learning approach is based
on the philosophy of developing the 2013
curriculum which reveals that education is rooted in
national culture and is a process of national cultural
inheritance. In the end, through this analysis the
context of the Toba Batak ethnic culture was applied
in the development of this learning.
As an illustration, here is an example of how the
development of learning a realistic mathematical
approach by using the cultural context of the Toba
Batak tribe to be designed. In the algebraic addition
material, the teacher usually gives an example "2x +
3y + 5x + 2y = 7x + 5y". With the development of
learning to be carried out, the material will be given
the cultural context of the Toba Batak tribe. So that
the example would be "Togap, Bonar, Poltak,
Maruhum each assigned to the teacher to bring 2
ulos sadum, 3 ulos ragihotang, 5 ulos sadum and 2
ulos ragihotang for the teacher's day program. What
are the ulos sadum and ulos ragihotang they bring? "
The answers that will be obtained are 7 ulos sadum
and 5 ulos ragihotang.
2.1 Definition of Learning and
Mathematics Learning
Learning activities must be done by all humans.
Humans have been learning since their wombs.
Learning can be interpreted as an effort made by
someone to make changes in behavior, attitudes,
habits, knowledge, skills and so forth. So that in
learning happens a change from not knowing to
know, from not being skilled to being skilled and
from not being able to do something to be able to do
something (Khairani, 2013).
The word "learning" has an understanding of
doing learning activities. So the word "learning"
contains the process or events of the learning verb.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
In other words, the term learning is a process related
to learning.
Mathematics can be interpreted as a branch of
science in which there is a logical thinking process
in accordance with certain principles, properties,
postulates and theorems. By connecting this
understanding to the notion of learning, mathematics
learning can be interpreted as the process of learning
about the development of logical thinking in
accordance with certain principles, properties,
postulates and theorems.
2.2 Batak Tribe Culture
Understanding culture can be defined descriptively,
historically, normatively, psychologically,
structurally and genetically. However, in general the
definition has the same meaning. Based on these
definitions, it can be summarized that culture is the
totality of inheritance that is passed down from
generation to generation in regulating behavioral
patterns and actions that must be maintained, so that
the community within them can meet their material
and emotional needs.
Every culture has a form of cultural results. This
form of culture consists of cultural systems, social
systems and physical culture. The form of culture in
the cultural system are ideas, ideas, values and
norms that bind the supporting community. The
form of culture in the social system is the overall
activities and actions of people who are patterned in
the supporting community. Whereas the form of
culture in the form of physical culture is the concrete
objects produced by the culture that can be seen and
can be touched.
The form of culture in the form of a cultural
system in the Toba Batak tribe are 7 living
philosophies inherited by ancestors. The seven
philosophy of life as outlined by Tinambunan are
mardebata (having God), marpinompar (having
children), martutur (having kinship), maradat
(having customs), marpangkirom (having hope for
hasangapon / being respected in society, hagabeon /
glory, hamoraon / wealth), marpatik (has rules and
laws) and maruhum (has law).
The form of culture in the social system of the
Toba Batak tribe is the result of cultural activities.
The results of these cultural activities are
(genealogy), Toba Batak language, marsiadapari
(mutual cooperation), Toba Batak dance (Tortor),
partuturon (kinship), writing Batak Toba, national
anthem batak (O Tano Batak), umpasa (quote) and
umpama (idiom).
The form of culture in the form of physical
culture in the Toba Batak tribe is the result of unique
and valuable works. The form of physical culture is
ruma sopo (traditional house), mats of pandan leaves
as a place to sit, gondang sabangunan (a set of
drums), monuments, sigale-gale (wayang) and ulos
(woven cloth).
2.3 Realistic Mathematic Education
The RME approach has special characteristics that
are different from other learning approaches. This
particular characteristic lies in the aspects that are
owned by PMR. De lange (in Sutarto Hadi, 2017:
38) states that mathematics learning with the RME
approach includes the aspects : (1) start a lesson by
asking "real" problems for students in accordance
with their level of experience, so that students
immediately engage in meaningful learning, (2)
problems given must be directed in accordance with
the objectives to be achieved in the lesson, (3)
students develop or create symbolic models
informally of the problems raised, (4) teaching takes
place interactively which means that students
explain and give reasons for the answers given,
understand the answers of their friends, agree to the
answers of their friends, express disapproval, seek
alternative solutions and reflect on every step taken
or the results of the lesson .
Each learning model or approach has the syntax
or steps in its implementation in the learning
process. The steps of the mathematics learning
process with RME are as follows: (1) understanding
contextual problems, (2) resolve contextual
problems, (3) compare and discuss answers, and (4)
attract conclusions.
2.4 Learning Effectiveness
Effective learning that actually has a meaning that is
far more important than just the achievement of
learning goals. According to Chris (2007: 96),
“Learning is an activity of construction, handled
with (or in the context of) others, driven by learner's
agency. Effective learning is the best of their best
plus the monitoring and context. Effective learning
can be seen as a virtuous cycle of effective learning
advances, effective learning processes, distinctions
between process and outcome decrease. Outcomes
include knowledge (of things, people, actions), skills
(with things, ideas, people), actions, feelings and
emotions, success, satisfaction, ideas and strategies
about learning, affiliation to learning, a sense of
oneself, including self as a learner, a sense of others
and interacting with them, a sense of membership of
a community”.
Based on the quotations that have been
described, it can be concluded that there are at least
The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Education by using the Context of Toba Batak Culture
4 things that must be possessed by a learning process
so that it is said to be effective. The four things that
are meant are learning is the formation of student
activities so that in effective learning students must
be active, learning is controlled and directed by a
facilitator so that in effective learning the teacher
must be able to manage the learning process,
learning activities require supervision and evaluation
so that effective learning is needed observation of
the learning process and learning outcomes.
The effectiveness of learning in this study will
be directed according to the theory expressed by
Chris. Referring to Chris's statement, the
effectiveness of learning will be reviewed from 4
1. The achievement of expected learning
objectives that meet the Minimum
Completeness Criteria. Indicators of
achievement of learning objectives in
accordance with indicators set by the
Department of Education and Culture of
Indonesia. Each student is said to have finished
his study (individual completeness) if the
proportion of students' correct answers is
65%, and a class is said to have completed their
learning (classical completeness) if there are
85% of students who have completed their
study (Depdikbud in Trianto, 2010: 241).
2. The activeness of students in listening to the
teacher / friend's explanation, writing (making
notes on solving problems, making
summaries), discussing / asking questions with
friends / teachers, organizing and finding
relationships from the information provided.
3. The ability of teachers to manage the learning
in an effort to find out student learning
readiness, provide explanations / provide
information, observe and motivate students to
do learning tasks, provide assistance and guide
student work.
4. Students' responses in terms of interest and
interest in learning components and activities.
This type of research is development research. The
study was conducted at SMP Budhi Dharma Balige
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara Soposurung Balige which is
located in Toba Samosir Regency. The subjects of
this study were students at Secondary School Budhi
Dharma Balige 8
class on 2017/2018 academic
year. The object of this research is the effectiveness
of learning realistic mathematics education with the
context of Toba Batak culture.
The variables involved in this study are learning
effectiveness, student learning outcomes, student
activities, the ability of teachers to manage learning
and the student response. Learning outcomes are
scores obtained by students from the test of learning
outcomes that are measured using the test
instruments that have been compiled. Student
activity is an activity carried out by students during
the teaching and learning process. Student activities
will be observed using observation sheets of student
activities. The ability of teachers to manage the
learning is the score obtained by the teacher when
carrying out the activities of the teaching and
learning process. The ability of teachers to manage
the learning is measured using teacher observation
sheets. Student responses are students' responses to
learning that has been carried out. Student responses
will be measured using a questionnaire.
The instruments used in this study were learning
outcomes tests, observation sheets and
questionnaires. The observation sheets provided are
activity observation sheets for students, activity
observation sheets for teachers and learning
management observation sheets. Students'
Questionnaire responses to the components and
activities of learning about the subject matter,
student activity sheets, student books, ways of
learning, and the way the teacher teaches.
The results obtained were analyzed to check
whether the development of learning using a realistic
mathematics learning approach that has an effective
cultural context of the Batak Toba tribe in
accordance with the indicators that have been set.
These indicators include the validity of learning
devices and learning instruments as well as the
effectiveness of learning developed. Furthermore,
effectiveness is measured through indicators of
learning completeness, student activity, teacher's
ability to manage student learning and response.
The learning developed is said to be valid if the
level of validity produced is valid. If the level of
validity of the developed learning is lower than
valid, then a revision needs to be made to obtain a
valid level of validation.
Learning that is developed is said to be effective
if the level of effectiveness produced is high. If the
level of effectiveness of the developed learning is
lower than high, it is necessary to revise it to obtain
a high level of effectiveness.
The teacher is stated to be able to manage the
learning well if the score obtained by the teacher is
in a pretty good category. If the categories obtained
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
below are good enough, the learning and tools are
re-reviewed for revision and the teacher is briefed to
improve the quality before a retest.
Student and teacher responses are measured by
the number of responses that are positive or negative
based on each questionnaire category that has been
provided. A positive response means expressing
happy, new, interested and interested and interested
in developing learning activities in realistic
mathematical approaches using the context of the
Toba Batak culture. Conversely a negative response
means stating the opposite condition of a positive
response. If a positive student response is greater
than or equal to 80%, then the achievement of
learning goals is stated to be achieved.
4.1 The Value of Learning Outcomes
The subject learned in realistic mathematics
education that uses the culture of the Batak Toba
culture in this study is the number pattern. This
material is taught as many as seven meetings. The
material discussed is special number pattern,
arithmetic sequence, geometry sequence, arithmetic
series and arithmetic series.
The learning procces ends with a test to measure
students' abilities and to analyze student
achievement. The test consists of 3 questions.
Question number one consists of 3 problems.
Question number two consists of 4 problems and
question number 3 consists of 3 problems. The
indicator of question number one determines the
type of number sequence, determine the general
formula for the sequence of numbers and determine
the pattern of convergencies sequences. The
indicator of question number two determines the
arithmetic sequence, determine the first term of the
arithmetic sequence, determine the arithmetic series
and calculate the number of n first arithmetic series.
The indicator of question number three is
determining the geometry sequence, determining the
first n term of the geometry sequence and
determining the number of the first n terms of the
geometry series.
The number of students that follow the exam is
40 students. The results of the test can be seen in the
following table:
Table 1: Summary of Student Exam Results
The number of students 40
Lowest score 40
Highest score 100
Mean 80.7
Standard Deviation 15.9
Number of students who
has score same or lower
than 65
From the table above obtained information that
the lowest value obtained by students is 40. the
highest value obtained by students is 100. the
average class of students is 80.7. large distribution
of student value data is 15.9. the number of students
who have a value equal to or greater than 65 there
are 35 students. percentage of students who have a
value equal to or greater than 65 is 87.5%.
4.2 The Observation Sheet of Teacher
Ability to Manage Learning
Learning process of number pattern is carried out in
7 meetings. At each meeting, an observer observes
the activities carried out by the teacher. The
activities observed are preliminary activities, main
activities, closing activities and time management.
In the preliminary activity, the observer observes the
teacher's activities in opening learning which
consists of 4 activities. In the main activities,
observers observe the activities carried out by the
teacher in delivering learning material consisting of
15 activities. In the closing activity, the observer
observes the activities carried out by the teacher
when closing learning which consists of 2 activities.
In time management, observers observe how
teachers use learning time well.
Observations of the teacher's ability to manage
the learning can be seen in the following table:
Table 2: The Ability of Teacher
ic Cate
Odd Numbe
Even and Square Numbe
4.09 (Good)
Rectangle and Triangle Numbe
4.00 (Good)
Pascal Triangle 4.00 (Good)
Arithmetic Se
uence and Series 4.04
uence 4.18
Geometry Series 4.13 (Good)
Average 4.04 (Good)
From the table above, it can be seen that the
teacher's ability to manage the learning is in a good
category with an average of 4.04.
4.3 The Observation Sheet of Student
Student activities observed by observers were 7
meetings. The activities observed are activities in the
The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Education by using the Context of Toba Batak Culture
preliminary stage, the stage of the main activities,
the closing stage and time management. Activity
was observed in the preliminary stage is how student
feedback to the teacher in starting learning which
consists of 4 activities. In the main activity stage,
what is observed is student feedback on the learning
activities presented by the teacher. Student activities
observed at the core activities consist of 15
activities. In the closing activity stage, what is
observed is student feedback to the teacher when
closing learning activities. In the time management
phase, the activity observed is how students use the
available learning time well.
The following is the result of observing student
activities observed by observers:
Table 3: The Activity of Student
ic Cate
Odd Numbe
Even and Square Numbe
3.95 (Enough)
Rectangle and Triangle Numbe
3.95 (Enough)
Pascal Trian
le 4.04
Arithmetic Se
uence and Series 4.22
uence 4.27
Geometry Series 3.95 (Enough)
Average 4.04 (Good)
From the table above, it can be seen that the
student’s activity is in a good category with an
average of 4.04.
4.4 The Student Response
Student responses were measured using a
questionnaire. The questionnaire used consists of
two choices, namely "yes" or "no". The
questionnaire contains 4 aspects namely feeling of
pleasure, novelty, feeling of interest and desire.
Aspects of pleasure and novelty contain 4 indicators
namely subject matter, student activity sheet, the
way of learning and the way the teacher teaches.
Interested aspects of learning consist of indicators
interested in participating in further learning
activities with realistic mathematics education
activities using the context of Toba Batak culture.
Aspects of desire consist of desire in language, the
appearance of the writing, illustration of the teacher
and the location of the image contained in the
student activity sheet.
The following is a summary of the results of the
student response questionnaire on learning realistic
mathematics using the context of the Toba Batak
culture that has been implemented.
Table 4: Results of Student Response Questionnaire
Not Ha
Yes No
Lesson 97.5% 2.5%
Worksheet 97.5% 2.5%
How to Stud
95% 5%
How Teacher to Teach 100% 0%
e 97.5% 2.5%
New Not New
Lesson 97.5% 2.5%
Worksheet 100% 0%
How to Stud
82.5% 17,5%
How Teacher to Teach 97.5% 2.5%
e 94.4 5.6
Interested in participating in
further learning activities with the
learning mathematics education
activities using the context of
Toba Batak culture.
97.5% 2.5%
Desire in the language, writing
appearance, teacher illustration
and the location of the picture
contained in the student activity
100% 0%
The percentage of students who were happy with
realistic mathematics education with the context of
Toba Batak culture as much as 97.5% and students
who were not happy with realistic mathematics
education with the context of Toba Batak culture as
much as 2.5%. Based on these results, in accordance
with the indicators that have been determined, it can
be said that students have a positive response to the
learning carried out. In this case, the percentage of
students' positive response is 97.5% > 80%. Thus, it
is concluded that students feel happy with learning
realistic mathematics education using the context of
Toba Batak culture.
The percentage of students who stated realistic
mathematics education with the context of the new
Toba Batak culture for these students was as much
as 94.38% and students who did not feel new with
learning realistic mathematics education using the
context of Toba Batak culture as much as 5.62%. So
the responses of student to the learning are positive.
In this case, the average percentage of students'
positive response is 94.38% > 80%. Thus, it is
concluded that realistic mathematics learning with
the context of Toba Batak culture is new to students.
The percentage of students who are interested in
participating in further learning activities with
realistic mathematics education activities using the
context of Toba Batak culture is as much as 97.5%
and students who are not interested in learning
realistic mathematics education using the context of
the Toba Batak culture for the next lesson are 2.5%.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
So it can be said that students have a positive
response to learning that is carried out with a
percentage of students' positive response of 97.5% >
80%. Thus, students are interested in participating in
further learning activities with realistic mathematics
learning activities using the context of Toba Batak
The percentage of students who are interested in
language, writing appearance, teacher illustration
and the location of the picture contained in the
worksheet is as much as 100%. Thus, it can be said
that students have a positive response to learning
carried out with a percentage of students' positive
response of 100% > 80%. Thus students are
interested in language, writing appearance, teacher
illustration and the location of images contained in
worksheet learning realistic mathematics education
using the context of Toba Batak culture.
Effective learning indicators in this study are
reviewed from 4 indicators in accordance with what
was revealed by to Chris (2007: 96). These
indicators are students' completeness in learning, the
ability of teachers to manage learning, student
activities and student responses.
Sum of students who have scores equal to or
greater than 65 from the results of the study is 35
people. If presented in percent, the percentage value
is 87.5%. Minimum individual completion and
completeness of the drinking class according to the
Ministry of National Education are 65 and 85%.
Based on these indicators, the individual
completeness and class of students in this study meet
the stipulated conditions.
The ability of teachers to manage the learning in
this study obtained an average score of 4.04. The
value if presented in quality, then the ability of
teachers to manage the learning is in a good
Good learning is learning that is able to activate
student activities. Based on observations obtained
information that the average value of student activity
is 4.04. This value in the form of quality means
good. So, the activities of students in realistic
mathematics education using the context of the Toba
Batak culture are good. In other words students are
actively participating in learning activities.
The results of the analysis for student response
aspects which consist of happy or not happy, new or
not new, interested or not interested and having the
desire or not having desire all show positive results.
Students enjoy learning realistic mathematics
education with the context of Toba Batak culture.
Learning realistic mathematics with the context of
Toba Batak culture is new learning for students.
Students are interested in participating in further
learning activities with realistic mathematics
learning activities using the context of Toba Batak
culture. Students are also having a desire in
language, writing appearance, teacher illustration
and the location of the images contained in the
student activity sheet used. From the achievement of
these four aspects it was concluded that students had
a positive response to realistic mathematics learning
using the context of Toba Batak culture.
The results of the study show that students meet the
minimum completeness criteria that have been set by
the government, the teacher is able to manage
learning well, students actively follow learning and
positive student responses to the learning carried
out. based on these four results, it can be concluded
that learning realistic mathematics using the context
of Toba Batak culture is effective.
Thank you from the author, to the Kementerian
Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi
(Kemristekdikti) of the Republic Indonesia for the
support and assistance of research funds in the
Penelitian Dosen Pemula scheme which has been
granted with an agreement number 227 / K1.1 /
LT.1 / 2018. Hopefully the results of this study are
useful for the development of Indonesian education
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Kasar?: Membangun Citra dan Karakter:
Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science