In other words, the term learning is a process related
to learning.
Mathematics can be interpreted as a branch of
science in which there is a logical thinking process
in accordance with certain principles, properties,
postulates and theorems. By connecting this
understanding to the notion of learning, mathematics
learning can be interpreted as the process of learning
about the development of logical thinking in
accordance with certain principles, properties,
postulates and theorems.
2.2 Batak Tribe Culture
Understanding culture can be defined descriptively,
historically, normatively, psychologically,
structurally and genetically. However, in general the
definition has the same meaning. Based on these
definitions, it can be summarized that culture is the
totality of inheritance that is passed down from
generation to generation in regulating behavioral
patterns and actions that must be maintained, so that
the community within them can meet their material
and emotional needs.
Every culture has a form of cultural results. This
form of culture consists of cultural systems, social
systems and physical culture. The form of culture in
the cultural system are ideas, ideas, values and
norms that bind the supporting community. The
form of culture in the social system is the overall
activities and actions of people who are patterned in
the supporting community. Whereas the form of
culture in the form of physical culture is the concrete
objects produced by the culture that can be seen and
can be touched.
The form of culture in the form of a cultural
system in the Toba Batak tribe are 7 living
philosophies inherited by ancestors. The seven
philosophy of life as outlined by Tinambunan are
mardebata (having God), marpinompar (having
children), martutur (having kinship), maradat
(having customs), marpangkirom (having hope for
hasangapon / being respected in society, hagabeon /
glory, hamoraon / wealth), marpatik (has rules and
laws) and maruhum (has law).
The form of culture in the social system of the
Toba Batak tribe is the result of cultural activities.
The results of these cultural activities are
(genealogy), Toba Batak language, marsiadapari
(mutual cooperation), Toba Batak dance (Tortor),
partuturon (kinship), writing Batak Toba, national
anthem batak (O Tano Batak), umpasa (quote) and
umpama (idiom).
The form of culture in the form of physical
culture in the Toba Batak tribe is the result of unique
and valuable works. The form of physical culture is
ruma sopo (traditional house), mats of pandan leaves
as a place to sit, gondang sabangunan (a set of
drums), monuments, sigale-gale (wayang) and ulos
(woven cloth).
2.3 Realistic Mathematic Education
The RME approach has special characteristics that
are different from other learning approaches. This
particular characteristic lies in the aspects that are
owned by PMR. De lange (in Sutarto Hadi, 2017:
38) states that mathematics learning with the RME
approach includes the aspects : (1) start a lesson by
asking "real" problems for students in accordance
with their level of experience, so that students
immediately engage in meaningful learning, (2)
problems given must be directed in accordance with
the objectives to be achieved in the lesson, (3)
students develop or create symbolic models
informally of the problems raised, (4) teaching takes
place interactively which means that students
explain and give reasons for the answers given,
understand the answers of their friends, agree to the
answers of their friends, express disapproval, seek
alternative solutions and reflect on every step taken
or the results of the lesson .
Each learning model or approach has the syntax
or steps in its implementation in the learning
process. The steps of the mathematics learning
process with RME are as follows: (1) understanding
contextual problems, (2) resolve contextual
problems, (3) compare and discuss answers, and (4)
attract conclusions.
2.4 Learning Effectiveness
Effective learning that actually has a meaning that is
far more important than just the achievement of
learning goals. According to Chris (2007: 96),
“Learning is an activity of construction, handled
with (or in the context of) others, driven by learner's
agency. Effective learning is the best of their best
plus the monitoring and context. Effective learning
can be seen as a virtuous cycle of effective learning
advances, effective learning processes, distinctions
between process and outcome decrease. Outcomes
include knowledge (of things, people, actions), skills
(with things, ideas, people), actions, feelings and
emotions, success, satisfaction, ideas and strategies
about learning, affiliation to learning, a sense of
oneself, including self as a learner, a sense of others
and interacting with them, a sense of membership of
a community”.
Based on the quotations that have been
described, it can be concluded that there are at least