The Impact of Knowledge on Islamic Philanthropy Fund Allocations:
An Analysis of Moslem Society
Anna Sardiana
, Zulfison
and Alvien Nur Amalia
Islamic Finance and Banking Dept, STIE Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta –Indonesia
Keywords: Islamic Philanthropic Funds Allocation, Knowledge, Zakah-Waqf-Infaq-Shadaqah
Abstract: Islamic philanthropic funds are known as Zakat, Waqf (Endowments), Infaq and Shadaqah can be used as a
mechanism of poverty alleviation and income distribution. Decision making for Islamic philanthropic fund
allocation as the initial stage of forming behavior, starting from knowledge about Islamic philanthropy as
the main thing of attitude regarding o the allocation of social funds as Islamic philanthropic fund. Lack of
knowledge of Islamic philanthropy can lead to a minimum acceptance of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf
as endowments fund. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of knowledge on the allocation
of Islamic philanthropic funds of Muslim communities. The method used is a descriptive method with a
quantitative approach. This research was carried out on the Moslem people who allocated their Zakah,
Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqf through the philanthropic institution was known as Dompet Dhuafa and Zakah
Amil institution as known as LAZ Al-Azhar. Questionnaires, observation and in-depth interviews were used
for data collection. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of knowledge on the fund
allocation of Islamic philanthropy in the Indonesian Moslem community.
Since 1998, Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) note that the poverty rate in Indonesia has
fallen by 3.04%, whereas Indonesia's poor
population reached 16.70 million of September 2017
with a composition of 38.5% in the city and 61.5%
in rural areas. (Bank Indonesia, 2018). Actually,
poverty reduction can be done through income
distribution between rich and poor people. This is in
line with the findings of Bank Indonesia in 2017,
which social assistance that grew by 6.96% per year
had a high correlation with the decrease in the
number of poor people by -0.54. This can be seen in
the decline of poverty in rural areas by 3.29% and
2.63% poverty reduction in the urban cities.
As Islamic doctrine, fulfilling basic needs
becomes the minimum standard which is an
important element as mentioned in maqasid Syariah.
Adequacy in a good standard of living (Nisab) is the
most underlying thing in the income distribution-
redistribution system (Nasution., et al, 2007). Each
person in the Muslim community must be
encouraged to be able to achieve the minimum for
basic fulfillment, then strive to be able to achieve the
standards of living above assets ownership (Nisab).
Islam has its own instrument to solve the problem of
income distribution equalization and poverty
alleviation, that known as Zakat, Infak, Sadaqah, and
Waqf (ZISWAF) or known as Islamic philanthropy
funds. The distribution of income in the context of
the household will be strongly related to the
terminology of shadaqah (alms) which can be
understood in two aspects, namely obligatory alms
(obligatory) and almsgiving (sunnah). The
Indonesian Muslim community generally knows the
obligatory alms instruments in the form of zakat
while the alms of salvation (sunnah) are infaq,
shadaqah (alms itself), waqf (endowments), and
wills (wasiah). This terminology is known as ziswaf
in Indonesia and Islamic philanthropy fund in
Islamic philanthropy is a worship that contains
two dimensions, namely hablummina Allah or
vertical dimensions (between human and God) and
hablumminannas or horizontal dimensions (between
Sardiana, A., Zulfison, . and Amalia, A.
The Impact of Knowledge on Islamic Philanthropy Fund Allocations: An Analysis of Moslem Society.
DOI: 10.5220/0009498613171322
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1317-1322
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
human and another human being). Zakah, as one
component of Islamic philanthropy fund, is an
obligation for Muslims who are considered capable
(according to Islamic criteria) to issue between 2.5%
-20% of the proportion of their assets to be
distributed to those who are entitled to receive the
zakah as mentioned in Al-Qur’an. In the vertical
dimension, when Zakah, Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqf
(endowment) is fulfilled according to Shari'a
guidance, it will improve the quality of faith, cleanse
and purify the soul, will develop and endow
possessions also.
In several studies, Islamic philanthropy fund
experienced very rapid progress in Indonesia.
However, behind that rapid progress, there are still
many problems that need to be resolved. Some
problems as like as the weakness of public attention
towards zakah are the gap in the reception of zakah
potential and collection of zakah its self. (Huda et al,
2013). The results of research that conducted by
BAZNAS and FEM IPB (2011) reported that
Indonesia has the potential of zakat funds about Rp
217 trillion per year. In 2011, the total collection of
zakah, including infaq and shadaqah (alms) reached
Rp 1,729 trillion only, which is less than 1% of the
total potential availability of zakah. According to
Jahar (2010), lack of coordination and less synergy
between zakah institutions (amil) was the factors
that caused the low realization of zakah collection
and reception. In addition, the gap between the
potential and realization of zakah collection and
reception are due to the low attention and
understanding of the Muslim community towards
zakah, so it still needs to be improved (Huda et al,
2013). For this reason, Hafidhuddin (2011) states
that socialization and education to the community
are some steps that can be taken to explore more the
potential of zakah. It also related to the law and
wisdom of zakah, the assets object that zakah must
be issued as well as the procedures of zakah
calculation. According to those issues, Islamic
philanthropy fund's socialization and education of
the community are closely related to the level of
Muslim communities knowledge who allocate their
fund to the Islamic philanthropy.
Philanthropy interpreted as a conceptualization of
voluntary giving practice, voluntary services, and
voluntary associations to help other parties in need
as expressions of love. Philanthropy in the sense of
giving donations also equated with the term of
charity (Kim Klein, 2001). The term philanthropy is
interpreted with a sense of concern for human being
fellows which manifested in the form of giving alms
to others (Ilchman, 2006).
The term philanthropy related to Islam shows
that the practice of philanthropy in the Islamic
tradition carried out through zakat, infaq, charity and
endowments (Abu Zahrah, 2005). Then zakah, infaq,
shadaqah (almsgiving), and waqf (endowments) is a
manifestation of Islamic philanthropy. This term can
help to bring up the discourse of Islamic generosity
that can reach more discourse with wider issues. The
problem will not be observed in terms of traditional
discourse only, such as Islamic jurisprudence and
Islamic ethics, but also can relate it with social
justice, people's welfare, civil society, public policy,
good governance and professional management
issues. Those show that Islamic philanthropy as if
utilized and optimized well, can be an alternative
solution in alleviating poverty and income
Islam advocates Muslims to be philanthropic so
that the wealth does not only revolve among rich
people (QS al-Hashr: 7). When explaining
philanthropy, the Qur'an often uses the terms of
zakah, infaq, and shadaqah (almsgiving) which
contain the meaning of charity. Generosity in Islam,
which includes broad dimensions of goodness such
as zakah, infaq, shadaqah (almsgiving), and waqf
(endowments) are terms that indicate the official
form of Islamic philanthropy. This Islamic
philanthropic system was then formulated by the
jurists which reliance on the Qur'an and the hadith of
the Prophet regarding detailed provisions, such as
the types of assets, minimum levels, amounts, and
other rules.
Sometimes The Qur'an does not introduce the
term of zakah, but alms. However, on the order of
discourse, terms of zakah, infaq and alms is
sometimes also contained special meanings and are
also used differently (QS. At-Tawbah: 60). Zakah is
often interpreted as an expenditure of property that
is compulsory and as one of the pillars of Islam
which count based on certain calculations. Whereas
Infaq often refers to gifts that are not zakah, which
are sometimes larger or smaller than zakat and are
usually given for the public interest. For example,
infaq for mushalla assistance, mosques, madrasahs
or schools, and Islamic boarding schools. Alms
usually refers to small amounts of charity that
handed over to poor people, beggars, buskers, and
others. Whereas waqf is almost the same as infaq,
but has benefit-based with a lasting thing that can
not be used based on its waqf contract; may not be
traded and may not be inherited (Al-Makassari,
The urgency of philanthropy in Islam can be seen
from the way of how Qur'an emphasizes the balance
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
between issuing zakat and establishing prayer. As
strictly as the command regarding zakat, Qur'an
repeats 72 times the command of zakat (ita az-zakat)
and associates it with the command of prayer (iqam
ash-shalat). In other hands, the word infaq with
various derivation forms appears 71 times and the
word Shadaqah (alms) appears 24 times which
shows the meaning and activities of Islamic
philanthropy. Then, prayer as the main pillar of
Islam, so the practice of zakat is considered equal to
the performance of prayer (QS al-Baqarah: 177).
As mentioned, for Muslims, Islamic
philanthropic fund allocation, better known as
zakah, infaq, shadaqah (almsgiving), and Waqf
(endowments) is something that is related to faith.
So that the knowledge of that Islamic philanthropy is
the basis for considering and then deciding to
allocate individual finances to this Islamic
philanthropy. This is according to the hierarchy of
effect theory was introduced by Lavidge and Steiner
(1961) which states that there are several mental
stages in person after being exposed to marketing
communications of a product or service, until he
decides to choose and use the product. There are
three stages in the model, namely the stages of
cognitive, affective and behavior. In accordance
with this study, which uses the cognitive stage only,
that is the knowledge and behavior stage also like
the decision. This study also uses the concept of
marketing communication to explore the impact of
knowledge in allocating a social fund of Islamic
Marketing communication is defined as an
application of communication that aims to assist
marketing activities of a company which is a
combination of five communication models in
marketing, including advertising, sales promotion,
individual sales, public relations, and direct sales so
that the company's goals are achieved, namely an
increase in income overuse of products or services
offered (Kennedy and Soemanegara, 2006).
Communication is needed in community life, the
method of communication for Islamic philanthropy
socialization to the community is a method that very
helpful in developing Islamic philanthropy both
from the government and social institutions also.
Socialization, as defined by Veeger (1990), is a
teaching and learning process, through individuals
learning to become members of society, where the
process does not solely teach patterns of social
behavior to individuals, but also individuals develop
themselves or carry out their maturation process
(Setiadi, 2011). According to Notoatmodjo (2005),
Knowledge covered in the cognitive domain has six
levels, namely knowing, understanding, application,
analysis, synthesis, evaluation. Decision making is
defined as the selection of a decision or policy based
on certain criteria. This process includes two or
more alternatives because if there was only one
alternative there would be no one decision to be
taken (Dagun, 2006).
Knowledge as a change in an individual's
behavior that comes from experience. It shows that
consumer knowledge as an amount of experience
and information that someone knows about a
particular item or service (Mowen, 2001). Another
opinion describes knowledge as information that a
person keeps in his brain's memory, some of that
information serves consumers to recognize the
market, and this is referred to as consumer
knowledge. (Engel, Blackwell and Miniard, 1994).
General characteristics of respondents in this study
can be seen based on gender, age, education,
employment, and monthly income. Following is the
profile statistics table of respondents in this study
along with the description.
Table 1: Profile of Respondents
Rp. 5.000.000
The Impact of Knowledge on Islamic Philanthropy Fund Allocations: An Analysis of Moslem Society
5.000.001 - 8.000.000
8.000.001 10.000.000
Above 15.000.001
The table above shows that the majority of
respondents are male, that is equal to 67.7 percent,
while 32.3 percent are women. Most of the
respondents were in the productive age of 77.2
percent with a dominance of 48.1 percent in the age
range of 36-50 years and 21.7 percent in the age
range of 25-36 years and 7.4 percent in the age range
of 18-25 years, while the other 22.8 percent were not
in productive age. Most of the educational
background taken by respondents is Diploma and
Bachelor, which is as much as 54 percent, then
followed by magister and doctoral graduates as
much as 41.3 percent, then elementary/middle and
high school / vocational school graduates of 4.2
Respondents of this study mostly were company
employees and BUMN employees with a percentage
of 60.3 percent, then followed by entrepreneurs
amounting to 19.6 percent, then other jobs such as
teachers, craftsmen, therapists, etc. were 16.9
percent. The respondents who work as civil servants,
military and police are 3.2 percent. Meanwhile, the
income of respondents is generally above 15 million
rupiahs per month, which is 30.7 percent followed
by income in between 10 million - 15 million per
month as much as 27 percent and income of 8
million - 10 million per month, amounting to 16.9
percent, which is slightly different from respondents
with 5 million - 8 million per month, 15.3 percent.
While the rest, a total of 10.1 percent are
respondents with an income of around 5 million per
This study was carried out to ensure the urgency of
public education and socialization of Islamic
philanthropy which can impact to fund allocation.
As Houston (2010) describes the construction of
financial literacy in the form of knowledge, abilities,
and attitudes or self-beliefs as indicators in
measuring one's financial literacy level. This is in
line with Mason and Wilson (2000) who describe
financial literacy as the ability of a person to
understand and evaluate relevant information for
decision making by understanding the financial
consequences it causes. Regarding those construct,
known (knowledge) as one of Islamic financial
literacy, reflected as one of the instruments that
influence the community in allocating their
philanthropy funds.
As this research conduct in the form of financial
literacy constructs by looking at knowledge, ability
and also attitude or confidence as instruments,
results of data analysis in the regression coefficient
test, shows that the equation model is obtained as
ZiswafAloc = 4.176 + 0.85Knwldge +
0.161Ability + 0.096AttitudeConf
Based on the model, can be explained that the
value of philanthropy fund allocation without
knowledge, abilities and attitudes or beliefs is 4,176
units. While each knowledge increase one unit with
the assumption that ability and attitudes or beliefs
were constant will cause an increase in the allocation
of public philanthropy funds by 0.85 times. As for
each increase one unit of ability by assuming
knowledge and attitudes or beliefs were constant,
will cause an increase in the allocation of public
philanthropy funds by 0.161 times. Whereas every
increase one unit of attitudes or beliefs by assuming
that knowledge and abilities were constant, will
cause an increase in the allocation of public
philanthropy funds by 0.403 times.
As Veeger (1990) defining socialization as a
teaching and learning process through individuals
learning to become members of society, where the
process does not solely teach patterns of social
behavior to individuals, but also individuals develop
themselves or carry out their maturation process
(Setiadi, 2011). According to Notoatmodjo (2005),
knowledge covered in the cognitive domain has six
levels, namely knowing, understanding, application,
analysis, synthesis, evaluation. Decision making is
defined as the selection of a decision or policy based
on certain criteria. This process includes two or
more alternatives because if there was only one
alternative there would be no one decision to be
taken (Dagun, 2006). The study also carried out to
ensure that there is perfect relationship by looking at
the coefficient of determination (R²), which is
indicated by whether changes in knowledge,
abilities, and attitudes or behavior that will be
followed by the allocation of community
philanthropy funds in the same proportion. Then R2
value can be seen in the following table:
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Table 2: R2 value
Model Summary
R Square
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), AttConf, Knwldge, Ablty
b. Dependent Variable: PhilanthropyAllocation
Source : Primary data, managed, 2018
The table above shows that the R Square is 0.328
or (32.8%). It is mean that the percentage of the
influence of knowledge, ability and attitude or
confidence in the allocation of public philanthropy
funds is 32.8%. In other words, knowledge, ability
and attitude or confidence are able to explain 32.8%
of the variation in the allocation of public
philanthropy funds. While the remaining 67.2% is
influenced or explained by other variables that not
included in this research model. The table above also
shows 0.573 as R number that means there is a
moderate relationship between knowledge, ability
and attitude or belief in the allocation of community
philanthropy funds.
Furthermore, in the t-test, both knowledge,
ability and attitudes or beliefs each partially have an
influence on the allocation of community
philanthropy funds. So this reinforces the
importance of education and socialization of Islamic
philanthropy to the muslim community.
In the simultaneous test of significance, the value
of F calculated was 30,109 and a significant number
(P value) of 0,000. By a significance level of 95% (α
= 0.05) and a significance number (P value) of 0,000
that smaller than alpha (α = 0.05). Based on these
comparisons, knowledge, abilities, and attitudes or
beliefs have a significant influence jointly on the
allocation of community philanthropy funds.
The results of those analyses explain the
construction of Islamic financial literacy which
starts from knowledge. This is in line with the theory
that has been described in the literature review,
where a stimulus through the process of knowledge
and understanding will produce a response (effect)
in the form of the ability to choose which will
ultimately affect the attitude (behavior) of the
individual. This attitude will make individuals
confident in allocating funds for Islamic
philanthropy, as explained by The hierarchy of
effect theory were introduced by Lavidge and
Steiner (1961) and the tri Component of Attitude
(Engel et al., 1995) that the components are in a
consistent relationship, where the component
reflects the cognitive component where individuals
have the knowledge and understanding of
philanthropy, then the affective component aspect
that describes how individuals consider their asset
allocation for philanthropy, to the conative
component aspects that reflect individual attitudes or
beliefs in channeling some of their assets to the
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion,
can be concluded that even though knowledge as
cognitive aspect then followed by affective conative
aspect able to explain only about 37% of
philanthropy fund allocation, knowledge is valuable
as a starting point to influences the community in
allocating funds for philanthropy. Regarding those, a
suggestion to forward that both the government,
Ulama, Amil Zakat Institutions and Waqf
Institutions also need to pay special attention to
conducting education and socialization regarding
Islamic philanthropy. Thus, efforts to achieve
community welfare can be realized by philanthropy
funds distribution. In addition, educational
institutions also need to help the government in
educating the public regarding Islamic philanthropy
so that the target of economic growth and the
welfare of the poor people can be realized. In
addition, Amil zakat and Waqf institution need to be
more active in increasing public awareness
regarding Islamic philanthropy so that the target in
receiving philanthropy funds can also be achieved.
Another thing, further research is needed to use or
may add other variables for better research result
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science