the principles of village governance that are
accountable, transparent, professional, effective and
efficient, clean, free from collusion, corruption and
nepotism and must comply with the principles of
village financial management namely transparency,
accountable, participatory, orderly and budgetary
discipline. (Mendagri, 2014)
Many factors cause corruption in village funds,
including the lack of involvement of the community
in planning and supervision of village funds.
Community access to information on village fund
management and active involvement in planning and
management is practically limited. This community
involvement is the most basic factor because
villagers who know the needs of the village and
directly witness how development is in the village,
another factor is the limited competence of village
heads and village officials. This limitation is
particularly concerning the technical management of
village funds, the procurement of goods and
services, and the preparation of village financial
accountability. Non optimal village institutions that
directly or indirectly play an important role in
community empowerment and village-level
democracy, such as the Village Consultative Body
(BPD) and others are also factors that cause
misappropriation of village funds. Besides, it is
equally important to note that political costs are high
due to the competitive area of village head elections.
Increased village budgets are accompanied by
increasing interest in many parties to advance in
village head elections without the agenda and
commitment to build villages. Community
participation to participate starts from budget
planning, by providing inputs and guarding village
funds by providing oversight of the implementation
of development activities in the village very needed.
Based on this description the researcher feels the
need to know how social inclusion is in the
management of village assets in Deli Serdang
District, North Sumatra Province.
Social inclusion can be defined, then because not
only equal access to the overall social system, but
also the process of full participation in various social
domains, such as economics and culture. This
process involves securing income, assets, and
opportunities; use various social infrastructure;
enjoy a sense of solidarity and self esteem 'and
secure comprehensive and evenly distributed
resources (McVilly, 2013, Shetty, 2011). According
to Gannon and Nolan (2010), social inclusion is
about 1) equal opportunity, 2) empowerment and
active civil rights and requires these policies to
support their capacity building, so that people with
disabilities can fully participate and play a role in
activities politics, economy, culture and society.Kim
et al. (2017) identified four categories of social
inclusion: 1) excluded / separated, 2) present, 3)
participating, 4) actively participating.
According to Mendagri (2014), village financial
management is the whole of activities which include
planning, implementation, administration, reporting,
and accountability of village finance. The village
government prepares village development planning
in accordance with its authority by referring to
district and city development planning. The village
secretary and team drafted a Village Regulation on
APBDes based on RKPDes which came from the
inputs and aspirations of the community that had
been agreed. The Village Regulation draft was
submitted by the Village Head to the Badan
Permusyawaratan Desa for further discussion. The
agreed Village Budget was village head after being
evaluated by the Regent or Camat.
The implementation of village financial
management is carried out with a number of rules
that must be adhered to, including the village
government is prohibited from leviing as village
revenue other than those stipulated in village
regulations. Treasurers can save money in the
village cash in a certain amount according to the
operational needs of the village government with a
predetermined amount at a certain amount. Village
expenditures that result in a burden on the Village
Budget cannot be carried out before the Village
Regulation Draft on the Village Budget is
determined to be a Village Regulation. Procurement
of activities that propose funding to carry out
activities must be accompanied by documents
including the Budget Plan, where the Budget Plan is
verified by the Village Secretary and endorsed by
The Village Head. The executor of the activity is
responsible for expenditure actions that cause the
burden of the activity budget by using the cash
ledger activities as accountability for the
implementation of village activities. The executor
submits Surat Permintaan Pembayaran (SPP) to the
Head of the Village. before goods and or services
are received. Submission of SPP consists of Surat
Permintaan Pembayaran (SPP), Statement of
expenditure responsibility; and attachment of
evidence. Based on the SPP verified by the Village
Secretary, the Village Head agrees to the payment
request and the treasurer makes a payment. The
village treasurer as a mandatory levy on income tax
(PPh) and other taxes, must deposit all receipts and
taxes collected at the State treasury account in
accordance with legislation.