percent. This is not in accordance with the theories
of keynes explained the relationship between
inflation as economic growth in the short-run
aggregate supply curve is positive. Inflation in North
Sumatra on research is due to the increase in the
price of Fuel. The rising prices of fuel oil which was
followed by rising prices of goods and services will
make the price is not affordable by the people who
earn it anyway. The high price levels that cause
declining purchasing power it will make producers
suffered losses so will lower economic growth in
Northern Sumatra. This is in accordance with the
research done Izzah (2015) stated that the negative
effect of inflation towards economic growth of Riau.
While in the long run economic growth has a
negative influence and significantly to inflation in
North Sumatra. If the change of economic growth
rose by 1 percent, then the change in inflation down
by-0.663565 percent. This is in accordance with the
theories of keynes in the long-term relationship
between inflation and economic growth in which
inflation rises but economic growth down
Only the variable exchange rate (EXC) that have
significant influence towards inflation in North
Sumatra in both short term and long term. The
variable amount of the money supply (MS) and
economic growth (GDP) has a negative influence
and significantly to inflation in North Sumatra.
While the Government spending variables (GS) in
the short term is not significant effect against
inflation in North Sumatra.
Because of the exchange rate (EXC) is the main
determining factor affecting inflation in North
Sumatra in both short term and long term so that
Bank Indonesia is expected to maintain the stability
of the exchange rate of the rupiah. The system of
exchange rates used for Bank Indonesia's current
exchange rate system is the right of free use for
keeping the stability of the instrument's value by
open market operations in the money markets either
rupiah or foreign currency.
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