household groups in this area tends to increase. In
addition, the magnitude of the Gini ratio shows that
the condition of income inequality between
households is relatively high. Thus the economic
development of the city of Medan which is high and
the tendency to increase is not fully enjoyed by all
levels of society, thus leading to the creation of
income gaps between household groups and poverty.
Therefore the size of the results of economic
development cannot only be reflected by the high
economic growth and the size of regional income, but
also includes the following in terms of human
development (income inequality, the number of poor
people and unemployed). Therefore, in designing an
economic development strategy so that it is not only
aimed at economic growth, it also needs to be
followed by improvement in addition to the decline in
the number of poor people and reducing
unemployment as well as the distribution of income.
From previous research (Nugrahadi, 2013) it was
known that the Food, Beverage and Tobacco Industry
(IMMT) sector and especially the small IMMT
(Nugrahadi, 201) were optimal alternative models of
the IMMT sector economic development policy in
North Sumatra. The question is, what are the
dominant factors that influence the performance of
the economic policies for the development of the
Small IMMT sector in the city of Medan? Thus this
study aims to analyze the dominant factors that
influence the performance of optimal economic
policies in the Small IMMT sector development.
As stated by Todaro (2013) that the development
process must be able to bring humanity beyond the
prioritization of material and financial aspects of their
daily lives. This means that the size of the results of
economic development is not only reflected by high
economic growth, but also needs to be followed by
improving income distribution, decreasing the
number of poor people and reducing unemployment.
Very diverse theoretical approaches that can be
adopted by policy makers in the process of economic
development. One of them is known as the concept of
unbalanced growth put forward by A.O. Hirschman,
has an understanding that in economic development
is based on unbalanced growth. According to
Hirschman, investments in strategic industries or
sectors and related to one another through linkage
will generate new investment opportunities and pave
the way for further economic development (Jhingan,
In essence the concept of unbalanced growth is a
strategy that develops sectors that have strong links.
According to this linkage theory, it means backward
linkage and forward linkage. The proposal to develop
the economic sector which has this connection applies
not only to the industrial sector but also to the
agricultural sector but the entire economic sector.
As explained earlier, the Small is a sector that has
a large linkage in North Sumatra (Nugrahadi, 2015),
so that this sector is recommended as the leading
sector for the development of economic development
in the city of Medan. However, before this policy is
carried out it is necessary to analyze the dominant
factors that affect the performance of this sector.
From the study of Nugrahadi (2013) factors that
influence the performance of the Small IMMT sector
shown by business people (entrepreneurs), namely
competence and business feasibility. According to
Suryana (2003) entrepreneurial competence is
someone who has the knowledge, skills and qualities
of individuals which includes attitudes, motivations,
values and behaviors needed for entrepreneurship.
Furthermore, it is said that the competencies include:
(1) Managerial skills, (2) Conceptual skills, (3)
Human skills, (4) Decision making skills, and (5)
Time Managerial Skills.
While business feasibility or also called a
feasibility study, is an activity to assess the extent to
which benefits can be obtained in carrying out a
business activity. The results of this analysis are used
as material for consideration in making decisions,
whether to accept or reject a business idea. Worthy
understanding in this research is the possibility of the
idea of a business that will be implemented can
provide benefits in the sense of financial and social
benefits. With this feasibility analysis it is expected
that the risk of failure in marketing the product can be
Knowing whether a business is feasible or not, it
must be analyzed for each aspect. According to
Mudjiarto (2006) criteria that can be used as an
assessment aspect in developing a business are: (1)
analysis of marketing aspects, with indicators:
consumer needs and desires, market segmentation,
targets, value added, product life span, market
structure, competitive strategy, market size, market
growth, gross profit, and market share), (2) analysis
of aspects of production, with indicators: operating
location, operating volume, machinery and
equipment, machinery and equipment, raw materials
and auxiliary materials, labor, and lay out, (3)
analysis of management aspects, with indicators:
ownership, organization, management team,
employees, and (4) analysis of financial aspects, with
indicators: sources of funds, balance projections,
projections of losses and profits, cash flow
projections and calculation of investment criteria.
Analysis of Dominant Factors Affecting the Performance of the Small IMMT Sector in Medan City