In terms of physical control of assets, BPR X
performs physical matching between credit
documents, collection documents, proof of cash
receipts and debtor books. This is done by the Internal
Audit Function
4. Information and communication
There is an accounting information system that
includes methods and records in order to identify,
classify, analyze, classify, record / record and report
bank transactions contained in the PKPB & PP BPR
X Tembung. PT. BPR X also owns and runs a credit
management information system in the form
electronic or not electronic or system manuals using
forms / books / notes.
5. Monitoring
Monitoring should be carried out continuously
through the implementation of internal audits or
annual audits conducted by external auditors. Even
though it has an SPI function, based on the results of
the study, information is obtained that no audit has
been carried out in the process of lending, which
includes evaluation of risks and internal controls.
Monitoring in the BPR is only on checking
documents and administration related to the
implementation of lending by internal control by 1
person. Credit monitoring is carried out by taking into
account the debtor's loan deadline which must be
immediately visited or levied. Giving a warning to the
debtor if the installments or interest that are due are
not paid on time there are 3 times. Giving warnings
using the desk call and sms blast that has been
automated, and a letter for the third warning.
From the results of the analysis it was found that the
increase in bad credit at PT. BPR X Tembung can be
seen from the increase in the ratio of Non Performing
Loans, where the NPL of BPR X increased to 5.66%
in 2016. The increase in NPL could be caused by
external factors and internal factors. One of the
internal factors that influence the increase in problem
loans is the weak application of the Internal Control
Structure. Based on the results of the analysis, the
internal control of PT. BPR X must be addressed
immediately to reduce the risk of non-performing
loans. Some recommendations from the results of the
analysis of the Internal Control Structure of PT. BPR
X Tembung is:
1. Improve organizational structure and complete
with clear job descriptions and performance
targets in lending. Empty positions must be filled
immediately so that responsibility for managing
functions can be established.
2. Implement comprehensive risk management and
risk assessment in the function of lending.
Extensive risk assessment on the function of
lending must be followed by self assessment
(CSA) so that the risks of lending can be
immediately anticipated with adequate internal
3. The segregation of duties in lending is carried out
by separating the functions of the survey and
analysis so that the giving credit more leverage
and prevent fraud.
4. In terms of monitoring bills, it is recommended
that a special unit be assigned to carry out the
task of monitoring bills so that there is no
duplication of tasks that can cause fraud and
hinder other work.
5. Add personnel to the Internal Control department
and further develop the Internal Control program
or establish a special work unit for active
monitoring of the overall implementation of
lending (Audit Committee). Internal Audit /
Audit Committee will usually carry out analysis,
assessment and submission of suggestions. Audit
helps implement systematic, disciplined
evaluations & enhances the effectiveness of risk
management, control & regulatory processes,
and organizational management. This internal
audit is an added value that enhances BPR
6. Monitoring economic developments and
competing business debtors when current loans
can help BPR anticipate events that will occur on
loans. So that the relationship that wants to be
built between BPR and debtors that are not just
money and bank relations can be realized, thus it
can also create loyalty, and the family
atmosphere desired by BPR can be achieved.
Based on the discussion and analysis described
previously, the authors concluded that:
1. BPR X Tembung has an organizational structure
that is not suitable for its implementation, namely
the existence of vacant positions (bill monitoring
section). PT. BPR X should always make
adjustments and improve organizational
structures so that channels or information flows
are adequate, the objectives and processes
implemented are in line.