The Law No. 33/2004 states that every region
has a regional regulation (Perda) under the central
laws or even bound by the central law (Republik
Indonesia, 2004). The municipal governmeny of
Batam issued Perda No. 15/2001 concerning the
regional tax of the municipal as an alternative
financing for the government to implement regional
autonomy (Pemerintah kota Batam, 2001).
In the tax context, considering that Batam
geographical area is an industrial city where the
majority of the population is industrial workers, it
requires entertainment place and facilites to reflect
their mind. The subject of entertainment tax is an
individual who enjoys entertainment and a business
entity that organizes entertainment. Therefore the
large number of residents both domiciled or regional
and foreign tourists have a contribution in
entertainment tax revenues. Even the municipal
governmet itself wants the city to be placed not only
for industrial side but also for tourist destination so
that the increase in taxpayers, residents and tourists
is a potential object for the municipal government to
increase its local income. The size of the central
tax and regional tax revenues will be largely
determined by the population (Musgrave in Lubis,
2017). (Wardhono, Indrawati and Gema, 2012) In
the results of Musgrave’s research, it was stated that
one of the potential taxes is entertainment tax.
"Taxes that are very potential are derived from the
hotel and restaurant tax, entertainment tax, public
street lighting tax and class C mining tax".
The municipal city of Batam is also an area that
is very close to Singapore and Malaysia. The high
number of tourist visitors outside of the region and
abroad as well as the great number of people
working in the city work requires entertainment
faciliies and the tourism sector is expected to
increase the city genuine income (PAD) from the
entertainment tax sector.
Macroeconomic stability is one of the important
conditions for maintaining sustainable growth and
achievement of development targets so that the
inflation rate and per capita income also bring
contribution in entertainment tax revenues. The
inflation rate is one of the important components in
influencing economic stability since inflation and
income are related to the prices of basic and general
goods. Inflation is a process of increasing prices that
prevail in an economy (Sukirno, 2002). Therefore
the public will be more inclined to choose to
withhold financial expenses even for entertainment
and travel if income and expenses are not balanced.
The following data is the target and realization of
the revenues from the entertainment tax in the
municipal city of Batam for the year of 2015-2017.
Table 1: Target & Realization Revenues of
Municipal City of Batam in 2015-2017
Year Realization Target
2015 14,959,000,000 17,471,447,712
2016 20,645,400,000 19,995,079,994
2017 24,608,000,000 23,806,496,302
Source: Dispenda Kota Batam (2018)
Local Tax
The definition of tax according to Rochmat
Sumitro in Darise (2009) is “the contribution of the
people to the state treasury based on the law (which
is forced) by not receiving reciprocal services
(counter-achievements) which can be directly shown
and used to pay for public expenditure” (Darise,
2009). While Darwin in a book entitled “regional tax
and regional retribution (2010)”, proposed the
regional taxes in general are taxes those are
collected by the regions based on tax regulations
stipulated by the regions for the benefit of local
government household financing as public legal
entities (Darwin, 2010).
From the above mentioned definition, it can be
concluded that regional taxes have these elements:
obligatory contributions or coercion to the, indirect
or reciprocal benefit for paying taxes and it used for
public or public purposes.
Entertainment Taxpayer
Darise (2009) defines entertainment as all types of
shows, games, dexterity games, and/or crowds with
any name and form, which is watched or enjoyed by
everyone with a fee, not including the use of
facilities for exercise (Darise, 2009). In the local
government regulation, Perda No. 7/2017 on article
17/2 states that “entertainment taxpayers are
individuals or bodies that organize
entertainment”.The object of entertainment tax is
entities or institution that organizes entertainment
and picks up and or receives fees from the business
(Pemerintah kota Batam, 2017). The Perda No.
7/2017 furthermore states the entertainments ranging
from film show; performances of art, music, dance;
bodybuilding, and the like; exhibition; circus,
acrobatics, and magic; billiard game; bowling game;
horse racing/motorized vehicles; fitness center;
sports match; fashion shows, beauty counters;
discotheques, karaoke, night clubs, and the like;
massage parlor, reflection, steam bath/spa; and
dexterity game (Pemerintah kota Batam, 2017).
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science