community in the city of Medan. Based on the results
of the above test, the Fcount value is 5.626 and the
significance value is 0.001. The Fcount value will be
compared with the Ftable value of 2.70 (obtained see
Ftable with the criteria df1 = 2 and df2 = greater than
100), then the results obtained are Fcount > Ftable
(5.626> 2.70) and a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05
so it can be concluded that discount prices,
competitiveness of mobile internet services and the
quality of telecommunications service providers
together have a positive and significant effect in
increasing customer loyalty to the community in
Medan City.
2. Partial Hypothesis Testing (t-test)
Table 3: T Test Results (Partial)
Based on Table 3 above, it appears that:
1. Test the partial hypothesis of the discount price
variable from the table can be seen the value of tcount
discount prices variable (X1) is equal to 3.722 with a
significance of 0.000. Then the results of the study
show that Ha hypothesis is accepted because tcount >
ttable (2.005 >1.98447) and is significantly smaller
than 0.05, which means that the discount price
variable (X1) partially has a positive and significant
effect on increasing customer loyalty to the people in
Medan City
2. Partial hypothesis test of service competitiveness
variables from the table can be seen the value of
tcount variable service competitiveness (X2) is equal
to -0.902 with a significance of 0.369. Then the
results of the study showed Ha hypothesis was
rejected because tcount < ttable (-0.902 < 1.98447)
and significance was greater than 0.05, which means
that service competitiveness variable (X2) partially
had no effect and was not significant in increasing
customer loyalty to the community in Medan City
3. Partial hypothesis testing variable service quality
from the table can be seen the value of tcount service
quality variable (X3) is 2.107 with a significance of
0.038. Then the results of the study show that the Ha
hypothesis is accepted because t count > ttable (2.107
> 1.98447) and the significance is less than 0.05,
which means that the service quality variable (X3)
partially has a positive and significant effect on
increasing customer loyalty to the community in
Medan City .
3. Test of Moderating Variable Test Hypothesis
Table 4: Interaction Test Results for Moderation
The table shows that the moderating variable has
proven significant in influencing discount prices and
service competitiveness in increasing customer
loyalty. Prediction of negative values indicates that
the moderating effect provided is negative, meaning
that service quality has the effect of reducing the
influence of discount prices and service
competitiveness in increasing customer loyalty. The
insignificance of the X1 discount price coefficient
(sig 0.794) and X3 service quality (sig 0.235)
indicates that this variable is a pure moderator
variable and cannot be placed as an independent
variable. But if the results show that discount prices
(X1) and service quality moderation (X3) are both
significant then it can be concluded that the service
quality variable is a quasi moderator variable or can
be used as an independent variable as well as a
moderator variable.
Increasing customer loyalty requires good quality of
service and followed by price discounts and service
competitiveness between telecommunications
providers, this can be seen from the number of users
of mobile internet services who move from one
telecommunications provider to another
telecommunications provider.
Discount prices, service competitiveness and
service quality simultaneously have a positive and
significant effect in increasing customer loyalty in the
community in Medan City while partially
competitiveness of services has a negative value and
does not significantly influence customer loyalty to
the people in Medan City.
Factors affecting the increase of customer loyalty
in the community in Medan City are discount prices
because they have the most dominant influence in
increasing customer loyalty to the people in Medan