The Effect of Discount Prices and Competitiveness of Mobile
Internet Services in Improving Customer Loyalty through the
Quality of Telecommunication Provider Services as Moderation
Variables in Communities in Medan City
Hendra Jonathan Sibarani
and Fenny Krisna Marpaung
Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: Customer Loyalty, Discount Prices, Service Competitiveness, Service Quality
Abstract: Telecommunication providers are internet service providers. The purpose of the research was carried out to
increase the growth and even distribution of telecommunication network infrastructure development which
could further reach and improve access to information for the Indonesian people more broadly. This research
method uses a quantitative approach, a type of quantitative descriptive research with the nature of research
that is explanatory. The population in this study were people in the city of Medan from the District of Medan
- Petisah. Sampling used in this study using the Slovin formula so that the number of samples used in this
study was 100 people. Sampling uses a non-probability sampling approach. The type of sampling chosen is
accidental sampling with a type of qualified volunteer sample. Research data analysis method is descriptive
statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results obtained in this study are that discount prices,
service competitiveness and service quality as a moderating variable simultaneously have a positive and
significant effect in increasing customer loyalty in the community in Medan City but on service
competitiveness variables have a negative value and no significant effect in improving customer loyalty.
Moderation variables are proven to be able to influence discount prices, service competitiveness in increasing
customer loyalty in the community in the city of Medan, with a coefficient of determination of 15%.
Information technology and communication are
inseparable from people's lives and become one of the
important needs to support activities, including
communication without limitation of distance and
time, getting up to date information, supporting
business activities, and etc. One of them is by using
internet services, the advancement of internet
technology is changing the way people view the
environment around and in the world in the era of
globalization. On the one side, the era of globalization
is expanding the product market, on the other side this
situation has led to increasingly sharp competition,
with the advancement of increasingly sophisticated
information and communication technology.
Consumer needs to access data with an easy and
flexible device has become a reality that the
telecommunications industry cannot reject. Seeing
the opportunity of the large number of internet users
in Indonesia, especially the need for mobile internet,
many companies provide mobile internet services or
referred to as ISP Mobile (Internet Service Provider
Mobile). Some of these companies include Smartfren,
Telkomsel Flash, XL Broadband, Indosat M2, Tri ‘3’,
and Bolt. This phenomenon explains the intense
competition between internet data service provider
companies or ISP Mobile so that the company is
aware of a need to maximize company assets for the
survival of the company, especially for companies
that provide internet data services or Internet Service
Medan is the third largest city in Indonesia after
Jakarta and Surabaya, as well as the largest city
outside Java. The development of trends and lifestyle
of the Medan city community in the use of mobile
internet to date reaches up to 3.5 million people with
the criteria of internet users based on work, age,
gender, type of device used both mobile and computer
Sibarani, H. and Marpaung, F.
The Effect of Discount Prices and Competitiveness of Mobile Internet Services in Improving Customer Loyalty through the Quality of Telecommunication Provider Services as Moderation
Variables in Communities in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009501207120716
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 712-716
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and other social media usage. This is what underlies
the community in the city of Medan using a
telecommunications provider that is able to provide
discounted prices at the time of purchase of internet
data service quota, namely purchases can be made
through services available to each
telecommunications provider or direct purchase, as
well as alternative price options at the time of
purchase. In addition to discount prices, service
quality will also have an impact on customer loyalty
and whether customers remain loyal using the product
from the telecommunications provider or not.
2.1 Discounted Prices.
Price is the sum of all values that consumers exchange
for the amount of benefits by owning or using an item
and service (Aryani and Rosinta, 2010). The prices
referred to here include the affordability of prices,
price competitiveness, price compatibility with
product quality and prices according to the services
provided. Discounts are one type of sales promotion.
A discount is a reduction in the product from the
normal price in a certain period. While sales
promotion is a form of direct persuasion through the
use of various incentives that can be regulated to
stimulate product purchases by and or increasing the
amount of goods purchased by customers (Tjiptono,
2008: 229).
2.2 Competitiveness.
According to Muhardi (2007: 39), competitiveness is
a function that is not only oriented internally but also
externally, that is, responding to the market's business
objectives proactively. The competitive advantage of
a business in serving the market segment can be built
by selling goods at a lower price than its competitors.
2.3 Customer Loyalty
According to Hasan (2008: 83), that customer loyalty
is a customer who simply does not buy back an item
and service for example by recommending someone
else to buy. According to Griffin (2010: 04), loyalty
is that a consumer is said to be loyal or loyal if the
consumer shows buying behavior on a regular basis
or there is a condition that requires consumers to buy
at least twice in a certain time interval.
2.4 Quality of Service
According to Kotler (2009: 49), service quality is "All
trait and characteristics of a product or service that
affect the ability to satisfy the stated or implied
needs". This is clearly a definition of quality that is
customer-centered, a producer can provide quality if
the product or service provided can meet or exceed
consumer expectations.
The type of research used is quantitative descriptive
research. Quantitative descriptive research involves
collecting data to test hypotheses or answering
questions about the final status of the research subject
(Sugiyono, 2010). The nature of research is
explanatory research.
Population and Sample. The population in this
study is the population of Medan City in Medan
Petisah Subdistrict in 2016 as many as 70,610 people
by using the Slovin formula, the number of samples
is 100 respondent.
Statistical analysis used in this study using statistical
analysis with moderated regression analysis (MRA)
or interaction test is a special application of linear
multiple regression where in the equation regression
contains elements of interaction or multiplication of
two or more independent variables. (Ghozali, 2013).
This research model is described based on the
regression equation. Regression equation is multiple
regression to test all hypotheses in the study between
1 Hypothesis 1 (H1)
Influence of Discount Price (X1) on Customer
Loyalty (Y)
Y = a + b1X1 + e
2 Hypothesis 2 (H2)
Influence of Competitiveness (X2) on Customer
Loyalty (Y)
Y = a + b2X2 + e
3 Hypothesis 3 (H3)
Influence of Discount Price (X1) and Service
Competitiveness (X2) together on Customer
Loyalty (Y).
Y = a + b1X1 + b2 X2 + e
4. Hypothesis 4 (H4)
Interaction Test :
Y = a + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + b4 X1X3 + b5
X2X3 + e
Information :
a = Constants
b1, b2 ... b5 = Regression Coefficient of Each
X1 = Discount Price
The Effect of Discount Prices and Competitiveness of Mobile Internet Services in Improving Customer Loyalty through the Quality of
Telecommunication Provider Services as Moderation Variables in Communities in Medan City
X2 = Service Competitiveness
X3 = Quality of Service as Moderating
Y = Customer Loyalty
e = % error (10%)
Data analysis method. Statistical analysis used in this
study uses statistical analysis with moderated
regression analysis (MRA) or interaction test is a
special application of linear multiple regression in
which the regression equation contains elements of
interaction or multiplication of two or more
independent variables. (Ghozali, 2013). This research
model is described based on the regression equation.
Regression equation is multiple regression to test all
hypotheses in the study, among others:
Y = a + b
+ b
+ b
+ b
+ b
Information :
a = Constants
b1, b2 ... b5 = Regression coefficient of each variable
X1 = Discount Price
X2 = Service Competitiveness
X3 = Quality of Service as Moderating
Y = Customer Loyalty
e = % error (10%)
Table 1: Research Analysis Model Test Results
Based on Table 1.1 above obtained multiple linear
regression equation, as follows :
Y = 19,487 – 0,452 X1 - 0,233 X2 – 0,758 X3 + 0,077
X1X3 + 0,010 X2X3 + e
The regression equation model above can be
interpreted that a constant of 19,487 means that if the
value of the independent variable is discounted
prices, service competitiveness and service quality is
zero, it is considered non-existent, it will increase
customer loyalty by 19,487%. Discounted price (X1)
has a regression coefficient of 0.452 and is negative,
this means that every reduction of one percent of the
discount price variable will give a decrease in
customer loyalty by 0.452 or 45.2% if other variables
are assumed to be constant. This gives an explanation
that discount prices are part of the changes that are
not in line with increasing customer loyalty. Service
competitiveness (X2) has a regression coefficient of
0.233 and is negative, this means that every decrease
of one percent of service competitiveness variables
will provide a decrease in customer loyalty by 0.233
or 23.3% if other variables are assumed to be
constant. This gives an explanation that service
competitiveness is part of the change that is not in line
with increasing customer loyalty. Service Quality
(X3) has a regression coefficient of 0.758 and is
negative, this means that every one percent reduction
in service quality variables will provide a decrease in
customer loyalty by 0.758 or 75.8% if other variables
are assumed to be constant.
This gives an explanation that service quality is
part of the change that is not in line with increasing
customer loyalty. Interaction discount prices (X1) and
service quality (X3) have a regression coefficient of
0.077 and are positive, this means that every increase
of one percent of the discount price variable and
service quality will increase customer loyalty by
0.077 or 7.7% if other variables assumed to be
constant. This gives an explanation that discount
prices and service quality are the parts that change in
the direction of increasing customer loyalty. The
interaction of service competitiveness (X2) and
service quality (X3) has a regression coefficient of
0.010 and is positive, this means that every increase
of one percent of service competitiveness variables
and service quality will provide an increase in
customer loyalty by 0.010 or 1.0% if other variables
are assumed to be constant. This provides an
explanation that competitiveness and service quality
are parts that change in the direction of increasing
customer loyalty.
Hypothesis Testing
1. Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing (Test F)
Table 2 : F Test Results (Simultaneous)
Model Sum of
f Mean
134.717 3 44.906 5.626 .001
esidual 766.193 96 7.981
Total 900.910 99
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty (Y)
b. Predictors: (Constant), Quality of Service (X3),
Service Competitiveness (X2), Discount Prices (X1)
Source : Primary Data Processed, 2018 (SPSS)
Simultaneous testing or F test aims to see how the
discount prices influence and the competitiveness of
mobile internet services in increasing customer
loyalty through the quality of telecommunications
service providers as a moderating variable in the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
community in the city of Medan. Based on the results
of the above test, the Fcount value is 5.626 and the
significance value is 0.001. The Fcount value will be
compared with the Ftable value of 2.70 (obtained see
Ftable with the criteria df1 = 2 and df2 = greater than
100), then the results obtained are Fcount > Ftable
(5.626> 2.70) and a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05
so it can be concluded that discount prices,
competitiveness of mobile internet services and the
quality of telecommunications service providers
together have a positive and significant effect in
increasing customer loyalty to the community in
Medan City.
2. Partial Hypothesis Testing (t-test)
Table 3: T Test Results (Partial)
Based on Table 3 above, it appears that:
1. Test the partial hypothesis of the discount price
variable from the table can be seen the value of tcount
discount prices variable (X1) is equal to 3.722 with a
significance of 0.000. Then the results of the study
show that Ha hypothesis is accepted because tcount >
ttable (2.005 >1.98447) and is significantly smaller
than 0.05, which means that the discount price
variable (X1) partially has a positive and significant
effect on increasing customer loyalty to the people in
Medan City
2. Partial hypothesis test of service competitiveness
variables from the table can be seen the value of
tcount variable service competitiveness (X2) is equal
to -0.902 with a significance of 0.369. Then the
results of the study showed Ha hypothesis was
rejected because tcount < ttable (-0.902 < 1.98447)
and significance was greater than 0.05, which means
that service competitiveness variable (X2) partially
had no effect and was not significant in increasing
customer loyalty to the community in Medan City
3. Partial hypothesis testing variable service quality
from the table can be seen the value of tcount service
quality variable (X3) is 2.107 with a significance of
0.038. Then the results of the study show that the Ha
hypothesis is accepted because t count > ttable (2.107
> 1.98447) and the significance is less than 0.05,
which means that the service quality variable (X3)
partially has a positive and significant effect on
increasing customer loyalty to the community in
Medan City .
3. Test of Moderating Variable Test Hypothesis
Table 4: Interaction Test Results for Moderation
The table shows that the moderating variable has
proven significant in influencing discount prices and
service competitiveness in increasing customer
loyalty. Prediction of negative values indicates that
the moderating effect provided is negative, meaning
that service quality has the effect of reducing the
influence of discount prices and service
competitiveness in increasing customer loyalty. The
insignificance of the X1 discount price coefficient
(sig 0.794) and X3 service quality (sig 0.235)
indicates that this variable is a pure moderator
variable and cannot be placed as an independent
variable. But if the results show that discount prices
(X1) and service quality moderation (X3) are both
significant then it can be concluded that the service
quality variable is a quasi moderator variable or can
be used as an independent variable as well as a
moderator variable.
Increasing customer loyalty requires good quality of
service and followed by price discounts and service
competitiveness between telecommunications
providers, this can be seen from the number of users
of mobile internet services who move from one
telecommunications provider to another
telecommunications provider.
Discount prices, service competitiveness and
service quality simultaneously have a positive and
significant effect in increasing customer loyalty in the
community in Medan City while partially
competitiveness of services has a negative value and
does not significantly influence customer loyalty to
the people in Medan City.
Factors affecting the increase of customer loyalty
in the community in Medan City are discount prices
because they have the most dominant influence in
increasing customer loyalty to the people in Medan
The Effect of Discount Prices and Competitiveness of Mobile Internet Services in Improving Customer Loyalty through the Quality of
Telecommunication Provider Services as Moderation Variables in Communities in Medan City
Service quality as a moderating variable has been
proven to significantly affect discount prices and the
competitiveness of telecommunications service
providers in increasing customer loyalty to the people
in Medan City.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science