Role of Internal Audit in Risk Management at PT Reinsurance ABC
Letizia Prima
and M. Malik
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Depok -Indonesia
Keywords: Internal Audit, Internal Control, Risk Based Internal Audit (RBIA), Risk Management
Abstract: This study aims to analyze role of internal audit in internal control and risk management of PT Reinsurance
ABC, as well as provide suggestions for improvement the role of internal audit in risk management. This
study used descriptive qualitative method. The method explains role of internal audit in internal control and
risk management is assessed based on ISO 31000:2009, COSO-ERM Integrated Farmework and
International Standards of Internal Audit Professional Practice (IPPF) by Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
The results of the analysis show that the internal audit has carried out their role in helping management
achieve company’s goals, vision and mission with their activities that conduct an assessment or assurance
and do consulting on internal control and risk management of the company. However, the technical
assessment or assurance and internal audit’s consultation of PT Reinsurance ABC currently still needs to be
improved starting from audit planning to follow-up the audit results. The role of internal audit in internal
control also needs to be improved, especially in the operational activities of PT Reinsurance ABC. Internal
audit also carries out their role in corporate risk management, they asses and provide evaluations and
recommendations on risk management processes, but their role needs to be improved in communication,
consultation and coordination regarding the process and implementation of risk management at PT
Reinsurance ABC. Thus, internal audit will be expected to act as the third line of defense. PT Reinsurance
ABC will only examine significant risks and use the risk management process as the basis for conducting
audit in Risk Based Internal Audit (RBIA).
Internal audit is an appraisal independent function
that is intended to carry out checks and evaluations
on organizational activities. According to Moeller
(2007), auditing is used to term total service levels
from detailed checks to higher level assessments.
Internal auditing defines the work carried out in a
company by its own employees not by external
auditors, public accountants, or other parties such as
the government or regulators who indirectly become
part of certain companies. The internal audit plays
an important role which includes independence,
appraisal functions, the formation of a modern
internal audit organization, the implementation of
the functions of inspection and evaluation,
coordination with other functions in service
companies, and benefits for the entire organization
to be carefully considered an internal auditor
(Moeller, 2007).
In order for the internal audit function to provide
added value for the company, this function must
truly understand the company's needs and risks
comprehensively. In addition, in order to obtain
maximum results, the internal auditor must be
someone who is competent and independent. In
carrying out its duties maximally, the internal audit
can no longer only hold to the old paradigm of
watchdog, but to ensure that all company operations
are carried out to the best standards, by providing
objective and independent assurance functions, as
well as providing advice based on best practice. By
using a systematic approach and various scientific
disciplines, internal audit helps companies achieve
their goals by evaluating and increasing the
effectiveness of risk management, internal controls,
and governance processes.
The scope of audit activities is increasingly
widespread, at present not only financial audits and
compliance audits but the focus of attention is aimed
Prima, L. and Malik, M.
Role of Internal Audit in Risk Management at PT Reinsurance ABC.
DOI: 10.5220/0009502510431049
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1043-1049
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at all aspects that affect company performance and
management control and pay attention to business
risk aspects and risk management. Audit orientation
shift towards risk-based internal audit (RBIA) will
continue in line with the company's needs in the
The reinsurance business is a unique business
because this business earns its income from
reinsurance premiums paid by insurance companies
that want to share the risk with reinsurance
companies. The premiums obtained by the company
must be processed properly so that they can fulfill
their obligations and obtain optimal profits. The
reinsurance industry is an industry that is different
from other industries in general, so that more
understanding is needed of this industry. In line with
the development of the economy and the
increasingly unique characteristics of the insurance
business, the accounting base is also expected to be
in line with the insurance company's risk
management concept. The application of good
internal control and risk management is inseparable
from the internal auditor's role of the company itself.
The implementation of an effective and maximum
audit function can provide benefits and provide
added value for the company (Sawyer, 2006). In
addition, regulation and supervision in the insurance
business is absolutely necessary because the
insurance business is a fiduciary business. In the
insurance business, the funds entrusted by the public
to the insurance business are risk financing
transferred from individuals to the business world.
Therefore, the regulation and supervision of the
company's operations must also be well maintained
because it covers the interests of the community
(Sensi, 2006). To deal with these conditions, the
OJK (Financial Services Authority) as the
supervisory board and regulator of the financial
industry strongly supports risk management
activities to provide assurance and trust to the
public. The application of good internal control and
risk management will benefit reinsurance companies
in developing their business in Indonesia.
Based on the description, the author is interested
in writing the final work on PT. Reinsurance ABC,
which is one of the reinsurance companies in
Jakarta. In carrying out its functions, PT.
Reinsurance ABC has internal audit activities that
have not been well structured and have not been
effective in controlling business risks. There is still a
lot of overlap between the implementation of tasks
between the internal audit and the risk management
section. Therefore, the researcher conducted an
analysis of the internal role of the internal auditor in
carrying out internal control and risk management of
PT. Reinsurance ABC..
Planning, testing information in audit activities,
reporting, and follow-up audit results are technical
implementation of the main internal audit. Based on
the IPPF 2200 regarding planning assignments,
internal auditors must be able to make and develop
document planning for assignments that include the
objectives of planning audits to be carried out to
provide assurance efficiently. Then, internal audit
must be able to collect and evaluate various
competent information that is useful in audit
activities which is used as audit findings and internal
audit can provide recommendations on the audit
findings. Based on the IPPF 2400 by IIA about
performance standard, internal audit must be able to
communicate the results of the assignment in the
form of an audit report. As well as, the audit
findings contained in the audit report must be
followed up. So, management can give corrective
COSO (Committee of Sponsoring
Organization) creates an Internal Control -
Integrated Framework that contains the formulation
of an internal control system. The five components
of internal control are control environment, risk
assessment, control activities, information and
communication, and monitoring activities (COSO,
The risk management process according to ISO
31000: 2009 consists of five activities, namely:
1. Communication and consultation
Communication and consultation with
stakeholders must always be considered and
take place in all stages of the risk management
2. Establish context
In context setting, the company describes the
company's objectives, defines internal and
external parameters that must be considered
when managing risk, and sets the scope and risk
criteria for the remaining processes.
3. Risk assessment
Risk assessment consists of risk identification,
risk analysis, and risk evaluation.
4. Risk treatment
This process looks for methods to manage risk
that are effective in accordance with the
capabilities of the company.
5. Monitoring and review
This monitoring and review process can be
carried out with regular monitoring by risk
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
owners, supervisors and third parties through
verification of internal and external audits.
There are eight components of risk management
according to COSO, namely:
1. Internal Environment
This assesses the company in managing risk,
determining the risks faced, and the company's
philosophy related to business ethics, value, and
2. Objective Setting
Setting goals is done to achieve company goals.
Ensure things that can threaten the achievement
of the goals of the company and evaluate or
assess alternative options tailored to the
company's risk appetite so as not to interfere
with the objectives to be achieved.
3. Inventory Identification
The company needs to identify events that
contain risks or contain opportunities and those
identifications must be managed or achieved.
4. Risk Assessment
Identified events need to be analyzed to
determine the impact that will be generated and
this becomes the basis for managing these risks.
5. .Risk Response
After conducting risk assessments, the company
must determine the response that will be made
to deal with these risks. Determine the risk to
assess the suitability of the company. Risk
treatment is carried out by accepting risks,
avoiding risks, transferring risk, or minimizing
the impact. risk response is related to
determining risk appetite and risk tolerance.
6. Control Activities
Making procedures or policies in response to
risk. Response is done by accepting risks,
avoiding risks, transferring risk, or minimizing
the impact. Then, determine the procedure that
must be taken and the person responsible for the
risk. A good and structured procedure will make
it easier for the company to achieve its
7. Information and Communication
Related information is collected and
communicated within the organization. So that
every part of the organization or company can
play a good role in accordance with their
respective responsibilities.
8. Monitoring
Monitoring is carried out on an ongoing basis
and make adjustments if needed to deal with
changes in the company's environment.
Based on IIA, internal audit has the role of being
able to manage and assess the audit function so that
the company's internal control can run effectively
and efficiently, the management and assessment will
be stated in audit recommendations or suggestions.
Starting from audit planning, testing information,
and reporting, as well as follow-up audit results.
Based on IPPF by IIA 2120, internal audit has a
role to evaluate effectiveness and make
improvements to the risk management process. The
assessment of the effectiveness of the risk
management process will take the form of an
opinion based on an internal audit evaluation which
explains the following:
1. The purpose of the organization has been
supportive and related to the mission of the
2. Significant risks have been identified and assessed
3. The appropriate risk response has been chosen
and in accordance with the organization's risk
4. Relevant information about risk has been obtained
and communicated in a timely manner to all
organizational units, allowing staff, councils and
management to carry out their duties and
According to Setiawati (2015), the internal audit
functions as an advisor or advisor in the risk
management process in the company. IIA (Institute
of Internal Auditors) regulates the role that cannot
be performed by internal auditors on organizational
risk management, namely determining risk appetite,
imposing risk management processes, managing risk
insurance, making decisions in response to risks,
applying risk responses on behalf of management,
and being responsible for the risk management
According to IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors),
risk-based internal audit connects internal audit with
overall risk management. Risk-based internal
auditing is a methodology used by internal auditors
to provide confidence that risk is managed to the
extent of risk that can be accepted by the company
(risk appetitte).
Three Lines of Defense is a method used to
improve effective communication and coordination
in risk management, and to divide defense lines into
three parts. The first line of defense is the entire
department, the second line of defense, namely the
risk management department, and third, the internal
audit department (Institute of Internal Auditors,
In this study, researchers chose to use qualitative
descriptive research. The qualitative process is
carried out in the process of finding, collecting, and
describing the processing data obtained. This type of
Role of Internal Audit in Risk Management at PT Reinsurance ABC
research is to explain data, information, and facts
obtained from the unit of analysis then analyze and
measure internal controls and risk management
process based on COSO-ERM Integrated
Farmework and ISO 31000:2009 to know the
company’s control and risk management in general.
Then analyze role of internal audit in internal control
and risk management PT. Reinsurance ABC which
is assessed based on International Standards of
Internal Audit Professional Practice (IPPF) by
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).The author uses a
lot of data from company’s audit work program,
internal audit reports, and literature studies by
collecting books, scientific journals, articles, rules,
professional standards related to internal audit and
risk management.
The unit of analysis in this study is PT.
Reinsurance ABC as a single unit analysis. PT.
Reinsurance ABC located in Jakarta The scope of
this analysis is the role of internal audit in carrying
out internal control and management of the PT.
Reinsurance ABC. This study provides
recommendations and improvements to the role of
internal audit in internal control and management of
PT. Reinsurance ABC. Data collection is done by
Observation and inteview. It conducts direct
observation of activities related to internal audit
audit activities, internal control, and also internal
audit’s role in risk management of PT. Reinsurance
ABC. The interview activity was carried out with
parties who had a direct connection with the
research conducted. They are internal audit ‘s
department and risk management’s department.
Authority, responsibility and objectives of the
internal audit function of PT. Reinsurance ABC has
been formally defined in the IA charter or internal
audit charter, but the charter of PT. Reinsurance
ABC distributes the audit charter for its own internal
audit and there has been no significant change to the
previous internal audit charter. So that there is a
need for periodic updates and distributed to all
management organizations tailored to the objectives
of the company. However, the tone of the top
currently supports the internal audit function and
role. Internal audit helps management achieve its
goals, vision, and mission with its activities. Internal
audit conducting an assessment or assurance and
consulting on internal control and risk management
of the company. Technical assessment or assurance
and internal audit consultation of PT. Reinsurance
ABC currently, there are still some shortcomings,
the audit plan of PT. Reinsurance ABC is less
systematic and the realization of audit planning that
has been made is not all running. That is because the
internal audit’s staff is very little, while PT.
Reinsurance ABC always plans to audit all
company’s departments. Head of internal audit of
PT. Reinsurance ABC is a person who is quite
experienced in his field, but due to the heavy load of
work to audit all departments so that he is not
effective in doing his work. Risk assessment is not
compiled based on the priority values of each
component or department, but based on previous
audit findings and audit findings are often repeated,
so that they cannot provide appropriate
recommendations and have a significant impact.
Therefore, it is necessary to add competent
internal auditors and PT. Reinsurance ABC needs to
implement risk management in every audit plan
carried out by the company, so that internal audit’s
work becomes more effective. The audit by a
company's internal audit also needs to be based on a
good and systematic risk-based audit (RBIA), which
uses the entire risk management process, so that the
audit process is more structured. The next stage,
transaction testing has been carried out by referring
to the audit program, but lack of communication and
the absence of documentation of the results of
clarification with the auditee. Internal Audit PT.
ABC Reinsurance is now able to communicate the
results of audit assignments in the form of audit
reports. However, at this time the auditee has not
clarified the issues for any of the things reported in
the conflict regarding matters not approved by the
auditee. So, the recommendations for improvement
often only go in one direction and there is no good
discussion, so that the internal audit of company
must increase its consultative role. After reporting,
the internal auditor will follow up on the audit
results. Follow-up of audit results has been quite
well done, but there are still corrective actions that
should have been carried out and have not been
carried out until the next audit report period.
Based on IIA’ performance standard 2130,
activities carried out by internal audit or can also be
called the role of internal audit in internal control,
which must be able to evaluate the adequacy and
a. Information on Company Financial Statements
Internal audit has conducted an audit or
assessment of the accounting system and
reviews of financial statements contained in the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
company. Internal audit has also made a report
on the audit. For example: internal audit checks
the recording and disclosure of investments in
the company's financial statements and there are
a number of things that are of concern to be
improved. The internal audit also check the
taxation, treasury, and check of the company's
b. Company Operations
Internal audit has been able to evaluate the
adequacy of the company's operational activities
and provide recommendations for
improvements that should be made. Internal
audit reviews the SOP (Standard Operational
Procedure) by studying the applicable SOP in
the company and studying the company's
organizational structure first and mapping the
SOP which are the responsibility of each group
or department head.
c. Security of Company Assets
Internal audit has evaluated the company's
assets and carried out physical checks on the
company's assets. Internal audit also conducts
stock opname and checking inventory’s items
with company’s notes.
d. Obedience in laws, regulations, and applicable
Internal audit has evaluated the compliance of
laws, regulations, and provisions applicable to
companies by looking for copies of the
government regulatory, POJK, PSAK, and
SEOJK to be examined, then comparing the
regulations with the actual conditions of PT.
Reinsurance ABC. The conclusions and
suggestions indicate that the internal audit has
carried out the 2130 IIA’s performance
Internal audit in corporate risk management has
1.Provide communication about risks in audit
activities or activities
Audit findings generated in audit activities by
internal audits have been submitted to the directors.
Internal audit has also provided recommendations
for improvements that should be made to audit
findings that have potential risks in the future. For
example, at present there is a delay in the issuance of
notes due to difficulties in obtaining accurate data
from ceding companies that cause delays in receipt
of premiums or sessions. The internal audit provides
recommendations to reduce the number of pending
borders and speed up the time of issuing notes by
improving the engineering procedures of the
engineering department.
2.Internal audit involvement in determining the
company's risk profile that is in line with company
appetite (risk appetite)
At this time the internal audit is involved in
identifying risks for determining the risk profile
when making a risk register. But at this time, the risk
register has not been done well because there are no
facilities in making the risk register. Internal audit
join with risk management should be able to provide
a place for discussion or workshop to control self-
assessment of each department and make a risk
register that gets guidelines from risk management
so that it is more structured. Determination of risk
appetite is sometimes determined by internal audits
and shows the error of the role of internal audit in
the risk management process.
3.In the 2120 performance standard. A1 Internal
audit must be able to evaluate risk exposures related
to operations and information systems and internal
audits have conducted risk evaluations of the
activities carried out, namely financial risk,
information technology risk, risk of assets and
liabilities, risks operational, capital risk, and
management risk. However, currently the internal
audit has not evaluated the key risk reporting
process and has not yet conducted a key risk
management review. When conducting risk
identification, internal audits often determine risk
assurance and make decisions in response to existing
4.In the 2120 performance standard. C1 internal
audit during consulting assignments should pay
attention to risks related to the purpose of the
assignment and be careful of other significant risks.
At present, the risk management process has not
been thoroughly carried out, but internal audits have
carried out consultation and insurance activities
according to IIA guidelines. Internal audit activities
always refer to the annual supervision program that
is in the company.
Internal control has been assessed by internal
audits, but the assessment of the effectiveness of the
company's operations has not been carried out by the
company, while there are still some shortcomings in
operational procedures for receiving session
activities for example. PT. Reinsurance ABC needs
to increase information technology systems that
affect the overall operations of the company. At
present, internal control of PT. Reinsurance ABC is
not effective yet. The role of internal audit in risk
management of PT. Reinsurance ABC already
exists. The company's internal audit analyzes or
evaluates the risk management process based on ISO
31000: 2009 and COSO framework. Internal audit
Role of Internal Audit in Risk Management at PT Reinsurance ABC
also performs its role in assessing risk but needs to
be improved communication and coordination
regarding risk management with all departments and
internal audits in determining and identifying key
risks, then key risk evaluations have not been
formally disclosed in the form of documentation, so
there is a need to evaluate key risks reviewed also by
management and final documentation regarding the
key risks. Internal audit can actually provide
facilities in risk identification, risk management
along with internal audit should provide a discussion
or workshop space for the self-assessment of each
department and make a risk register that gets
guidelines from risk management and facilitate key
risk searches but that has not been done and internal
audit should provide teaching about risk response
and not assign to one side.
The risk management process based on ISO
31000: 2009 has seven components, staff at
PT.Reinsurance ABC has each role of company’s
risk management processes can be done such as:
1. Communication and consultation: Director,
Internal Audit and Risk Management
2. Determine the context: Risk Management
3. Risk Identification: All Departments
4. Risk Analysis: Internal Audit and Risk
5. Risk Evaluation: Internal Audit and Risk
6. Risk Treatment: Risk Management, Internal
Audit and All Departments
7. Supervision and Review: Internal Audit
While based on the COSO-ERM framework,
there are eight components of assessment and
carried out by each actor or executor so that the
responsibilities given are clear and structured. PT.
Reinsurance ABC can map the executor or actor of
each risk management process in COSO-ERM as
1. Internal Environment: Director (management)
2. Objective Setting: Director (management)
3. Event Identification: All Departments
4. Risk Assessment: Risk Management and
Internal Audit
5. Risk Response: Risk Management and Internal
6. Control Activities: Risk Management and All
7. Information and Communication: Director,
Internal Audit and Risk Management
8. Monitoring: Internal Audit
Good or effective internal audit can be reflected in
its role in conducting audit activities or activities,
starting from making charter or IA charter, audit
planning to reporting of audit results. There are still
some shortcomings in the internal audit activities of
PT. Reinsurance ABC.
The role of internal audit of PT. Reinsurance
ABC in internal control is seen based on
international standards of internal audit professional
practice (IPPF) by IIA. It can be concluded that
internal audit plays a role in assessing and
improving the internal control of PT. ABC
reinsurance to achieve company goals, as well as
providing consultations and weakness
recommendations from internal controls. But until
now, internal audits have not provided a general
written assessment of the effectiveness or failure of
the company's internal controls.
The company's internal audit analyzes or
evaluates the risk management process based on ISO
31000: 2009 and COSO-ERM Integrated
Framework and the role of internal audit in risk
management is assessed in the international
standards of internal audit professional practices
(IPPF) by IIA. From the author's assessment and
research, the company's risk management policies
exist and are socialized within the company. But
until now the application of risk management is still
limited to formality with the existence of a risk
management department. Then, when there is an
error in the role of internal audits in determining risk
response, internal audit should assess the overall risk
management process and provide an assessment to
be disclosed in the internal audit report periodically.
Internal audit may not set risk response for inherent
risk in PT. ABC Reinsurance. The role of internal
audit in risk management of PT. Reinsurance
already exists. Internal audit also performs its role in
assessing risk but communication and coordination
needs to be improved regarding the process and
implementation of risk management with all
departments and internal audits in determining and
identifying key risks.
PT. Internal Audit ABC's reinsurance is less
effective can be reflected in its role in conducting
audit activities or activities. Audit planning is less
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
systematic, recommendations are inappropriate
because of less systematic risk assessment, lack of
communication and the absence of documentation of
the results of clarification with the auditees. The
internal audit role of PT. Reinsurance ABC in
internal control is still less effective, internal audit
has not provided a general written assessment of the
effectiveness internal control’s company.
The company's internal audit has been able to
conduct an analysis or assessment of the company's
risk management process based on ISO 31000: 2009
and COSO-ERM Integrated Farmework.
The role of internal audit in risk management of
PT. Reinsurance ABC is assessed based on
international standards of internal audit professional
practice (IPPF) by IIA. From the author's assessment
and research, the company's risk management
policies exist and are socialized within the company.
But until now the implementation of risk
management is still limited to formality with the
existence of a risk management department. Then, at
this time there is a mistake in the role of internal
audit in determining the risk response, so that the
implementation of company audits needs to be based
on risk-based audits (RBIA), which uses the entire
risk management process, so that the audit process is
more structured and systematic. It is expected that
good risk management will form three lines of
defense for the company. Internal audit acts as a
third line of defense. Internal audit will only checks
significant risks.
COSO, Comittee of Sponsoring Organization of the
Threadway Commission. (2009). Internal Control
Integrated Framework : Guidance on Monitoring
Internal Control Systems Introduction. New York:
The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of
the Threadway Commission.
ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and
Moeller, Robert R. (2007). Brink’s Modern Internal
Auditing Fifth Edition. New Jersey : John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Sensi, L. W. (2006). Memahami Akuntansi Asuransi
Kerugian. Jalarta : PT Prima Mitra Edukarya.
Sawyer, Lawrence B., Mortimer A. Dittenhofer, dan
James H. Scheiner. (2006). Sawyer’s Internal
Auditing. Dialihbahasakan oleh Ali Akbar. Edisi 5.
Buku 3. Jakarta : Salemba Empat
Setiawati, Lina. (2015). Analisis Peran Audit Internal
terhadap Good Corporate Governance, Pengendalian
Internal, dan Manajemen Risiko (Studi Kasus pada
PT. ABC). Depok : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). (2009).
International Standards for The Profesional Practice
of Internal,.
Role of Internal Audit in Risk Management at PT Reinsurance ABC