Bulan Terang Utama Housing RT 04 / RW 16, Jl. Ki
Ageng Gribg Madyopuro, Malang City. This group
was formed from the initiative of residents to utilize
vacant land in addition to housing which is also a
green land that has been programmed by developers.
This farmer group was formed since 2017, but the
conditions are still ups and downs. Therefore, the
researcher wants to develop a participatory approach
to empowering the farmers group so that the initial
idea of the farmer group dies and finally only as a
The farmer group "Agri Mandiri", run by the
head of the household and assisted by mothers in
RT.04 / RW.16. The purpose and objective of
forming this farming group is to promote community
mutual assistance activities by utilizing non-
productive land alongside housing. Providing
residents with psychological benefits for aesthetics
and health from agricultural products that are
managed naturally without synthetic chemicals. And
as a medium for reforestation and creation of
neighborhood residents. Besides this farming park is
intended to educate children and the younger
generation to preserve the environment and
understand the types, shapes and benefits of plants in
Given that this housing is still new, so most of
people who lives in this housing is working age, its
means they are so productive . However, there are
also those who are unworking age or non-
productive. The variety and status of residents of
RT.04 / RW16 actually makes the farming groups
even better. With a variety of backgrounds that are
owned, it is possible to exchange information. For
example, there are those who work in the financial
sector and are still young so they can share about
funding issues. There are also those who have a
great interest or interest in farming, so they can
share about the farming group activities program and
make a pilot project, which is more important than
that is that sustainable participation is very much
needed for the success of the managed farming park.
At the first this farming group still ran a
farming park as part of their hobbies and activities,
but often they gathered finally came up with an idea
to develop a farming park so that it could be used by
local residents and later it could be sold as an
increase in agricultural yields so that the community
economy could increase around. However, this idea
is often constrained by the problem of farm
management that none of the residents have an
agricultural background. So that in running activities
in the farm garden only learn from books or from
videos spread on the internet. Some have succeeded,
but many have failed.
The cohesiveness of the community in this
RT can also be seen from the participation of
mothers in selling and providing consumption when
there are farming park activities. So that the
management of the farming park is carried out by
the ladies and gentlemen, the part of providing
consumption and selling the results of farm garden
products. Agricultural products have their own
characteristics, namely promoting organic products.
The results of the participatory approach
included 3 main points, namely:
1. The farmer group will repair the greenhouse
At the beginning of this farmer group was
formed, they have made a greenhouse, but
walking for 2 months the greenhouse was
damaged by the wind. Even though the
existence of a green house is very important,
because not all plants can be placed on exposed
land. Moreover, the construction of empty land
is not all fertile. Therefore farmer groups
agreed to rebuild greenhouses that were more
robust with joint funding.
2. The farmer group will replace plants that are
easy to manage and produce
Before the existence of the researcher, the
plants planted by farmer groups were diverse
and unfocused. Then it was agreed that the
plants to be planted included two groups of
plants, namely (a) plants for household needs
and (b) main crops in the form of passion fruit
which would later be used as processed
3. Farming governance will be assisted for access
to experts
The farmer group asks the facilitator to bring in
special experts in agriculture so that the plants
to be planted can grow well. This is because
according to the experience of the previous
farmer groups many plants failed to harvest.
The yield of the plant is not satisfactory. The
farmer group can only make compost, but for
governance there is no expert.
4. Make written work program
So far, farmer groups have never made a
written agenda, so many ideas that have been
accommodated cannot be implemented. So that
researchers become facilitators in preparing the
activity agenda in writing. This is used so that
each citizen has duties and responsibilities, so
that all activities can be carried out properly.
The conclusion of this paper are, namely:
1. The existence of facilitators makes farmer
groups become increasingly active and