three parts: system, procedure and step. Sytem is
activities, procedure is more detailed explanation on
activity, and step are the activities of the procedure
more detailed (Stup, 2001). Standard operational
procedure as guidance to ensure decision, effective,
consistent, standard and systematic (Tambunan,
Standard operational procedure advantages for
the an organization in order to measuring of
employee performance, as a guide and
communication and supervision and they also
aasisted an employee to know what will be they
achieved (Kasma, 2012). Standard operational
procedure relating to a quality management system
because standard operational procedure constituting
a standard so the process taht ocurs be likened to the
presence of International Organization of
Standardization (Tambunan, 2012). Standard
operational procedure have a purpose and functions
to keep the consistency and level performance
employees. Knowing clear the role and funtion of
every position, clarity of groove duty, the authority
and responsibility, protects organizaion of
malpractice and to avoid default, doubt, duplicate
and inefficiency. To be legal basis made guide and
emloyee dicipline (Kasma, 2012).
Presenting the financial statements must follow
prevalling accounting standard. Standard was not
should be used all, because standard built upon each
interest. Any entity an choose principle, basic, rules
and procedures accordance whir what is needed the
entity in making and presenting financial statement.
By choosing principle, basic, regulation and
procedure iti is expected entity can make and
presenting finacial statements appropriated for the
Financial statments is a presentation of structured
of financial position and financial performance an
entity. Complete financial statements consisting of
(Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, 2017):
1. Statement of financial position
2. Statement of comprehensive income
3. Statement of changes in equity
4. Statement of cash flows
5. Note to financial statements
Intercompany transaction is parties that were
considered to have special relation if one side has te
ability to control the other hand or having
significant upon the parties other in decision making
of financial and operational (Ikatan Akuntan
Indonesia, 2017). Calsified of intercomapny
transaction are:
1. The same entity under control
2. Associate company
3. Individiuals having significant entity to control
or influence.
One of the reasons was intercompany transaction is
to make cash flows more flexible (Cripe, 2016).
Intercomapny transaction can be done in four way;
intercomapny transaction – sales, intercompany
transaction – working capital, intercomapny
transaction – royalti and intercompany transaction –
services. Intercomapny transaction can also be some
problems when not in control (Volmer, 2016). The
various ways that could be done to anticipate
difficulties are likely to occur at a later date : the
standard policy, central of intercompany transaction,
master data, cash flow strategic management and use
third parties for reconciliation.
Encounter turns and developing economic
enviroment, one alternative to way to can survive
and to encounter the change of was with business
combination (Mortensen, 1994; Chi&Tang, 2007;de
Souza 2016). For mergers and acquisitions can be
divided into three categories (Moeller ,2009;
Ferrer,2016): strategic reason, financial reason and
organizational reason. Some benefits when they
commit combination business is improving
efficiency in capital, skill development,reduce
repetition in production and increase economies of
scale (Ravenschaft,1987;Ferrer,2016). Business
combinationis the union of business entity, business
combination is one of the way the company to
develop business gradually. Business combinations
can be divided into three types of (Beams, 2016):
horizontal integration, vertical integration and
conglomeration. Business combination been held by
the because some thing: cos advantage, minimize
risk, reduce delay, avoid takeover, acquisition
intagible asset and other reason.
Consolidated financial statement has objective
unite report holding company and subsidiaries, to
process of consolidating done by holding company
because it has interest in subsidiaries (Lemus, 2016).
Several criteria consolidated finacial statement
according to acounting bulletin No. 51 is:
1. Holding comapny must have voting rights and
share 50% or more at subsidiaries.
2. Holding company have control at subsidiaries.
When in the near future the company plans to
sell subsidiaries, better in consolidated financial
statement is not included subsidiaries.
4. Both holding and subsidiaries should do each
In addition to mention the citeria should be owned
an a consolidated financial satement, there are two
provisions tht must beperformed in consolidated
finacial statement (Schroeder, 2014). First, asset and
liabilities that were owned both holding and
subsidiaries could not recognized repeated. Second,
the company could not acknowledging income of