The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Professionality
Employee the Indonesian Republican Navy
, R. Madhakomala
and Kazan Gunawan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta -Indonesia
Keywords: Transformasional Leadership, Professionality
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the transformational leadership of professionality employee the
Indonesian Republican Army. This research tried to answer problems about transformational leadership
with evidence increasing of professionality employee the Indonesian Republican Army. The research was
conducted on professionality employee the Indonesian Republican Army involving of 180 employee had
been selected from the target populations of 125 employee by using quantitative approach with path analysis
methods. the research of hypothesis testing show: transformational leadership had a direct effect positif on
Human resources are one of the important and
valuable assets for an organization (Batarliene,
Čižiuniene, Vaičiute, Šapalaite, & Jarašuniene,
2017). Research on Indonesia's human resource
perspective states that human resources are a source
of sustainable competitive advantage for an
organization (Wirawan, 2015). Facing these
challenges organizations need human resources that
are able to deal with change and global competition
(David, 2009).
Organizational professionalism has been
discussed in several literature. But the
professionalism of DISLAIKMATAL employees
has not been systematically studied. In this paper we
will try to assess the level of professionalism in a
government institution that has an important role, by
discussing the following professionalism
competencies of the organization that come from
ethical values: integrity and service.
Professionalism is a basic element of
bureaucracy that requires a full-time official corps
whose attention is directed specifically to its
managerial responsibilities. In the public sector,
professionalism is given to cadres of civil servants
whose positions are generally obtained through the
feasibility test section (Abou Arraj, 2018).
The Naval Material Service Office
(Dislaikmatal) is a government institution that does
not escape the implications of global competition
and the rapid development of science and
technology. Dislaimatal is one of the organizations
under the Navy (TNI AL). As the National
Executing Agency (Balakpus) of the Indonesian
Navy, Dislaikmatal is responsible for organizing
material welfare training within the Navy.
The role of the Navy's Health Service Agency
(Dislaikmatal) is very important to minimize
material and non-material losses such as the last
incident, namely KRI Rencong-622 burning and
sinking in the waters of Sorong, West Papua, about
20 nautical miles from the Indonesian Navy Fleet
Command III dock in Sorong , (Media, 2018). One
of the alleged causes is the weakness of the role of
the Navy's Disability Service Agency (Dislaikmatal)
in conducting supervision and guidance in the
context of material oversight in the Navy.
Viewed from the leadership literature, the
importance of transformational leaders expressed by
Bass according to the following quote, (Buil,
Martínez, & Matute, 2018) states that
transformational leaders have the ability to change
organizations through their vision for the future, and
by clarifying their vision, they can empower
employees to take responsibility for achieving that
Mulyadi, ., Madhakomala, R. and Gunawan, K.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Professionality Employee the Indonesian Republican Navy.
DOI: 10.5220/0009503407440747
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 744-747
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Transformational Leadership
In 1978 James McGregor Burns first introduced the
concept of transformational leadership as a different
type of leadership with transactional leadership.
According to Burns, transformational leadership is a
leadership that pays attention to the relationship
between leaders and followers based on trust, needs
and values that can be accepted by their followers.
Furthermore, the notion of transformational
leadership continues to evolve as Buil explains
transformational leadership as follows:
Transformational leadership defined as a style of
leadership that transforms followers to rise above
their self-interest by altering their morale, ideals,
interests, and values, motivating them to perform
better than initially expected, is currently the most
widely accepted paradigm in the leadership literature
(Buil et al., 2018)
Elain Pieterse, Cornelia Niessen defines
transformational leadership as follows,“
transformational leadership is defined as a
meaningful and creative exchange between leaders
and followers with the aim to guide followers
through a vision-driven change (Niessen, Mäder,
Stride, & Jimmieson, 2017). In accordance with
Cornelia's understanding, transformational
leadership is a style of a leader who builds beneficial
and creative reciprocal relationships to move his
followers through a change in perspective on
organizational goals. With a transformational
leadership approach, followers will change
themselves to contribute according to their
perspective on the organization's vision. A
transformational leader will convince his followers
that organizational goals are a common goal for the
benefit of all personnel in the organization.
Other definitions of transformational leadership
in the leadership literature discussed by Aviolo and
Bass define transformational leadership as follows:
Transformational leadership is multi-faceted and
comprises four sub-dimensions, namely idealized
influence (attributed and behavior), inspirational
motivation, intellectual stimulation, and
individualized consideration. Idealized influence
attributed refers to followers’ attributions of power
and confidence and their identification with their
leader. Leaders consider the need of others over their
own needs and serve as charismatic role models for
their followers, who respond with trust, confidence,
and respect (Buil et al., 2018).
An understanding of transformational leadership
is becoming increasingly interesting as material for
discussion in academia and researchers in the field
of leadership. As Aviolo and Bass explained
transformational leadership as multi-dimensional
leadership in accordance with John R. Schermerhorn who said that transformational leadership has
four dimensions, namely, charisma, inspiration,
intellectual stimulation and individualized
consideration (Schermerhorn, Jr et al., 2014).
Based on the literature review above, it can be
synthesized that transformational leadership is the
behavior of leaders who are embodied in exemplary
attitudes in empowering organizational resources
optimally to achieve established goals, with
indicators: able to influence subordinates, inspire
and intellectual stimulus.
To obtain the concept of "Professionalism" which
embodies this dissertation, it will first describe
things that are relevant to the terminology. In the
literature on human resource management
professionalism is defined as follows: ... the
individual professional one who works within
limitations is set by the boundaries of knowledge
specialism set by the professional body, and the
government controls in others who have sets for
them (Parnell, 2011, 2015). John A Parnell's study
of professionalism describes that a person is
declared a professional if the person is able to
demonstrate performance within boundaries
arranged in a series of specific knowledge
determined by a professional body and in the target
and planning context that has been set for them by
the government
Chambers describes the details of
professionalism cited by Brian P. West as follows:
Professionalism is tolerated: to contend with
managers who should have what they demand,
where they are the demand for prejudice, the
preservation of the interests of others, is to forgo
professional independence; to admit that intellectual
involvement or self-interest dominate (West, 2003).
Professionali sm is competition between employees
in meeting the criteria or requirements owned by
employees in work that has been determined by the
organization. In addition, professionalism can foster
intellectual freedom of the employees at work and
foster an atmosphere that is conducive to work.
Based on the study of the literature above, it can
be synthesized that professionalism is the character
of a person which is shown from the ability, skill,
and method of execution of work in accordance with
the standards set by official bodies or institutions
recognized by the government with indicators of
knowledge of a field of work , skills in work and
high dedication to his work.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Professionality Employee the Indonesian Republican Navy
This research use survey method quantitative with
correlation technique Data from this research was
collected by selecting sample in population. The
affordable population in this study was all Employee
Indonesian Navy's Material Compliance which to
180 employees. And calculations using SPSS, then
the obtained number of samples as many as 125
employees of Employee Indonesian Navy's Material
used as sample frames in this study. Data collection
used for this research is descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics.
The results of the first hypothesis testing can be
concluded that there is a positive relationship
between transformational leadership with
Professionalism, where the correlation coefficient of
0.266 yield tcount = 3,03 greater than ttable = 2.62
at α = 0.01. The conclusion shows that the higher the
Transformational leadership, the higher the
The correlation between transformational
leadership and Professionalism indicates its
effectiveness, either through product moment
correlation or partial correlation. The results of this
analysis provide clues that transformational
leadership is one of the main factors contributing to
Professionalism. From the results it can also be
interpreted that the increase in transformational
leadership will provide a significant contribution to
Professionalism. This is consistent with the opinion
(Afsar, F. Badir, & Bin Saeed, 2014; Niessen et al.,
2017, 2017; Yukl, 2010) explained that a
transformational leader can make employees more
confident and motivate their employees to be more
professional: With transformational leadership, the
followers feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect
toward the leader, and they are motivated to do more
than they originally expected to do. According to
Bass, the leader transforms and motivates followers
by making them more aware of the importance of
task outcomes, inducing them to transcend their own
self-interest for the sake of the organization or team,
and activating their higher-order needs With
transformational leadership followers or employees
feel trust, admiration, loyalty and respect for leaders
and they are motivated to deliver expected
performance above their original performance.
According to the discussion in the previous sub-
chapter of the discussion, according to Bass the
transformational leader will be able to change and
motivate the employees below to realize the
importance of producing maximum performance,
encouraging employees to think beyond personal
interests in the interests of the organization and
forming professional attitudes of employees..
The result of aanalyses and interpretation of the
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is positively related to performance. This means that
an increase in Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) has
a relationship with the performance of the staff of
the Education Office of Banten Province.
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The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Professionality Employee the Indonesian Republican Navy