the operational burden by 0.91%. Similarly, third
party funds (DPK) that have not been optimized
amounted to 0.91%. But actually, the main
inefficiency is the financing variable. In order to
achieve an optimal level of efficiency, the level
of financing needs to be increased by 98.16%.
Likewise, operating income needs to be
increased. In other words, it needs to increase
efficiency and productivity, especially output.
5.2 Suggestions
There are several recommendations related to the
measurement of the efficiency level of Islamic
People's Financing Bank in Central Java:
1. Based on returns to scale (RTS) analysis, it is
very interesting to observe a decrease in the
number of banks operating under the IRS
conditions, and the increase in the number of
banks operating in DRS conditions is a concern
to reduce the scale of operations, by reducing
unnecessary costs can increase the level of
efficiency. Islamic People's Financing Bank in
Central Java is inefficient in monitoring
operating costs during 2010-2016. Thus,
management performance improvement is
needed through better planning and control to
achieve optimal management performance. In
addition, it is also necessary for Islamic People's
Financing Bank to enlarge the assets (size),
strengthen capital and also increase the loan
portfolio, in order to achieve optimal efficiency
levels (Anwar et al., 2016).
2. There are several factors that become obstacles
to the development of the Islamic banking
industry in Indonesia, namely: 1) Insufficient
capital of Sharia Banks; 2) Weak understanding
of Islamic banks practitioners; 3) Lack of
government support and 4) Public trust &
interest in Islamic banks tend to be low
(Rusydiana, 2016). Therefore, the related parties
need to improveme in terms of capital, quality of
Islamic bank human resources, and moreover the
government support.
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