Where the variable land area, input costs, labor
and farmer experience have a significant influence
on the variable income of chili farmers in Pematang
Silimakuta District, Simalungun Regency.
Based on the results of the estimation of the
research model with the OLS model, the R
value is
0.55, which means that 55% of the independent
variables namely land area, input costs, labor
experience and farmers can explain the dependent
variable, farmers income, while the remaining 45%
is explained by others outside the model.
The results of the partial significance test (t-test),
as follow :
a. Land Area
Based on the results of partial significance test
(t-test) obtained t-statistic value of 0.457 where the
probability level is 0.6489, it can be concluded that
the land area variable has no effect but significant to
farmers income. The area of vegetable land owned
by farmers is a factor in showing the size of the
production produced. If the farmer's land area is
large enough, then the economic opportunity to
increase production and income will be greater
(Soekartawi et al., 2002). The status of the land in
this research area is generally self-owned land.
Based on the results of the study indicate that the
chili area cultivated by farmers is quite varied. The
largest land area of farmers is 1 Ha. While the
average land area of farmers in the study area is 0.2
Ha. This means that the potential of farmers land
area is still low due to the large land area of farmers
under one hectare. This shows that agriculture in the
research area is still a subsystem scale. The
agricultural produce is only enough to support the
daily needs of the farmer's household.
b. Input Cost
Based on the results of the partial significance
test (t-test) obtained a t-statistic value of -4,014
where the probability level is 0,0001, it can be
concluded that the input cost variable does not have
an effect but is significant on farmer income. The
input costs used by farmers have varying costs. The
most cost of input chili is between Rp. 2,000,000 up
to Rp. 4,000,000 per planting season per year. The
chili input costs in the study area are highest, namely
Rp. 13,700,000 per planting season per year with a
land area of 1 ha, while the lowest cost of chili input
is Rp. 1,120,000 per planting season per year with a
land area of 0.8 ha.
c. Labor
Based on the results of the partial significance
test (t-test) obtained a t-statistic value of 5.919
where the probability level is 0.0000, it can be
concluded that the labor variable has a significant
effect on farmer income. Most of the workforce in
this study are labor in the family. The types of work
carried out by farmers in this study are land
cultivation, planting, fertilizing, maintenance and
harvesting. Based on the results of the study, the
average number of farm workers is 20 people per
day. The highest number of farmer workers is 50
people per day with a land area of 1 ha and the
smallest number of workers is 4 people per day with
a land area of 0.08 hectares. There were 5
respondent farmers who did not use wage labor in
their farming activities, namely farmers who used
labor in the family.
d. Farmer Experience
Based on the results of the partial significance
test (t-test) obtained a t-statistic value of 1.048, it
can be concluded that the farmer's experience
variable does not have an effect but is significant on
farmer's income. The duration of farming or farmer's
experience is not based on the age of the farmer
because someone who has been cultivating for a
long time is very careful in absorbing new
technology offered from outside, whereas farmers
with relatively little experience tend to more easily
absorb new technology and try the new technology
more quickly. the farm they manage. Thus, farming
experience will reflect a person's behavior in his
farming activities (Soekartawi, 1995). Based on the
results of the study, the average experience of
farmers was 6 years with the age of the oldest
farmers, namely 58 years old with the level of
elementary education and the age of the youngest
farmers, namely 25 years old with the level of
elementary education. The experience of most
farmers is 10 years with the age of the oldest
farmers, namely 61 years old with the level of junior
high school education and the youngest age of
farmers, namely 31 years old with junior high school
The results of the estimation of the overall
significance test (F-test) are known that the results
of the F-statistic estimation are 22.30664 at the level
of α = 0.05, which means simultaneously all the
independent variables in this research model are land
area, input costs, labor and experience farmers have
a significant influence on the dependent variable,
namely the income of chili farmers in the District of
Pematang Silimakuta, Simalungun Regency.