Determinants of Intellectual Capital Disclosure by using Monetary
and Non-monetary Variables
Prima Aprilyani Rambe
, Citra Dewi
, Iskandar Muda
and Syafruddin Ginting
Student Postgraduate, Faculty Economic and Business,Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan –Indonesia
Lecture Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan-Indonesia
Keywords: Intellectual Capital Disclosure, Profitability, Leverage, Firm size, Firm’s Age
Abstract: Purpose of this research is to analyse of determinants of intellectual capital disclosure by using monetary
and non monetary variables. Profitability, leverage, firms’s size and firm’s age are determinants of
intellectual capital disclosure. There were 12 companies which selected as a sample. An index of disclosure
of intellectual capital was constructed to analyse intellectual capital disclosure in the sustainability reports
for 2015 – 2017. This report was published on the website of Indonesia Stock Exchange. Object of this
research is only focus on banking firms. This reasearch was developed four hypothesis about association
between profitability, leverage, firm’s size, firm’s age and intellectual capital disclosure. This research
highlight the determinants of intellectual capital disclosure by using intellectual capital index from
Oliviera’s research. The results showed that there was association between profitability, firm’s age and
intellectual capital disclosure. But leverage and firm size showed that there was not association with
intellectual capital disclosure.
Intellectual capital is one of the intangible assets in
the company. Information regarding intangible asset
is regulated in PSAK No. 19 (Revised 2009).
Disclosures about intangible assets are presented by
each company in the annual report. However, the
PSAK does not regulate what items must be
disclosed in the annual report regarding intangible
assets. Disclosure of intellectual capital is one of the
disclosures in the annual report. This disclosure is
voluntary. Although this disclosure is voluntary,
many companies make this disclosure in their annual
reports. Voluntary disclosure especially intellectual
capital is an added value for the company. Because
in this annual report, especially the disclosure of
intellectual capital provides information about the
performance of human resources owned by the
company. So, if a company has good financial
performance, this is because one of them is due to
good human resource management.
Knowledge-based industries are industries that
utilize the innovations they create to compete with
other industries by providing their own value for the
products or services produced by the industry.
Especially in the industrial era 4.0 technology is
very high needed in the company. Therefore, to
absorb the technology that is developing now, it
requires high intellectual capital. Banking
companies are one company that must use high
technology. Because banking companies must
improve the system and strategy with the aim that
the public can prove and feel that technology makes
it easy for transaction. Technology also helps
companies to maintain customer security and trust.
Skimming is one of the crimes in the world of
banking. This is also the reason for banks for
making improvements in innovation and technology.
To be able to innovate and adopt sophisticated
technology, high intellectual capital must be needed.
This study aims to determine the factors that
influence the disclosure of intellectual capital.
Disclosure of intellectual capital in this study uses
research conducted by (Oliveira, Rodrigues and
Craig, 2010). According to (Oliveira, Rodrigues and
Craig, 2010), there are 88items of intellectual capital
that should be disclosed. Meanwhile, according to
(Garanina and Dumay, 2017) based on Guthrie
Rambe, P., Dewi, C., Muda, I. and Ginting, S.
Determinants of Intellectual Capital Disclosure by using Monetary and Non-monetary Variables.
DOI: 10.5220/0009504810971102
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1097-1102
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
stated that there are 79 items of intellectual capital
that should be disclosed. The difference between the
research conducted by (Oliveira, Rodrigues and
Craig, 2010) and (Garanina and Dumay, 2017) lies
in human capital, strategic capital and process
capital. There are several additional items in these
three elements. Most previous studies such as to
(Garanina and Dumay, 2017); (Sudibyo and Basuki,
2017); (Kamath, 2016); (Al-hamadeen & Swaidan,
2014) used items less than 88 items, started from 40
items to 79 items.
In disclosure of intellectual capital is influenced
by several factors. Many previous researchers such
as (Garanina and Dumay, 2017); (Sudibyo and
Basuki, 2017); (Kamath, 2016); (Eddine et al.,
2015); (Al-hamadeen & Swaidan, 2014) who have
conducted research on factors that influence
disclosure intellectual capital. As for the factors that
have been studied such as company age, company
size, auditor type, managerial ownership,
profitability, leverage and others. However, the
results of the study showed insistency in each study.
The factors examined in this study are profitability
and leverage that represent the monetary variable.
Firm size and age are factors that represent non-
monetary variables.
This research is using three theories that can
explained about intellectual capital disclosure.It
comprises of stakeholder theory, signaling theory
and legitimating theory. Stakeholder theory is
consisting of shareholders,employees, customers,
competitors, lenders, government and society and
environmental activist groups, media and consumer
advocates (Kamath, 2016) as companies that grow in
size and characteristics, management is starting to
give strong hope to stakeholders (Kamath, 2016).
This explains why intellectual capital is expected to
be expressed more in large companies (Kamath,
2016). In the legitimacy theory emphasizes that
companies are in a continuous process to get the
approval of community norms about their functions
(Kamath, 2016). The signaling of the theory shows
that high-quality companies must show a signal to
the market that the company provides high profits so
that it will reduce the cost of capital (Kamath, 2016).
Many researchers conducted research on factors
that influence intellectual capital disclosures such as
(Seng, Kumarasinghe and Pandey, 2018);(Kamath,
2016);(Eddine et al., 2015); (Al-hamadeen &
Swaidan, 2014); (Ibikunle, Oba and Nwufo, 2013).
Several factors influence intellectual capital
disclosure such as profitability, leverage, company
size, company age, ownership structure and others.
However, in this study the factors used in
intellectual capital disclosure are profitability,
leverage, firm size and company age.
According to Meek et. Al (1995); Marston and
Shrives (1995) and El Gazzar and Fornaro (2003)
in(Ibikunle, Oba and Nwufo, 2013) show that
profitable companies are expected to reveal more
information about their performance. Hanifa and
Cooke (2002) in (Ibikunle, Oba and Nwufo, 2013)
found a positive and significant relationship between
company profitability and intellectual capital
disclosure. However, this is different from the
research conducted (Sudibyo and Basuki, 2017);
(Kateb, 2014);(Rahim, Atan and Kamaluddin,
2011); (Rahim, Atan and Kamaluddin,
2011);(Taliyang, Latif, & Mustafa, 2011) say that
profitability does not affect intellectual capital
disclosure. Based on the above, the hypothesis that
can be built is
H1: Profitability affects intellectual capital
Companies with a high degree of leverage tend
to make wider disclosures (Company, Jensen and
Meckling, 1974). Because stakeholders such as
creditors need more information when the creditor
will provide a loan to a company. This research was
supported by (Kateb, 2014). Research (Bagchi, Joshi
and Salleh, 2015) shows that firm size and leverage
have no effect on intellectual capital disclosure.
H2: Leverage affects intellectual capital
Firm size and type of industry tend to be the
main determinants of intellectual capital disclosure.
Larger companies tend to be more progressive and
innovative because they have financial
resources(Kamath, 2016). Larger companies will
express more intellectuals because they think
managers of larger companies are more likely to
realize the possible benefits of more
disclosure(Ibikunle, Oba and Nwufo, 2013).
However, it is different from research conducted by
(Bagchi, Joshi and Salleh, 2015)which shows that
company size and leverage do not or have little
impact on the 114 companies studied (Kamath,
2016). Based on this, the hypothesis in this study
H3: Firm size influences intellectual capital
Company age is one of the factors considered in
influencing intellectual capital disclosure. Because if
a company can last long and is able to compete in a
business then this indicates that the company is able
to manage resources that are owned well. The ability
to manage resources owned is supported by
intellectual capital owned by the company.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Therefore, the longer the company maintains its
existence, the more intellectual capital is disclosed
in the annual report. This research is supported by
research (Taliyang, S. M., Latif, R. A., dan Mustafa,
2011) which states that the age of the company
influences intellectual capital disclosure.
H4: The age of the company influences
intellectual capital disclosure.
3.1 Sample
The sample in this study is the annual report of
banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the period of 2015 - 2017. There was
12 banking companies as a sample. Sampling
technique uses purposive sampling. It means this
sampling is using some criterias. There are :
1. Banking companies listed on the Indonesia
stock exchange for the period 2015-2017
2. Banking companies were reporting annual
reports for the period 2015-2017
3. Banking companies were earning profits during
the period 2015-2017
4. An annual report that provides all the
information needed for research data for the
period 2015-2017
3.2 Measurements of Variables
In this study consisted of dependent variables and
independent variables. The dependent variable in
this study is intellectual capital disclosure. The
measurement of intellectual capital disclosure is
using a disclosure index. There are 88 items used for
intellectual capital disclosure. The items disclosed
consist of strategy (21 items); Processes (11 items);
Innovation, research and development (8 items);
Technology (5 items); Customers (14 items); Human
Capital (29 items). Researchers used items revealed
from the study (Oliveira, Rodrigues and Craig,
2010). The formula used to calculate the index
Where di = 0 or 1
di = 0 if there is no disclosure item in annual report
d1 = 1 if there is disclosure item in annual report
M = total number of items should be disclosured in
annual report (88 items)
The independent variable used in this study consists
of four variables. There were two monetary
variables. That wasprofitability and leverage. Proxy
of profitability used Return on Asset (ROA).
Leverage used Debt to Equiry Ratio (DER/DR).
Meanwhile, non-monetary variables were firm size
and firm’s age.
The formula used for each independent variables
1.ROA = Income before tax
Total assets
2.DER = Total Debts
Total Equity
3. Firm Size = Ln Total assets
4.Firm’s Age = Firm’s established until research
3.3 Model Specification
This study used multiple linear regression analysis to
see the relationship between intellectual capital
disclosure and profitability, leverage, firm size and
firm's age. The form of the relationship can be seen
ICDI = a +b1ROA + b2DER + b3FS +b4FA + e
Where ICDI = Intellectual Capital Disclosure
ROA = Return on Asset
DER = Debt to Equity Ratio
FS = Firm Size
FA = Firm’s Age
a to b4 are coefficient
e = error
Descriptive statistics provide a description or
description of a data that is seen from the average
value (mean), standard deviation, maximum and
minimum (Ghozali, 2016). The mean is used to
estimate the magnitude of the population average
estimated from the sample. The maximum-minimum
is used to see the minimum and maximum values of
the population. Based on descriptive statistical
analysis, the company description is as follows:
Determinants of Intellectual Capital Disclosure by using Monetary and Non-monetary Variables
Table 1 : Descriptive Statistic
Min Max Mean Std
ICD 36 .1932 .8636 .476325 .254727
ROA 36 .0030 4.0000 1.334639 1.20708
DER 36 3.4353 14.7484 6.506355 2.62765
FS 36 27.3438 34.1953 31.80843
FA 36 23 71 47.50 14.799
Before conducting multiple linear regression
analysis, this study used the classic assumption test
so that the processed sample data really represents
the overall population. The normality test is done to
test whether the regression model has a normal
distribution or not. The normality test in this study
used the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The table
below shows the normality test performed
Tabel 2: Normality test
Kolmogorov Smirnov .636
(2 tailed) .813
Based on the table above, we can see that this
study is normally distributed. This can be seen from
the significance values above 0.813 (> 0.05).
To see how far the influence of one independent
variable individually in explaining the variance of
the dependent variable can be seen in the table
Tabel 3: Regresi
. Erro
2.212 1.027
2.153 .039
-.126 .035 -.596 -3.644 .001
DER -.007 .015 -.072 -.456 .652
FS -.061 .036 -.341 -1.686 .102
FA .009 .004 .499 2.353 .025
Based on the table above, we can see that the
ROA and Firm's age variables affect intellectual
capital disclosure. DER and Firm Size variables do
not affect intellectual capital disclosure. From the
table above can also be taken multiple linear
regression analysis as follows;
ICDI = 2.212 - .126ROA - .007DER - .061FS +
.009FA + e
To measure how far the ability of the model to
explain the variance of the dependent variable, we
use the coefficient of determination. A value that
approaches one means that the independent variables
provide almost all the information needed to predict
the variance of the dependent variable.
Tabel 4: Determination Coefficient
Model R
Adjusted R
Std. Error
of the
1 .571
.326 .239 .2222
The table above indicates the ability of multiple
regression equations to show the level of explanation
of the model towards the dependent variable. The
magnitude of the determination coefficient is 0.239
or 23.9%, which means that the ability of the
independent variable in this case is the return on
assets variable, the debt to equity ratio, firm size and
firm age simultaneously has an influence on the
intellectual capital disclosure variable of 23.9%.
While 76.1% is explained by other variables besides
the independent variables above.
Based on the results of the t test that has been done,
it can be seen that return on assets has a negative
effect on intellectual capital disclosure. This means
that the higher the value of return on assets, the
company will be less in doing intellectual capital
disclosure. It may be caused if the company's
performance has been good in this case is the profit
obtained by the company, the company does not
need to do a lot of disclosure in the annual report.
Where we know that disclosure of annual reports is
only voluntary. However, this is different from the
research conducted by (Rahim, Atan and
Kamaluddin, 2011) saying that profitability does not
affect intellectual capital disclosure (Kateb, 2014).
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
For leverage variables does not give effect to
intellectual capital disclosure. This means that many
or few intellectual capital disclosures are not
determined by leverage. This is in line with the
research conducted by (Rahim, Atan and
Kamaluddin, 2011);(Eddine et al., 2015).
For company size variables as measured by total
assets, it shows that firm size does not affect
intellectual capital disclosure. Intellectual capital
disclosure is not in the annual report does not
depend on whether the company is large or small.
This research is in line with (Bagchi, Joshi and
Salleh, 2015) and contradicts the research conducted
by (Ibikunle, Oba and Nwufo, 2013)
While for the age variable the company has an
influence on intellectual capital disclosure.
Companies that have long been established will
make more disclosures in their annual reports. This
is in line with the research conducted by (Taliyang,
S. M., Latif, R. A., dan Mustafa, 2011).
Based on multiple linear regression tests that have
been done, it can be concluded that for financial
variables, namely profitability and non-financial
variables, namely the age of the company influence
the intellectual capital disclosure in banking
companies in Indonesia. While the leverage and size
of the company does not influence intellectual
capital disclosure in banking companies in
Indonesia. While the ability of the independent
variable in this case is the return on assets variable,
the debt to equity ratio, firm size and firm age
simultaneously has an influence on the intellectual
capital disclosure variable of 23.9%. While 76.1% is
explained by other variables besides the independent
variables above.
This study has limitations in the form of periods,
objects and variables used to determine the factors
that influence intellectual capital disclosure.
Therefore, further research is expected to extend the
research period to be used. In this study, only one
object of research is a banking company. Future
research is expected to be able to use several objects
or do comparative objects. Many factors have not
been tested in this study to determine the factors that
influence intellectual capital disclosure.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science