6.2 Recommendation
This research still has limitations so it still needs
to be improved. Suggestions that can be submitted
for further research, as follows:
1) GO-JEK online transportation service
providers in Makassar should maintain
customer value and experiential marketing that
exist today and need to be upgraded to the
latest features of the application, innovate,
provide attractive promos to customers, and
improve service systems to make customers
more satisfied and not move to competing
2) The GO-JEK online transportation service
provider in Makassar city should give special
awards to customers who have long used
transportation facilities so that they are more
loyal and recommend to those around them to
become customers of this transportation
service provider.
3) For the future, it would be better if research
was conducted on other variables that were
thought to have an influence on customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty in GO-JEK
transport users in Makassar so that companies
could make improvements to further increase
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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