core to an external service provider to administers
and manages it accordingly. (Krstic and Kahrovic,
2015) The company non-core business process
consists of: corporate governance such as legal,
finance, planning, and public and government
relations, accounting, building services,
management, and administrative support, human
resource management activities such as recruiting,
hiring, training, compensating, and dismissing
personnel, technology and process development
such as maintenance, automation, design or redesign
of equipment, hardware, software, procedures, and
technical knowledge. (Brown, 2008) Outsourcing
concept is not new in the modern business
environment. (Vaxevanou and Konstantopoulos,
2015) Russ Banham, in his article, showed rationale
for BPO efforts such as: focus on core competencies,
save money, tap vendor domain expertise, focus on
strategic growth, etc. (Banham, 2001) Outsourcing is
a trend in the US. Several major corporations such
as Dell, AIG, IBM and Citi Group have been using
BPO and have leveraged the larger scale of outside
service activities to gain benefit such as costs
reductions, process quality improvement and
improvement in response time to market
requirement. (Li and Meissner, 2008) Many believe
there are several American companies who paid
millions of dollars to outsource their energy supply.
It means paying other companies to perform a
service the company previously had in-house, with
goal to save money and focus on their own business.
(Vestre, 2016) Procter & Gamble (P&G) showed an
$ 28 million significant saving when the company
outsourced its Java Programming to Manila,
Philippines, and Poland. Which is significant
amount in terms of cost reduction and profit
maximization. (Iqbal, 2013a)Transactional finance
activities normally outsourced consists of: data
entry, general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, inventory reconciliation, preparation of
management reporting, preparation of balance sheet,
taxes, and treasury reporting.
BPO is generally complex arrangement and
requires both parties, the company and service
provider, to consider set of questions and analyse
specific element to identify if BPO is the right
option to proceed. Before moving into next step, the
company needs to identify their objectives and
aspiration, scope, operating model, and the right
partner along with services provided. (Deloitte,
2016) In the past, companies pursued outsourcing as
a means to achieve better service at lower cost.
Since the outsourcing is conducted in the low-cost
country or locations. Recently, many organisations
are moving beyond low costs objectives to achieve
step changes in their performance and new,
innovative business models. Reported benefits of
BPO are: cost reduction, radical transformation,
access to superior capabilities and expertise of the
provider, release of capacity for remaining finance
function to provide business partnering, and
increased innovation. (Jim Downey and Technical
Information Service, 2008).
BPO and Changes in Accountant's role
An important fact of BPO is its ability to free
corporate executives’ time from managing day-to-
day process to deal with a more important
management responsibility. This happen since the
day-today activities are moved to the service
provider to perform according to the outsourcing
agreement. The study of Ohnemus showed
executives normally spend their time managing
everyday business and only some time on
formulating strategies for a successful advancement
of the company. And once a process is successfully
outsourced, the executives time spending ratio can
be easily reversed and as results it gives more time
to explore new revenue areas, accelerate other
projects and focus on customers, i.e. to concentrate
on the company core competencies. Which resulted
to improvement in the company’s efficiency and
productivity. (Ohnemus, 2010) Forbes Insight, in
association with Infosys, survey results of more than
200 executives showed that executives recognized
the how critical BPO in supporting their businesses.
Six out of 10 respondents said that BPO plays a very
important role in supporting their business model,
while another third said that BPO’s role was
somewhat important. The trend is expected to
continue positive, looking ahead three years, fully
68% of executives believe BPO’s role will be very
important. (Forbes, 2010) Review made by Jörg
Ohnemus showed that business process outsourcing
has a considerably positive and significant effect on
companies’ productivity, which accounts on average
for a 9 percent productivity increase for companies
sourcing-out their business processes to outsourcing
service providers. (Ohnemus, 2010)
However, with those benefits generated from the
arrangement, BPO could also pose some drawback
which could affect the company if the same are not
properly considered. Some of the drawback are: loss
of control, outsourcing can cause disruption, risk to
proprietary data, risk to innovation, risk to
succession planning. (Jim Downey and Technical
Information Service, 2008) To mitigate some of
potential drawback such as loss of control, potential