The coefficient of determination (R
) on the
results of model estimation Engle Granger Error
Correction Model can be explained that the variation
of the external debt variable (Y) in the short term
and long term able to be explained by variables that
is equal to 0.944058, or by 94.4 percent, thus in the
short term and long term variations that amounted to
94.4 percent of gross domestic product, budget
deficits, exchange rates, inflation and interest rates.
While the remaining 5.6 percent is explained by
variables outside the model (not examined).
There are some suggestions that can be used as a
recommendation, including for Bank Indonesia and
the Government to adopt policies to maintain
inflation stability, interest rates and the rupiah
exchange rate so as to encourage an increase in
national income and reduce external debt. Further
restricting the import of goods from other countries
and maximize the results from the source country of
Indonesia. This will increase exports so that there is
a surplus in the current account. Then reduce
dependence on external debt by means of further
enhancing the country's national income from taxes
and natural resources and human resources of
Indonesia. And to further research needs to examine
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