company issues the burden in the form of cash.
However, this risks lower cash flows in the coming
period. Decreasing the burden of discretion causes
abnormal discretionary expenses. Managers also
carry out real earnings management through
manipulation of production by increasing production
more than is needed to increase revenue. When a
company produces more units, the fixed cost per unit
will be lower. This strategy can reduce cost of goods
sold and increase operating profit margins.
Excessive production will produce abnormal
production costs (abnormal production cost). The
combination of abnormal discretionary costs and
abnormal production costs will cover actual profits
or company performance.
Tax is one of the significant components of
corporate profits. In Indonesia, the tax rate that
applies to companies is 25% or a quarter of company
profits. This large tax burden has made the company
make efforts to reduce the tax burden that must be
paid to the tax authorities by tax evasion which
clearly violates the law and with tax avoidance. Tax
avoidance is still in the realm of the legal framework
of tax law by utilizing loopholes in tax law carried
out in order to reduce the tax burden that must be
paid to the tax authorities.
The company's actions to increase company
value are in line with what investors expect. With
the value of the company increasing, company
management hopes to get compensation for the
achievements they have achieved. However, tax
avoidance measures carry risks, which means that
there are additional risks that must be borne by
investors which can harm investors. tax avoidance
can reduce the quality of financial statements. As a
result, investors assume there is uncertainty about
the company's future cash flows. Disrupted future
cash flows will increase the cost of equity. This is in
accordance with the results of the study.
Earnings management is an opportunistic act of
management to increase or decrease accounting
profits with the intention of gaining personal gain.
Earnings management is done to cover actual
earnings or company performance so that it distorts
the quality of earnings reported in the financial
statements. The management discretion in preparing
financial statements makes management freely
choose the accounting method used in financial
reporting that can increase or support the
performance of management. Accrual earnings
management is achieved by changing the accounting
method or estimation used when presenting
transactions in financial statements. Aggressive
accrual earnings management contains discretional
accrual elements such as discretion in the selection
of accounting methods and estimates that are loaded
with uncertainties that will impact accrual quality in
financial reporting.
The results of this study prove that accrual
earnings management actions do not affect investors.
Investors consider accrual earnings management
actions to be non-risky so that the information
presented in financial statements is in accordance
with reality.
Management opportunistic behavior in earnings
management is not only done through the selection
of estimates and accounting methods (accrual
earnings management), but also with the real
activities of companies by changing the structure of
operations, investments, or funding that have
suboptimal business consequences (real earnings
management). The results of the study show that real
earnings management does not affect the cost of
equity. Technological advances and the ease with
which investors can capture information on the
market make management rethink the management
of earnings
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