macroeconomic variables. Or the market price of
transferring resources past and future or is the result
of savings and the cost of borrowing (Mankiw,
The development of the BI interest rate (BI Rate)
by the year 2015 on the 7.5 range experience. BI
interest rate (BI Rate) experienced a significant
decline until 2017 December.
The movement of the exchange rate of the rupiah
(exchange rate) from January to December 2015
2017 experienced trends that tend to rise with the
volatility is very high, this is a reflection of the
condition of the economy of the country. Over time,
from January 2016 rupiah exchange rate of Rp
13.788/dollar. But entered February until the middle
of March, the exchange rate of the rupiah gradually
experience the appreciation. However, until
December, school effects Trump, the rupiah
exchange rate experience depreiasi 1.8 percent. The
rupiah has been pushed back to positive sentiment
and strengthened through December 2016 rupiah
exchange rate of Rp 13.743/dollar. The exchange
rate of the rupiah tends to be stable through the year
In fact the company's share price is determined
by the company's prospects in the future. The share
price is a reflection of good corporate management
by management to create and utilize business
prospects, so take advantage and was able to fulfill
his responsibilities towards the owners, employees,
community, and Government. Therefore, the ability
to analyze the operating and financial performance
of the company as well as its market development
will greatly help the success of the investment in the
capital market. Based on the berlakang setting and
observing the State of the economy continues to
grow, the authors are interested in conducting a
study entitled "analysis of the factors that Affect
Indonesian Syariah Stock Index (ISSI) in Indonesia
stock exchange (BEI) ".
The stock is the securities described the inclusion of
capital into a company. While in principle the
Sharia, the inclusion of capital carried out on
companies – companies that do not violate the
principle – the principle of Shariah, such as the field
of gambling, usury, prohibited items such as
producing beer and others (Sutedi, 2011). According
to Kurniawan (2008), the stock of Sharia is shares
issued by a company that has the characteristics in
accordance with the Islamic Sharia.
Indonesian Syariah Stock Index (ISSI) is an
indicator that can be used by investors to know the
movement of the stock market. By looking at the
figures of the index, then it can be known whether
the current market movements increase or decrease
from the previous one. The index serves as an
indicator of market trends, that means the movement
of an index describing market conditions at any
given time.
According to Tandelilin (2010), inflation is the
trend of increased prices of products as a whole so
that's happening a decrease in the purchasing power
of money. Whereas Sukirno (2006) explains that
inflation is a process of rising prices are different in
anything the economy. Further Perspective (2000)
and Diantoro (2010) tells us that inflation is the
increase in the prices of goods and services in a
specific period of time. Inflation happens when
prices continue creeping up as a result of economic
growth or too the amount of money circulating in the
market. When a country is experiencing high
inflation and increase bersifatuncertainty (uncertain)
then the risk of investing in the asset-inflated
asetkeuangan and keredibilitas akanmelemah
domestic currency against global currencies.
The interest rate is the amount of interest payable
per unit of time is referred to as a percentage of the
amount loaned (Samuelson and Nordhaus, 2004).
The investment is also a function of the buga. The
higher the interest rate, the desire of the community
to make an investment also is getting smaller. The
reason, an entrepreneur will increase spending on its
investments in profits expected from the investment
is greater than the interest rate to be paid to the
investment fund is the cost for the use of funds (Cost
of Capital). Lower interest rates, then employers
would be more inclined to make investments,
because the cost of the use of funds is also the more
minor. According to Widoatmodjo (2007), the
interest rate of Bank Indonesia (BI-rate) is the
interest rate in response to changes in inflation and
exchange rate of the rupiah as a reference to the
banking interest rates.
Mankiw (2006) translation Chriswan Sungkono,
the exchange rate is the value used when someone
exchanged the currency of a country with the
currency of other countries. So the exchange rate is
the USD/INR value or the price of the rupiah which
is expressed in dollars, where the value is affected
by supply and demand. Exchange rates will affect
the sectors trade import export-related. Fluctuations
in the value of the uncontrolled rate can affect the
performance of companies listed on the stock
market. At a time when the value of the rupiah