Analysis of the Determination of the Composite Stock Price Index in
Indonesia Stock Exchange, 1996-2017
Siti Delvi Jarniati
, Fitrawaty
, and Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi
Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, North Sumatra, 20219, Indonesia
Department Economics, Faculty of Economics, State University of Medan, North Sumatra, 20219, Indonesia
Keywords: The Money Supply, Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia, Exchange Rate, Gross Domestic Product, Composite
Stock Price Index, Error Correction Model
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the relationship of long-term and short-term macroeconomic variables
between the money supply, the interest rate of Bank Indonesia, exchange rates and gross domestic product
against the composite stock price Index on the stock exchange Indonesia in 1996-2017. To answer these
problems the study Econometrics model analysis tools used error correction (Error Correction Model).
Research results showed in the short term the money supply, interest rates and gross domestic product of
Bank Indonesia effect negatively and significantly to the composite stock price index. While the exchange
rate in the short term has no effect against the composite stock price index. In the long run, the money
supply, interest rates and exchange rates of Bank Indonesia have no effect against the composite stock price
index. While the gross domestic product in the long run a positive and significant effect against the
composite stock price index. Together the same macroeconomic variables of the money supply, the interest
rate of Bank Indonesia, exchange rates and gross domestic product of influential significantly to the amount
of money in circulation, Bank Indonesia interest rates, exchange rates and gross domestic product on the
extent trust 75.69 percent.
Boost the economy of a country can be done in
various ways, one of which is to move the stock
market. Capital markets are rated more effective in
improving a country's economy since the stock
market is a means of funding the activities of the
productive efforts or the company obtained from the
community who provide capital (investors). With the
capital markets, can help investors to invest their
funds with the aim of getting the asset. And the
company also assisted in getting financing or funds
as well as in conducting sales of an asset. The
existence of such event, the stock exchange formed
in ease of the transaction as well as capital market
activities so that mutually beneficial and corporate
investors. For investors through the capital markets,
they can choose the investment objects with various
levels of returns and the level of risk faced, while for
issuers (issuers) through the capital markets they can
collect long-term funds for support the continuity of
their business (Samsul, 2006).
The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) was
first introduced on April 1, 1983 as an indicator of
price movement of stocks listed on the Indonesia
stock exchange either common stock or preferred
stock. The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) is
an index that shows the movement of stock prices in
general, are listed on the stock exchange to become
a reference on the development of activities in the
capital market (Anoraga and Pakarti, 2001:101).
The price of shares in the stock exchange not
forever fixed, there are times when increased and
may also decrease depending on power demand and
supply, where the occurrence of such stock price
fluctuations make the stock attractive to some
investors (investors). On the other hand, the rise and
decline of stock prices could occur due to
fundamental factors, psychological as well as
external. Following the movement of the Composite
Stock Price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia year 1996-
The capital market in Indonesia is facing
challenges that are pretty heavy since the end of the
year 1997/1998, in conjunction with the shaken
Jarniati, S., Fitrawaty, . and Nugrahadi, E.
Analysis of the Determination of the Composite Stock Price Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange, 1996-2017.
DOI: 10.5220/0009506305610568
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 561-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
economy Indonesia joints by lacing the economic
crisis that almost the whole of the Asian region.
Composite stock price index (IHSG) has
experienced a very sharp downturn, where years of
1997-1998 composite stock price index (IHSG)
decreased by 29.85 percent and minus the year 1998
composite stock price index (IHSG) have
experienced a decline in of a minus 9.13 percent.
This is due to the economic crisis marked by the
depreciation of the exchange rate of the rupiah
against the dollar resulted in interest rates of
deposits and Bank Indonesia interest rates rose
sharply to 41.42 percent and inflation amounted to
77.65 percent.
Figure 1: The trend of the Composite Stock Price
Index (IHSG) in Indonesia year 1996-2017.
The movement of the stock price index the
following year tend to experience increased despite
the decline in some periods. One of them is the year
2008 amounted to minus 50.64 percent. This
decrease occurs because of the global crisis that is
starting to feels its effects towards the end of the
year 2008 make a macro condition Indonesia get
heavy pressure. Although Indonesia's economy can
still grow by 6.10 percent and inflation from 11.06
percent in 2008. And the exchange rate of the rupiah
against the dollar in January 2008 of 9,291 rupiah
rising to 12,151 rupiah in September and then down
to 10,950 rupiah in December 2008 For the year
2017 growth composite stock price index (IHSG)
closed at the end of the year in the level of domestic
economic recovery predicted 6,355 continues amid
various challenges. Economy forecast to grow up 5.2
percent in 2017 than in 2016 by 5 percent with the
catalyst reference interest rates still low, Indonesia's
return to the export commodity prices and budget
infrastructure continues to grow.
Its own stock price index value can fluctuate
daily, this is because many factors affect the
movement. The movement of the stock price index
to be so important, because it can be used as one of
the benchmark investors prior to investing in the
capital markets and later it will affect the attitude of
the investors to buy, sell or hold some shares. As for
the influence of the composite stock price index
(IHSG) and macroeconomic variables, among
others, exchange rates, interest rates, money supply,
and GDP.
Figure 2: The movement of the Composite Stock
Price Index (IHSG) and macroeconomic variables.
Based on Figure 2 shows that the exchange rate
of rupiah increase of 4.24 percent to 16.25 percent in
2008. While the composite stock price index (IHSG)
experienced a decline in the year 2008 amounted to
minus 50.64 percent. With the increase in the price
of fuel oil, the year 2008 became a contributor to the
Bank Indonesia interest rates are quite high of 9.25
percent. Rising interest rates will make investors
will transfer their funds to the money market,
savings or deposits so that investments in capital
markets and can lower the price of the stock. While
the money supply year 2008 experienced a decline
of 19.32 percent to 14.94 percent. Changes in the
money supply will affect the interest rate. Interest
rate changes will affect your investments or even
consumption. GDP growth the year 2008 recorded
fairly good developments around 6.01 percent in the
middle of the occurrence of the external turmoil.
This data does not match the theory. The
phenomenon of the movement of the Composite
stock price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia attracted to
researchable. Empirical study and the phenomenon
of data that has been done previously showed the
importance of the research develop composite stock
price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia.
By developing researches past, the author
concludes that the role of macroeconomic factors
and affecting the composite stock price Index
(IHSG) in Indonesia is still important. In General,
this research examines the relationship between the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
independent variable and the dependent variable in
the short-term and long-term. The purpose of this
research is to analyze the effect of the exchange rate
(EXC), Bank Indonesia interest rate (BI Rate), the
money supply (MS), and the GDP against the
composite stock price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia.
According to the monetary Approach States that the
increase in the domestic money supply would cause
a domestic price increase in proportional and by
parity of purchasing power will encourage the
occurrence of depreciation of domestic currency.
The drop in the exchange rate of the domestic
currency eventually will reduce corporate earnings
which means also a decrease in the company's share
price (Shapiro 1996).
The rise and fall of interest rates could affect
stock prices. The impact of interest rates is generally
not directly. The decline in interest rates will cause
the interest rate for savings deposits in banking
becomes not interesting. The community will be
looking for another alternative with the higher yield
on the capital market. The decline in interest rates
will make lending interest expense decreased so that
it encourages expansion and the increase in net
profit. In the long run, the increase in net income can
make the stock price increases. While rising interest
rates against the stock give effect in the short-term.
The rise in interest rates would increase the burden
on companies (issuers) that can further lower the
price of the stock. Rising interest rates will make
investors will transfer their funds to the money
market, savings or deposits so that the investment in
the trading floor and then lowering the stock price.
Otherwise, once the lower interest rates will make
investors withdraw funds in the bank and will be
redirected to invest on the stock exchange (Mankiw,
According to Samsul (2006:210) which States
that the more money in circulation in the hands of
the community then it will be the higher the stock
price because the public will figure out how to
allocate their funds. The amount of money in
circulation will cause interest rates to drop, so
people did not choose the appropriate investment in
banking but in the form of shares. This can be
caused because in the short term, the public will
choose to invest in something that can be melted
easily and at risk are small, such as valuables easy
for refunded. Because in the short-term, the public
will prefer to meet their needs first, so to invest in a
stock that has a pretty big risk not so frowned upon
by the community. In the long-term when the money
circulating within the community is increasing, then
the appropriate people invested in stocks than in
savings or deposits any shares so demand will
Based on the principle of Acceleration there is a
link between national income with investment. To
achieve a greater level of investment, if national
income the greater amount. In contrast, the
investment will be increased if low national income,
does not evolve and will become low (Mankiw,
The data will be used in this research in the form of
secondary data. Secondary data that will be used is
the data time series during the year 1996-2017
which is the total amount of data the exchange rate
(EXC), Bank Indonesia interest rate (BI Rate), the
money supply (MS), and the GDP against the
composite stock price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia.
The data can be taken from the Bank Indonesia (BI),
the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX) or via the official website of
each of the institutions ( and
The estimation model used in this study is the
analysis of the dynamic model with the regression
that is by using the model of error correction (Error
Correction Model/ECM) Domowitz and Elbadawi.
In the context of Economics, the dynamic model
specification is very important because it deals with
the establishment of the model of an economic
system that is associated with the change of time of
both short-term and long-term. This study uses
statistics programs help E-Views version 7.
4.1 Stationer Test
The first thing to do is to examine whether the data
is stationary or not. This Stationeritas test needs to
be done because a regression analysis should not be
done when the data used is not stationary and
normally if it still done the resulting equations then
are a spurious regression. The test methods used in
this Test method is stasioneries Unit Root Test or
Analysis of the Determination of the Composite Stock Price Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange, 1996-2017
also known as the test of the Augmented Dickey-
Fuller (ADF).
4.1.1 Unit Root Test
The value of the test results with the Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF), indicated by the value of the
statistical regression coefficients t on the observed
variable (X). If the value is greater than the value of
the ADF test critical values MacKinnon on the level
of the 1%, 5%, or 10%, then the stationary means
Based on table 1 that the money supply (MS),
Bank Indonesia interest rate (BI Rate), the exchange
rate (EXC), the gross domestic product (GDP), and
the composite stock price Index (IHSG) is not
significant at the α = 5%. Because not stationary at
the zero degrees, then it needs to be done again
using stationarity test the degree of integration of the
Table 1: Unit Root Test Results
(α = 5%)
BI Rate
4.1.2 Integration Test
A test of the degree of integration is a test done to
measure at the level of difference to how data all the
variables are stationary. The taking of decision is
when the count of an ADF variable is greater than
the critical value of MacKinnon, means the variable
is stationary, and vice versa.
Based on table 2 that variable the money supply
(MS), Bank Indonesia interest rate (BI Rate), the
exchange rate (EXC), the gross domestic product
(GDP), and the composite stock price Index (IHSG)
has been stationary at the same degree, that is one
degree, shown from the ADF value calculate more
than the value of the critical (Mackinnon critical
values) at α = 5%. Thus, the Granger test requires a
stationary data at the same degree can be used.
Table 2: Integration Test Results
(α = 5%)
IHSG -5.656342 -3.020686 Stationar
MS -3.258881
-3.020686 Stationary
BI Rate -4.554577
-3.020686 Stationary
EXC -3.054861 -3.029970
GDP -3.599042 -3.020686
4.1.3 Cointegration Test
In this research to test the residual method based
cointegration test. Residual-based test method using
statistical tests Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) by
observing the regression residual cointegration
stationary or not. Then this residual value will be
tested using the test Augmented Dickey-Fuller
(ADF) to find out if the residual value of the
stationary or not. The results of this research show
that the estimated value of the ADF test > Critical
Value α = 5% (-3.891891 >-3.012363). So it could
be inferred that the empirical model used in this
study to qualify for the cointegration test.
Table 3: Cointegration Test Results
(α = 5%)
4.2 Estimation Error Correction Model
Estimation model of inflation using the model of
Error Correction Model (ECM) Domowitz and
Elbadawi aims to seek short-term balance or correct
an imbalance towards short-term long-term balance.
To know that a used Error Correction Model (ECM)
is valid or not can be seen from the value of the
Error Correction Term (ECT) are significant or not.
Equation Error Correction Model (ECM) for a short-
term period are as follows:
The results of estimation Error Correction Model
(ECM) that short-term variable the money supply
(MS), Bank Indonesia interest rate (BI Rate), the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
exchange rate (EXC), and the gross domestic
product (GDP) have a negative influence against the
composite stock price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia.
The magnitude of the balance and changes the
previous the composite stock price Index (IHSG)
against the period now is 0.98 percent. These
adjustments are obtained from coefficients the Error
Correction Term (ECT) of 0.988950 while the t-
statistics is 5.140962 with probability 0.0001 so
significant at 5% and means that the model can be
Table 4: The Results of The Estimation of the Error
Correction Model (ECM) Short-Term
Coefficient t-Statistic Prob
D(LnMS) -2.642198 -3.116654
D(LnBI Rate) -0.064296 -3.045324
D(LnEXC) -0.439834 -1.973081
D(LnGDP) -5.409125 -2.878156
ECT 0.938950 5.140962
C 0.714068 3.788115
Adjusted R-squared
Durbin-Watson stat
Equation Error Correction Model (ECM) for
long-term periods are as follows:
The results of estimation Error Correction Model
(ECM) that long-term variable changes Bank
Indonesia interest rate (BI Rate), the exchange rate
(EXC) of previous periods have a negative effect
against the composite stock price Index (IHSG).
While the Government spending variables the
money supply (MS), and economic growth (GDP)
previous periods have a positive effect against the
composite stock price Index (IHSG).
Table 5: The Results of The Estimation of the Error
Correction Model (ECM) Long-Term.
t Variables
Coefficient t-Statistic Prob
0.270105 1.027487 0.3195
LnBI Rate(-
-0.088986 -1.928895 0.0717
-0.258058 -0.616914 0.5460
2.351471 3.502571 0.0029
-27.69448 -3.709158 0.0019
Adjusted R-
4.3 Statistical Tests
4.3.1 F-Test (Simultaneous Test)
F test or simultaneous test is performed to see the
effect of free variables simultaneously or together to
the dependent variable. The value of F-statistic Prob
0.000335 < 0.05. So it can be inferred that the
money supply (MS), BI interest rate (BI Rate), the
exchange rate (EXC) and gross domestic product
(GDP), a significant effect simultaneously against
the composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia
4.3.2 T-Test (Partial Test)
The Money Supply (MS)
Based on the results of the study showed that the
change in the short-term money supply (MS) is a
negative and significant effect against the composite
stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia with a
coefficient of -2.642198. This means if the money
supply rose by 1 billion rupiahs, then the composite
stock price index (IHSG) will be down by -2.642198
While the changes in the money supply (MS) no
effect on long-term change composite stock price
index (IHSG) in Indonesia with a coefficient of
Interest Rate BI (BI Rate)
Based on the results of the study showed that the
percentage of change in the interest rate BI (BI Rate)
in the short-term to change the percentage of the
composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia
with a coefficient of -0.064296. If changes to the BI
interest rate rose by 1 percent, then the composite
stock price index changes (IHSG) in Indonesia
would drop -0.064296 percent.
Analysis of the Determination of the Composite Stock Price Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange, 1996-2017
While in the long-term the interest rate BI (BI
Rate) has a negative and significant effect against
the composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia
with a coefficient of -0.088986. This means if the
interest rate BI (BI Rate) rose by 1 percent, then the
composite stock price index will be down by
0.088986 percent.
The Exchange Rate (EXC)
Based on the results of the study showed that
changes in exchange rates in the short-term to
change the percentage of the composite stock price
index (IHSG) in Indonesia with the coefficient of
-0.439834. If changes in the money supply rose by
Rp 1/US dollar, then change the percentage of the
composite stock price index (IHSG) going up by
0.439834 percent.
While in the long-term Exchange rates had a
negative and no significant influence against the
composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia. If
the exchange rate rose by Rp 1/US dollar, then
change the percentage of the composite stock price
index (IHSG) going down by 0.258058 percent.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Based on the results of the study showed that the
change of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the
short-term to change the percentage of the composite
stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia with a
coefficient of -5.409125. If the change of gross
domestic product rose by 1 billion rupiahs, then
change the percentage of inflation will be down by
5.409125 percent.
While in the long-term the gross domestic
product (GDP) has a positive and significant
influence the composite stock price index (IHSG) in
Indonesia with a coefficient of 2.351471. If the
change of the gross domestic product (GDP) rose by
1 billion rupiahs, then the change in the composite
stock price index (IHSG) will rose by 2.351471
4.3.3 Goodness of Fit Test
Test coefficient determination (R
) is used to see
how big the variation of free variables may explain
the variables bound. Adjusted R-squared value of
0.756959 can be explained that Government
spending variable precision (GS), the that the money
supply (MS), BI interest rate (BI Rate), the exchange
rate (EXC) and gross domestic product (GDP),
explains the variations change the composite stock
price Index (IHSG) amounted to 75.69 percent.
While the rest of 24.31 percent described other
factors outside the model.
5.1 Influence The Money Supply (MS) against
the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG)
in Indonesia
Based on the results of the study showed that the
change in the short-term money supply (MS) is a
negative and significant effect against the composite
stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia with a
coefficient of -2.642198. This means if the money
supply rose by 1 billion rupiahs, then the composite
stock price index (IHSG) will be down by -2.642198
percent. This is due to that the growing money
supply will trigger an uptrend, so with the condition
the price increases then the money held by the
community just simply used to make transactions.
Thus with the condition of the community does not
have an excess of money that can be used to save in
the form of savings or invested in the form of shares.
This is not in accordance with the research of the
goddess Kumalasai (2016) shows that the influence
of the money supply (MS) against the composite
stock price index (IHSG) positive effect.
While the changes in the money supply (MS) no
effect on long-term change composite stock price
index (IHSG) in Indonesia with a coefficient of
0.270105. This is due to the greater quantity of
money held by the society, indicating the high level
of people's income, which in turn will encourage
people to invest and increase the composite stock
price index (IHSG). But the amount of money
circulating in the previous period has not had an
influence on the composite stock price index
(IHSG). And according to a research of Ash-Shidig
& Setiawan (2015) stating that the money supply
had no effect against the Jakarta Islamic Index stock
5.2 Influence the Interest Rate BI against the
Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) in
Based on the results of the study showed that the
percentage of change in the interest rate BI (BI Rate)
in the short-term to change the percentage of the
composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia
with a coefficient of -0.064296. If changes to the BI
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
interest rate rose by 1 percent, then the composite
stock price index changes (IHSG) in Indonesia
would drop -0.064296 percent. It is due to a rise in
interest rates BI (BI Rate) then it will directly
increase the burden of interest. Companies that have
high leverage will have a very heavy impact against
a rise in interest rates. The rise in interest rates will
be able to reduce the profitability of the company
from rising costs (cost) of the company so that it can
be said that the rising interest rate effect negatively
to a stock price index. This is not in accordance with
the theories of Keynes. According to Samsul
(2006:204), the increase in the interest rate of the
loan could increase credit interest charges and lower
net profits of the company. The profit decline will
result in earnings per share also decreased so that the
resulting decline in stock prices in the market. On
the other hand, the rise in deposit interest rates will
encourage investors to sell stocks and then switch
into deposits. This led to the increase in Bank
Indonesia interest rate will result in a decline in the
stock price, vice versa
While in the long-term the interest rate BI (BI
Rate) has a negative and significant effect against
the composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia
with a coefficient of -0.088986. This means if the
interest rate BI (BI Rate) rose by 1 percent, then the
composite stock price index will be down by
0.088986 percent. In the long term interest rates
have no effect against the stock price because
investors in Indonesia is a type of investor who does
profit taking action in hopes of obtaining capital
gains. Can also be caused the stock market less
rapidly adjust interest rate information into stock
prices. And according to research Kewal (2012),
Kumar and Puja (2012), Mok (2004). Interest rates
do not affect the stock price because investors in
Indonesia is a type of investor who conducts
transactions in shares so investors tend to do profit
taking action in hopes of obtaining capital gains
5.3 Influence Exchange Rate (EXC) against
the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG)
in Indonesia
Based on the results of the study showed that
changes in exchange rates in the short-term to
change the percentage of the composite stock price
index (IHSG) in Indonesia with the coefficient of -
0.439834. If changes in the money supply rose by
Rp 1/US dollar, then change the percentage of the
composite stock price index (IHSG) going up by
0.439834 percent. In the short-term the exchange
rate has no effect against the composite stock price
index (IHSG). This is not in accordance with the
theory of the balance of payments approach where if
import bigger then a balance of payments deficit
which will mean a demand for foreign currencies
will increase thus lowering domestic currency and
vice versa. The weakening domestic currency will
weaken the purchasing power of these result in a
decline in corporate earnings, which in turn will
lower profits. This will lower the profit decline in
the value of the company and eventually lower the
price of the company shares (Shapiro 1996).
While in the long-term Exchange rates had a
negative and no significant influence against the
composite stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia. If
the exchange rate rose by Rp 1/US dollar, then
change the percentage of the composite stock price
index (IHSG) going down by 0.258058 percent. This
is because shareholders in the stock exchange in
Indonesia did not consider the change of rate in the
analysis of investment shares. And in line with the
research done Luh Gede Sri Artini, et al using
Ordinary Least Square (OLS) shows that the
exchange rate effect is negative and insignificant
against the composite stock price index in Indonesia.
5.4 Influence Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
against the Composite Stock Price Index
(IHSG) in Indonesia
Based on the results of the study showed that the
change of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the
short term to change the percentage of the composite
stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia with a
coefficient of -5.409125. If the change of gross
domestic product rose by 1 billion rupiahs, then
change the percentage of inflation will be down by
5.409125 percent. This does not fit the theory of
Keynes, the higher a person's income then the
motive money already complex requests to the
speculative motive. Rising gross domestic product
(GDP) is a good signal (positive) for investment and
vice versa. Increase the gross domestic product
(GDP) had the purchasing power of the consumer so
that they can increase the demand for the company's
products. An increase in demand for the company's
products will increase the profit of the company and
ultimately may increase the company's share price
(Tandelilin, 2010:212).
While in the long-term the gross domestic
product (GDP) has a positive and significant
influence the composite stock price index (IHSG) in
Indonesia with a coefficient of 2.351471. If the
change of the gross domestic product (GDP) rose by
1 billion rupiahs, then the change in the composite
Analysis of the Determination of the Composite Stock Price Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange, 1996-2017
stock price index (IHSG) will rose by 2.351471.
This is in accordance with the principles of the
theory of Acceleration, there are a very tight linkage
between national income with investment.
Investment opportunity for achieving a greater level
of national income in increasingly large numbers. In
contrast, the investment will be increased if low low
national income, does not evolve and foretold will
be incremented (Tandelilin, 2010:212).
Only The variable amount of the money supply
(MS), BI interest rate (BI Rate) and gross domestic
product (GDP) in the short-term a negative and
significant effect against the composite stock price
index (IHSG) in Indonesia. While the variable
exchange rates (EXC) in the short-term and the
long-term have no effect against the composite stock
price index (IHSG) in Indonesia. And gross
domestic product (GDP) is a positive and significant
effect against the composite stock price index
(IHSG). While in the long-term the money supply
(MS) and the BI interest rate (BI Rate) have no
effect against the composite stock price index
Adjusted R-squared value of 0.756959 can be
explained that Government spending variable
precision (GS), the that the money supply (MS), BI
interest rate (BI Rate), the exchange rate (EXC) and
gross domestic product (GDP), explains the
variations change the composite stock price Index
(IHSG) amounted to 75.69 percent. While the rest of
24.31 percent described other factors outside the
Because of and gross domestic product (GDP) is
the main determining factor affecting the composite
stock price index (IHSG) in Indonesia in both short-
term and long-term so that the Government together
with the private sector and the people able to work
synergistically to increase the gross domestic
product in order to be able to push the performance
of capital markets. As for steps that can be taken
include enhancement of human resources with a
wide range of conveniences in education and the
improvement of infrastructure and means of
supporting the economy. As well as the granting of
licenses and the ease of bureaucracy for the
construction industry and the economy.
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Ash-Shidig, Setiawan, et al. (2015). Analisis
Pengaruh Suku Bunga SBI, Uang Beredar,
Inflasi Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Indeks Harga
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