ideals in nation building which is free from poverty.
In Indonesia itself, apart from this approach, efforts
have been made to reduce poverty through direct
and indirect or empowerment programs. Various
farming business loans (KUT), people's business
credit (KUR), cash direct assistance (BLT), Raskin,
underdeveloped village Inpres, Home Surgery then
empowerment through PNPM and many other
Judging from the political will that exists, what
the government has done in alleviating poverty is
sufficient. Especially if the political will is measured
by the disbursement of funds issued by the APBN
(Sukidjo and Ali Muhson, 2010). Similar conditions
also occur in regions including in Jambi Province,
where the tendency for numbers and poverty levels
tends to increase over the past 5 years.
With various models and strategies and
approaches that have been taken, the problem of
poverty is still a development problem that has not
been resolved so far. Thus another model and
strategy is needed which is more appropriate in
alleviating poverty, especially in the Jambi Province
Rural Area.
Poverty is often seen as an inability to pay minimal
living costs (World Bank, 1990) although some
experts argue that poverty is also a lack of access to
services such as education, health, information, and
lack of public access to development and political
participation. The definition of poverty can also be
viewed in terms of relative and absolute sides: (BPS,
Relative Poverty Relative poverty is a poor
condition because of the influence of development
policies that have not been able to reach all levels of
society, causing inequality in income distribution.
Minimum standards are prepared based on the living
conditions of a country at a certain time.
Absolute Poverty Absolute poverty is determined
based on the inability to meet minimum basic needs
such as food, clothing, health, housing and education
needed to be able to live and work. Indonesia uses
an absolute definition of poverty that is able to
compare poverty in general and assess the effects of
inter-time poverty reduction policies.
World Bank (2000) as quoted by Jonathan
Haughton and Shahidur R. Khander (2012) defines
poverty as a lack of well-being. One approach used
is to regard welfare as mastery of goods in general,
so that people can be much better if they have
greater resources. The main focus lies in the fact
whether each household or individual has adequate
resources to meet their various needs. Specifically,
poverty is then measured by comparing the income
and consumption of each individual with a set
number of standards where they are considered poor
if their income or consumption is below that
According to Robert Chambert as quoted by
Achmad Fatony (2011), the essence of poverty is
what is called Depriviation Trap which consists of
five disadvantages that surround the lives of poor
people, namely: poverty itself, physical weakness,
alienation, vulnerability, and , helplesness.
According to Chambers, of the five shortcomings
of these shortcomings, the most needed attention is
vulnerability and powerlessness. Vulnerability can
be seen from the inability of poor families to provide
something to deal with emergency situations such as
the arrival of natural disasters, rising fuel prices or
diseases that suddenly afflict families (subsistence,
according to James Scott). This vulnerability often
leads to poverty rockets or "driving wheels of
poverty" which causes poor families to have to sell
the most valuable assets for consumption needs so
that the family becomes increasingly into the valley
of poverty . Helplessness is considered the most
significant factor in encouraging the process of
poverty or impoverishment, because the process of
exploitation is in this line in all its forms. Although
the substance of powerlessness often appears in the
form of exploitation, namely extortion by a stronger
Furthermore, World Bank (2008) as quoted by
Made Kerta Adhi, I Ketut Ardana and I Made
Maduriana , (2016), distinguishes poverty into three,
namely absolute poverty, relative poverty, and
cultural poverty. Someone belongs to the absolute
poor if the income is below the poverty line, no
enough to meet minimum living needs, bothb food,
clothing, health, boards and education. While
poverty relative poverty is an inner poverty level has
to do with an absolute poverty line ratio or the
proportion of income distribution (welfare) that is
lame or uneven. Oscar Lewis stated, cultural poverty
emerged as a result of the values or culture adopted
by poor people, namely lazy, easy to give up on fate,
lack work ethic and so on. kcultural emiskinan a
domino effect from the shackles of structural
poverty sits on society too long, or indirectly shows
the link between structural poverty and cultural
poverty that makes society apathetic,surrender, and
view if something happens is fate In measuring
poverty rates, there are several approaches, first the
Economic approach Poverty from the economic side
is measured through the income approach. Second .
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) approach . The
World Bank defines the international poverty line as
US $ 1 and US $ 2 per day in 1993 as measured by