If we want to get the Islamic accounting concept
then in accordance with the colonial model as stated
by Gambling and Karim then the Islamic accounting
concept should be born from:
Figure 1: Stucture Islamic Accounting
Islamic accounting it can be described as follows:
a. The source of law is the instrument of God
through the Quran and Sunnah. The source of
this law should be a safety fence and every
concept, postulates, principles, and techniques
of accounting.
b. The emphasis on "accountability", honesty,
truth, and justice.
c. Problems outside of it handed over entirely to
the resourcefulness of the human mind is
included for the sake of "decision usefulness"
Zakat Accounting
Zakat accounting concerns Islamic values from the
beginning, because zakat is an institution that began
at the same time as Islam, important concepts in
accounting are included and are suitable for thinking
about Islamic accounting because zakat is only
applied to Muslims. Accounting for zakat concerns
zakat management organizations, which currently
have statements of financial accounting standards
specifically addressing the management of zakat.
(PSAK 109)
PSAK must be applied by amil that has obtained
permission from the regulator, but amyls that do not
get permission can also apply PSAK. (Sri Nurhayati-
Wasilah, 2013: 315). This PSAK 109 refers to
several MUI fatwas, namely:
The MUI No.8 / 2011 Fatwa concerning Amil
Zakat, explains the criteria, the duty of amil zakat
and the imposition of operational costs on amil zakat
activities which can be taken from the amil portion,
or from fisabilillah part within reasonable limits,
proportional and in accordance with Islamic rules.
MUI No.14 / 2011 Fatwa concerning Distribution of
Zakat Assets in the form of Assets Managed. The
definition of asset assets while the benefits are for
mustahik zakat. If used by non-zakat mustahik, the
user must pay for the benefits he uses and is
recognized as a virtue fund by amil zakat.
Referring to the explanation of the relevance of
Circular Causation with constructs in research and
preparation of hypothesis formulation, the
conceptual framework that supports research is
presented as follows:
From this function a linear model can be created :
φ UBPD + ω PPSAK + €
Where :
Y = Provision and use of information Islamic
X1 = The period of leading the institution
X2 = Age of the institution
X3 = Islamic accounting training that followed
by manager
X4 = Education of manager
X5 = Understanding of PSAK 109
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework
Islamic society
Islamic economics
Islamic accounting theory
Islamic accounting practices