that computer self-efficacy has a positive influence
on the ease of use of MOOC (Massive Open Online
Courses) (Xu, 2015). After participants are
convinced of their ability to use the BPJSTK Mobile
application, participants will get the ease of
downloading and using the BPJSTK Mobile
application without having to drain their energy and
mind, this is also consistent with the research
conducted by Park (2009). Through the BPJSTK
Mobile application, participants can check fast and
accurate online old-age (JHT) balances, calculate the
Old Age Guarantee (JHT), Pension Insurance
simulation (JP), get program and Co-Marketing
information, branch office information, central
information service and social media, and complaint
H5: System anxiety (CANX) has negative
impact(s) towards perceived ease of use
Based on the results of data processing, it is known
that the P value (probability) is 0,000. These results
meet the requirements of < 0.05 so that it can be
concluded that H5 in this study can be accepted.
This is in line with the research of Saade and Kira
which states that computer/system anxiety has a
significant influence on perceived ease of use from
the use of LMS technology (Learning Management
System) (George Saadé and Kira, 2009). Celik's
study of consumer acceptance of online retail
shopping states that anxiety has a negative influence
on perceived ease of use (Çelik, 2011). This means
that if the level of anxiety, concern or even fear of
the participants when faced with the possibility of
using the BPJSTK Mobile application increases,
their perception of the ease of using BPJSTK Mobile
will decrease
H6: Perceived ease of use (PEOU) has positive
impact(s) towards perceived usefulness
Based on the results of data processing, it is known
that the P value (probability) is 0,000. These results
meet the requirements of < 0.05 so that it can be
concluded that H6 in this study can be accepted. The
ease of using the BPJSTK Mobile application and
obtaining the information needed in connection with
participation in the BPJS Employment provides
usefulness in the use of the BPJSTK Mobile
application by participants. This is in line with the
research of Venkatesh and Davis that perceived ease
of use can affect perceived usefulness because the
more easily a technology is used, the more useful the
technology is (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). (Igbaria
and Chakrabarti, 1990) explains in his research that
perception has an impact on individual behavior.
This is explained in more detail that the greater the
individual has the perception of ease in using a new
system, it will lead to an increase in the use of
information technology. Through the BPJSTK
Mobile application participants can access JHT and
JP balances and calculation simulations, complaint
services, information on the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
branch office, as well as other information regarding
the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program anytime and
anywhere via a smartphone without having to come
to the office of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. With a little
skill and internet access, participants can find the
information they need without wasting time so
participants will feel the use of the BPJSTK Mobile
application will be very useful in increasing the
productivity of their effectiveness.
H7: Perceived ease of use (PEOU) has positive
impact(s) towards intention to use (IU)
Based on the results of data processing, it is known
that the P value (probability) is 0.009. These results
meet the requirements of < 0.05 so that it can be
concluded that H7 in this study can be accepted.
This study proves that the easier use of the BPJSTK
Mobile application, the higher the intention to use it.
In line with Park's research, perceived ease of use
has a significant direct effect on intention and
behavior using e-learning (Park, 2009). Cheng's
study states that perceived ease of use will
encourage the use of e-resources (Cheng, 2014). To
use the BPJSTK Mobile application, participants
simply download it on the Play Store via
smartphone. Then, in the initial display, there are
instructions and guidelines for using BPJSTK
Mobile so that participants will not have difficulties.
When the BPJSTK Mobile service makes it easy for
users to download and search for the required
information, the participants' intention to use Mobile
BPJSTK will also increase.
H8: Perceived usefulness (PU) has positive
impact(s) towards intention to use (IU)
Based on the results of data processing, it is known
that the P value (probability) is 0,000. These results
meet the requirements of < 0.05 so that it can be
concluded that H8 in this study can be accepted. In
line with Park's study, perceived usefulness has a
significant direct effect on intention and behavior
using e-learning (Park, 2009). Cheng's study states
that someone who has a perception that using e-
resources will bring benefits to him, and of course
will affect the intention to use it (Cheng, 2014).
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science