Interdependence Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s of
T. Citra Nisa Farza
, Fitrawaty
and Muhammad Yusuf
Post Graduate of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Balance of Payments, Inflation, Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Money Supply, Gross Domestic Product,
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the interdependencies between variables on a reciprocal basis using the VECM
method through a stationary test, determination of optimal lag, stability test models, and cointegration test.
The result showed that: (1) In the short-term, inflation negatively affects the balance of payments; interest
rate and GDP positively affect the balance of payments. In the long run, inflation is a positive effect on the
balance of payments; interest rate and GDP negatively affect on the balance of payments. Meanwhile, the
exchange rate negatively affect the balance of payments and money supply positively affect on the balance of
payments both in the short-term and long-term (2) the test of Impulse Response Function indicate a positive
response that given by the balance of payments toward the shock that occurred on inflation, exchange and
interest rates towards the end of the period, while the response of the balance of payments to the shock that
occurred in the money supply and GDP towards the end of the period is negative (3) the test of Decomposition
Varian shows that at the end of the period of contributions, the balance of payments has decreased while the
contribution of the exchange rate experienced enhancement.
The adoption of an open economic system by many
countries, including developing countries, is highly
dependent on the high level of the economy. High
economic growth can be realized through the
application of expansionary policies. But in practice,
this policy cannot be separated from the problem of
imbalance between the high growth of demand and
the limited capacity for available supply. This
condition will cause shocks to the external balance
such as the occurrence of high import volumes
followed by low export volumes, high inflation as a
result of excess demand. This will directly reduce
competitiveness between countries which will
ultimately exacerbate external imbalances so that it
will further impact the deterioration of the current
account in the balance of payments (Maipita, 2015).
The balance of payments is an important
application to analyze the economy (Astuti,
Oktavilia, & Rahman, 2015) as one of the indicators
that influence the actions of market participants who
have an important role in the formation of a state
income (Effendy, 2014).
In the period of last ten years, the data shows the
development of Indonesia's balance of payments
fluctuating trend. In the second quarter of 2011, the
balance of payments reached the highest surplus of
USD 11,879 million, mainly driven by a surge in
capital and financial account surplus reached USD
12,849 million, a significant increase compared to
USD 6,646 million in the previous quarter.
Achievement of positive in the second quarter of
2011 was not followed by the next quarter which
recorded a BOP deficit of USD 3,960 million. The
significant reduction was due to the capital and
financial account which recorded a deficit of USD
4,107 million (Indonesia’s Balance of Payments
Report, 2011).
Along with the development of the economic
system, the theory of the balance of payments is also
experiencing growth, but some researchers have
argued that a more intensive school of thought which
outlines the theory of the balance of payments is the
Keynesian theory and the theory of Monetarist
(Masdjojo, 2010). Both groups have a different view
Farza, T., Fitrawaty, . and Yusuf, M.
Interdependence Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s of Payments.
DOI: 10.5220/0009507005770585
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 577-585
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in the analysis of the balance of payments, mainly
located on the aspects of the factors that influence it,
Table 1: BOP, Inflation, Interest Rate, Exchange
Rate, Money Supply and GDP in 2013:1-2017:4.
Source: Badan Pusat Statistik and Bank Indonesia
the mechanisms of influence and propositions on the
balance of payments.
A few researchers who have examined the
balance of payments in Indonesia, some of them such
as (Boediono, 1979) with simultaneous models;
(Hakim, 2000) and (Nusantara, 2000) with a single
dynamic equation; (Masdjojo, 2010) and (Effendy,
2014) with a model ECM and (Astuti et al., 2015)
with a model of Thirlwall and Hussain. Most of these
studies use monetary and Keynesian approach. These
approaches explained that inflation, exchange rates,
interest rates, money supply and Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) have relevance in determining the
balance of the current account and capital account
ultimately affect the BOP.
According to Keynesian theory, if the inflation
rate of a country relatively increases toward trading
partner countries, the current account balance will
decrease due to the increase of imports. If the value
of imports is higher than exports, it would cause a
deficit of the balance of payments by the trade
balance. Furthermore, the Keynesian elasticity
approach views that the trade balance will only
increase when the real exchange rate depreciates if
the conditions of the Marshall-Lerner fulfilled. When
the real exchange rate depreciates, it will cause the
price of goods produced by the country abroad to be
cheap and the price of foreign goods in the country is
becoming more expensive. This condition will
automatically increase exports and surplus of the
balance of payments (Salvatore, 1997). However, the
data shows that at Qtly. IV-2014 inflation rose to 8.36
percent, but in the same period, BOP recorded a
surplus of USD 2,410 million. Other than that, at
Qtly. II-2015 exchange rate depreciated from
Rp12,807/USD to Rp13,131/USD, but in the same
period, BOP recorded a deficit of USD 2,925 million.
This condition is not in accordance with Keynesian
Through the transmission of multiplier effects,
the Keynesian theory explains the relationship
between GDP and BOP, where if aggregate income
increases, imports will increase and a BOP deficit will
occur. Whereas Monetarists theory explains that GDP
will affect the balance in the domestic money market
through changes to the domestic demand for money
that would bring in a surplus of the BOP. On the other
hand, Keynesian through revenue mechanisms
explains that the relevance of interest rates and BOP,
where if interest rates rise, the decline in investment
and a decline in aggregate income. This condition will
reduce imports and cause the BOP surplus. his theory
supports the results of (Ehikioya & Mohammed,
2015) and (Chinedu, 2018) research which show
results are statistically very small, in other words, the
positive relationship between interest rates and
balance of payments in Nigeria.
While the Monetary theory explains if interest
rates rise then through the balance of the money
market, domestic money demand will increase so that
the value of the domestic currency appreciates. This
condition reduced exports and caused a balance of
payments deficit. Monetarists outlook is consistent
with the results of the study (Masdjojo, 2010) find
that interest rates negatively affect balance of
payments in both the short and long-term.
Furthermore, this theory explains the relationship of
money supply and the balance of payments based on
the view that the balance of payments is a monetary
phenomenon, where there is a relationship between
the balance of payments of a country and the supply
of money in it. The disproportion of the balance of
payments is a reflection of an disproportion in the
money market. Balance of payments surplus is a
reflection of the excess money supply, while the
balance of payments deficit is a reflection of the
excess demand for money (Nopirin, 2000).
Generally, this paper analyzes the
interdependence of factors affecting Indonesia's
balance of payments due to the conventional theory
of macroeconomics, economic variables often have
links with each other. Changes or shocks to one
economic variable will also affect changes in other
variables. The relationship is not even a one-way
relationship but is a reciprocal relationship (Halwani,
2002). The purpose of this paper to analyze the
relationship and to analyze the contribution of shock
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
inflation (INF), exchange rate (EXC), the interest rate
(IR), the money supply (MS) and Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) against Indonesia's balance of
payments (BOP).
Keynesian group thinking about balance of payments
is based on economic theory John Maynard Keynes
(1883-1946). Keynes argued that the balance of
payments does not automatically achieve a balance
but government intervention is required. Keynes
instead argued that the level of wages and prices has
a rigid nature and the state is always dealing with the
issue of unemployment. Keynes's thinking was later
developed by economists thereafter who focused on
the balance of payments theory (Duasa, 2004).
Elasticity approach emphasizes the effect of
devaluation on the trade balance, the devaluation will
improve the trade balance. It is called the Marshall
Lerner Condition. The essence of the approach is that
the improvement in the elasticity of the balance of
payments occurs as a result of the devaluation and
depends on the elasticity of foreign demand for
exports and domestic demand elasticities for imports.
It is assumed that the level of domestic and foreign
prices is the same. If the elasticity of domestic exports
is greater than one, exports will grow more than the
percentage of devaluation. Therefore, the domestic
balance of payments will increase. This will happen
because of the increase in the value of exports, which
will exceed the value of imports. However, the
elasticity approach recognizes that the effect of
exchange rate changes on the balance amount of the
domestic currency traded, depending on the elasticity
of supply and demand involved (Sakuntala, 2015).
Sidney Alexander in 1952 introduced a new
approach, namely the absorption approach,
developed to highlight the importance of the change
in income in the adjustment process. This approach
argues that currency devaluation will lead to price
inflation, which in turn would deprive the initial
effects of rising prices. The resulting process can only
be prevented if the inflation itself reduces aggregate
demand for goods through re-distribution effects of
approach or through a reduction in the real value of
existing money balances (Danjuma, 2013).
Monetarist group thinking on the balance of
payments was first developed by the research
department of the IMF headed by Mundell (1968) and
then followed by others such as Johnson (1975, 1976,
1977), Polak and others. The main basis of this
approach is the suggestion that there is stability in the
demand for money as well as the government does not
take action sterilization (reduce or eliminate the
influence of the balance of payments on the money
supply). With the assumption that the government
does not perform sterilization measures, then the
surplus or deficit in the balance of payments is
temporary In other words, the surplus or deficit will
arise, which causes the money supply to increase or
decrease until excess demand or money supply is lost
(the money market becomes balanced). Therefore, the
balance of payments that is not balanced a reflection
of the imbalance in the money market. In the long-
term, money market balance and the balance of
payments will occur automatically. But if the
government take action sterilization (cons with
monetary approach), then the surplus or deficit of the
balance of payments
Table 2: Phillip-Perron Unit Root Test Results.
Source: Eviews 10 (Processed)
Table 3: Determination Optimal Lag Result.
Source: Eviews 10 (Processed)
will occur continuously (Nopirin, 2000). Based on the
theory and some results of empirical studies that have
been done by previous researchers, the research
hypothesis is:
Inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, money
supply, and GDP have interdependencies on
Indonesia's balance of payments.
Shock Inflation, exchange rates, interest rates,
money supply, and GDP contribute to
Indonesia’s balance of payments.
This research using Vector Error Correction Model
(VECM) with the help of software EViews 10.
VECM is a VAR form that is estimated because of the
existence of non-stationary forms of data at the level
but cointegrated. VECM is often referred to as the
Interdependence Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s of Payments
VAR design for non-stationary series that has a
cointegration relationship.
The VECM specification restricts the long-term
relationship of endogenous variables to converge into
their cointegrated relationship, but still allows the
existence of short-term dynamics. The use of VECM
model analysis requires stationary test, determination
optimal lag, model stability test, and cointegration
4.1 Stationary Test
This test is performed to determine which variables
were tested stationary or not. Stationary testing in this
study has used the Phillip-Perron (PP) test with a
critical value of 5 percent. In testing using EViews
software, the guideline used is if the absolute value of
PP t-statistic is greater than the critical value (by
looking at the prob value must be less than 0.05), then
the data is stationary.
Based on the test table PP unit root test on a level
(table 2) only variable BOP and MS are stationary.
Furthermore is the integration degree test to station
the data. Through the integration degree test at the 1
difference (table 2) was seen that all these data be
stationary for all variables have prob value < 0.05.
4.2 Determination of Optimal Lag
The uses of VECM models are very sensitive to the
lag length of the data used. Based on the calculations
on each of the criteria provided in the program
Eviews, optimal lag marked with a * (star). If the
long-lag test showed that most of the asterisk is at the
same lag, then the length of the lag is the lag.
Based on the determination of optimal lag test
(table 3) note that the criteria LR, FPE, AIC, and HQ
is the recommended candidate lag 4, seen from
asterisk most though criteria SIC recommend lag 0.
4.3 Model Stability Test
The stability of the model needs to be tested because
if the model stability estimation is not stable then the
analysis of Impulse Response Function (IRF) and
Variance Decomposition (VD) becomes invalid. The
test is stable or not the estimated VECM then
checking through the roots of the characteristic
polynomial. A VECM system is stable if all its roots
have modulus smaller than one (Basuki & Prawoto,
2016). Based on a stability model test results (table 4)
note that the modulus of the entire root unit < 1 then
the model specification is stable.
4.4 Cointegration Test
Cointegration test is performed to determine the
existence of the relationship between variables,
especially in the long-term. In testing using EViews,
the guide is taken if the value of the trace statistic and
the value of the Max-Eigen statistics > critical value
5 persent, then the data cointegrated. Table 5 shows
that the data cointegrated. Cointegration test results
indicate that among the BOP movement, INF, EXC,
IR, MS, and GDP have stability or equilibrium
relationship and similarity of movements in the long
Table 4: Model Stability Test.
Roots of Characteristic Polynomial
-0.038409 - 0.925213i
-0.038409 + 0.925213i
0.490669 - 0.344704i
0.490669 + 0.344704i
-0.175068 - 0.519075i
-0.175068 + 0.519075i
0.255643 - 0.266422i
0.255643 + 0.266422i
Source: Eviews 10 (Processed)
Table 5: Cointegration Test Results.
Rank Test (Trace)
Rank Test (Maximum
Source: Eviews 10 (Processed)
4.5 VECM Estimation with 4 Lags
This study has used 6 variables with a number of
observations of 52, then obtained a t-table value of
2.01290 so that it can be analyzed the influence of
variables in the short and long term. If the value of t-
statistic > t-table value, it can be concluded that there
is are significant effect and vice versa. Based on
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
estimates VECM with a lag of 4 (table 6) the
hypothesis testing of each independent variable on
Indonesia's balance of payments as follows:
4.5.1 BOP Interdependence Period Ago toward
The estimation results indicate that the BOP
positive and significant effect on the balance
of payments current. This means that the increase in
and BOP
will lead to the addition of BOP
current balance. Meanwhile, BOP
and BOP
also has a positive effect but not significant to the
BOP now. No significant effect shows that although
the government has implemented a policy increase in
exports and reduction in imports through import
substitution policies and export promotion, still there
is intervention by Bank of Indonesia on the monetary
policy. On the other hand, allegedly because of the
attitude of more rational economic actors, as the
impact of the economic crisis of the past lessons,
which in the short term they tend to "wait and see" to
the changes that take place, before taking economic
4.5.2 Infation Interdependence toward BOP
Short-term estimation results indicate that the
variable INF
and INF
positive and significant
effect on alpha 5 percent against the BOP now. In the
event of an increase in inflation will cause an increase
in the balance of the BOP. These findings are
inconsistent with the theory that rising inflation will
cause a balance of payments deficit. This discrepancy
can be explained as follows: in spite of the increase in
inflation led to import prices cheaper than
domestically produced goods. But suspected
Table 6: VECM Estimation of Short-Term and Long-
Term BOP with 4 Lags.
[ 2.48194]
[ 2.09609]
[ 1.54748]
[ 1.18011]
[ 2.03559]
[ 2.15374]
[ 0.63087]
[ 0.63263]
[ 0.91883]
[ 1.16475]
[ 0.94912]
[ 0.27860]
[ 2.31346]
[ 3.29920]
[ 1.70782]
[ 0.75236]
[ 1.27347]
[ 1.32447]
[ 0.87560]
[ 1.53747]
[ 1.98655]
[ 2.75204]
Source: EViews 10 (Processed)
that more low import prices cannot be automatically
led to imports growing faster than exports, due to
consumer decision in increasing purchases of foreign
goods is not only influenced by price alone,
consumers also consider the rupiah exchange rate
against foreign currencies. The weakening of the
rupiah will cause consumers to prefer goods produced
in the country so that imports declined. On the other
hand, exports will increase because of the increased
competitiveness which will increase the number of
capital inflows in the country, so in the domestic
economy led to inflation balance of payments surplus.
Although these findings do not support the Keynesian
theory, the results of this study support the findings
of the study (Effendy, 2014) and (Danjuma, 2013)
were also obtained results that inflation variable
positive effect on the balance of payments.
Meanwhile, the variable INF
and INF
negative and insignificant effect on the BOP now.
The estimation results indicate that the INF long-term
positive effect on the BOP but not significantly. No
significant influence of the INF because of rising
inflation in Indonesia is relatively low. This low
rising inflation as a lubricant in the Indonesian
economy which could further increase the national
income. When national income increases, the BOP
will rise. The results support the research conducted
(Chinedu, 2018); (Effendy, 2014) and (Danjuma,
2013) which states the rate of inflation in the Nigerian
economy has positive statistics on the balance of
Interdependence Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s of Payments
4.5.3 Interdependence of Exchange Rate toward
Short-term estimation results indicate that the
variable EXC
and EXC
and insignificant
positive effect on the BOP now amounted to
25.52099 and 34.02898. This means that if there is an
increase exchange rate of 1 percent in the previous
period, it will improve the balance of the BOP now at
25.52099 percent and if there is an increase exchange
rate of 1 percent in the three previous periods, it will
improve the balance of the BOP now at 34.02898
Meanwhile, EXC
and EXC
and negative
and insignificant effect on the BOP now. Long-term
estimation results show that exchange rate has a
negative and significant influence on alpha 5 percent
against BOP, this means that changes in the domestic
exchange rate negatively affect changes in BOP
balance. These findings are consistent with the view
of Keynesian and Monetarist. The results support the
research conducted (Udochi, 2017); (Ali Shahzad,
Nafees, & Farid Govt, 2017); (Azra Batool, Memood,
& Khan Jadoon, 2015) and (Chiawa, Asare, &
Dauran, 2013) who found the result that exchange
rate depreciation has an impact on improving the
balance of payments.
4.5.4 Interdependence of Interest Rate toward
The estimation results indicate that the variable short-
term IR
, IR
and IR
has a positive
effect but not significant at alpha 5 percent toward the
BOP now. This result is consistent with the
Keynesian theory which suggested a positive
relationship between interest rates and changes in the
balance of the balance of payments. if for some
reason a country's domestic interest rate increases,
then through the money market this condition will
attract foreign investors to save their funds in the
country's banking system. There is an increased
inflow of foreign exchange effect on the surplus
balance of capital and financial account (CFA) and if
the Current Account (CA) has not changed, then the
surplus CFA can cause BOP surplus.
Meanwhile, the long-term estimation results
indicate that IR variable has a negative impact and
insignificant at alpha 5 percent against the BOP is
equal -11.79401. The results support the research of
(Masdjojo, 2010) and (Effendy, 2014) who found the
result that the long-term interest rates had a negative
effect and no significant effect on the balance of
4.5.5 Interdependence of Money Supply toward
Short-term estimation results indicate that the
variable MS
and MS
have a positive and
significant effect on alpha 5 percent toward the BOP
now at 208.6157 and 332.8488. In the short-term
increase in the money supply will lead to
improvements in the balance of payment. These
results are consistent with Monetarist theory, the
mechanism can be explained through prices and
incomes approach: that increases in the money supply
should be linked to what occurred to the price level.
Meanwhile, the variable MS
and MS
have a
positive effect but not significant toward the BOP
now. The insignificance can be explained that with
the increase in the money supply can encourage an
increase in aggregate demand. However, this
condition is not followed by an increase in aggregate
supply, then it will encourage inflation. Inflation
further negative impact on exports. The decline in
exports was not accompanied by a rise in imports is
alleged to be the cause of insignificant influence
money supply three periods ago and money supply
four periods ago against the BOP now. On long-term,
money supply is also a positive and significant effect
on alpha 5 percent against the BOP. These findings
support the theory Monetarists, a positive relationship
between money supply and BOP can also be seen
from the data the development of money supply and
BOP during the study period showed a trend equally
increased (unidirectional). The findings of this study
support the results (Udochi, 2017); (Azra Batool et
al., 2015) and (Ehikioya & Mohammed, 2015) who
obtained the result that the amount of money in
circulation has a direct and significant effect on the
balance of payments in Nigeria.
4.5.6 GDP Interdependence toward BOP
The results of short-term estimates indicate that
and GDP
have a
positive effect but not significant at alpha 5 percent
toward the BOP now. The findings of this study are
in line with Monetarist thinking which states that
economic growth will affect the balance of payments
balance through the mechanism of balance of money
markets. That mechanism according to Monetarists
theory can be explained by changes in the demand for
money. The results of this study support the research
of (Masdjojo, 2010) and (Azra Batool et al., 2015)
who found the results that GDP has a positive effect
on BOP in the short term. Whereas in the long run,
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
the GDP variable has a negative and significant effect
on BOP.
ECT is negative (convergen) of -1.146991 and
significant at the alpha 5 percent. ECT value of
1.146991 means that when there is an imbalance in
the previous period by 1 percent, the BOP will adjust
to the decreased -1.146991 percent. The difference
between the balance of the BOP with a value that is
equal to 1.146991 balance will be adjusted in 1
4.6 Impulse Response Function (IRF) Test
Analysis of IRF to see the response of each variable
to the shock of other variables, not just in the short
term but can be analyzed for some future horizon as a
long-term information. IRF analysis also serves to see
how long these effects occur (Basuki, & Prawoto,
2016). In this study, IRF test results are shown in a
tabular form which drawn along the 60 periods
(quarter). The next will be seen in three periods,
namely a period of short-term (1-4 quarters), medium
term (5-20 quarters) and long-term (21-60 quarters).
The IRF Indonesia’s balance of payments results
(table 7) for the short term that each standard
deviation of BOP shocks will be responded to by the
BOP itself up to 0.151890. While each standard
deviation of inflation shocks will be responded to by
inflation to decline by -0.767687. This means that if
an increase in inflation of 1 percent will result in a
decrease in the BOP balance of -0.767687 percent,
the higher the inflation, the lower the BOP. Every
single standard deviation occurs exchange rate
Table 7: Impulse Response Function BOP Test
Source: Eviews 10 (Processed)
Table 8: Variance Decomposition BOP Test Resuts.
Source: Eviews 10 (Processed)
shocks, BOP will respond until it rises by
1,945682. Every single standard deviation of interest
rate shock will be responded to by BOP up to
0.972387 which means that if an interest rate increase
of 1 percent will result in an increase in BOP of
0.972387 percent, the higher the inflation, the lower
the BOP. Every single standard deviation occurs
exchange rate shocks, BOP will respond until it rises
by 1,945682. Every single standard deviation of
interest rate shock will be responded to by BOP up to
0.972387 which means that if an interest rate increase
of 1 percent will result in an increase in BOP of
0.972387 percent. Every single standard deviation
occurs money supply shock, then BOP will respond
until an increase of 0.16824. Every single standard
deviation occurs when GDP shocks will be responded
to by BOP up to 0.945733, the higher the GDP, the
higher the BOP.
In general, in the short term period (4
BOP responds positively to BOP variable shocks
themselves, exchange rates, interest rates, money
supply, and GDP. While the response given by BOP
to inflation variable shocks is negative. In the medium
term period (21
quarter) BOP responds positively to
the shock of the BOP variable itself, inflation,
exchange rates, and interest rates. While the response
given by BOP to variable shocks of money supply and
GDP is negative. In the long term period (60
BOP responds positively to inflation variable shocks,
exchange rates, and interest rates. While the
responses given by BOP to the BOP variable shock
itself, the money supply and GDP are negative.
4.7 Variance Decomposition (VD) Test
VD analysis aims to explain the contribution of each
research variable to the shocks caused to the main
endogenous variables observed. This analysis is used
to predict how much the variance contribution of each
variable has an effect on other variables at present and
future periods. The BOP VD results (table 8) show
that in the first quarter of the BOP variance
decomposition was determined by the BOP variable
itself of 100 percent and continued to decline until the
quarter. At the end of the short-term quarter, the
contribution of other variables in preparing the BOP
was 6.13 percent of inflation, 16.31 percent of the
exchange rate, 7.04 percent of interest rates, 7.69
percent of the money supply and 7.45 percent of
GDP. But in the 4
quarter, the BOP variable itself
still contributed the most to BOP.
As the period increases to the end of the medium
term period (20
quarter) the exchange rate variable
starts to contribute more to the preparation of BOP
Interdependence Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s of Payments
than the BOP variable itself is 45.27 percent.
Meanwhile, the smallest contribution is given by the
GDP variable of 3.96 percent. Contributions given to
this exchange rate variable continued to increase until
the end of the long-term period (60
quarter) by 63.16
percent. While the BOP variable itself only
contributed 8.04 percent, the rest were given variables
of inflation, interest rates, the money supply, and
GDP respectively at 8.50 percent, 6.50 percent, 10.77
percent, and 3.04 percent.
The contribution of each variable in this study has
increased and decreased on a quarterly basis. Variable
BOP itself and GDP decreased from short term to
long term. Variable exchange rates and money supply
increased contribution from short term to long term.
Meanwhile, the variable inflation and GDP from
short-term to medium term to increase contributions,
contribute to the further decline in the medium term
to long term. In the long term that contributes most to
the BOP is a variable exchange rate. This shows that
the exchange rate is one of the most important
indicators to determine the surplus or deficit of the
BOP balance in the future. The need for supervision
and government intervention in maintaining
exchange rate stability so that there is no shock to the
equilibrium of external balance.
The VECM estimation results show ECT values of -
1.146991. This shows that in the case of Indonesia it
takes approximately 1 quarter to achieve BOP
balance. This illustrates the ability of the Government
and Bank Indonesia to be relatively good in
anticipating various changes that occur in the
macroeconomy, especially those concerning BOP
The IRF test results indicate that the response
given to the shock BOP variables that occur in the
variable BOP itself, inflation, exchange rates, interest
rates, money supply, and GDP tends to fluctuate at
the beginning of the period and consistent towards the
end of the period. BOP response to shocks that occur
in the BOP itself disappeared towards the end of the
period for forming the balance back. BOP response to
shocks that occur in the variable inflation, exchange
rates and interest rates towards the end of the period
was positive and permanent. While the BOP response
to shocks that occur in the variable of the money
supply and GDP towards the end of the period was
negative and permanent.
The VD test results show that BOP variables,
inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, money
supply, and GDP each contribute to the BOP variable
where the BOP contribution itself decreases while the
exchange rate contribution increases until the end of
the period. This shows that the exchange rate has a
strong effect on the formation of the BOP balance in
the long run. This finding is in accordance with the
theory put forward by Monetarists.
The government is expected to continue to
improve the high economic growth mainly through
increasing the number of exports and foreign
investment. The high export and inflow of funds will
contribute to the improvement of Indonesia's balance
of payments balance. In addition, Bank Indonesia is
expected to maintain the stability of the rupiah
exchange rate against the USD. The exchange rate
should find its equilibrium level to form the balance
of payments.
For further researchers who want to conduct an
analysis of the balance of payments should develop a
research model and add variables such as domestic
credit. Because according to Keynesian and Monetary
theory domestic credit has a relationship with the
balance of payments.
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Interdependence Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s of Payments