consumers. However, if the brandpost contains
questions along with rewards for some lucky
consumers who answer the questions, then it belongs
to “quiz” characteristics of interactivity.
The data shows that the percentage of the Siloam
Hospital Goup’s brandposts on Facebook is 0%
“link to website”, 32% “call to act”, 3% “question”,
0% “quiz”, and 65% the rest has no characteristic of
interactivity. On Twitter, there is 0.05% “link to
website” brandposts, 21.95% “call to act”, 0%
“question” and “quiz”, and 78% the rest is the
brandposts having no characteristic of interactivity.
Also, the percentage of brandposts on Instagram is
0% “link to website” and “quiz”, 28% “call to act”,
5% “question”, and 67% the rest has no
characteristic of interactivity.
On the other hand, the Siloam Hospitals Goup’s
brandposts on Facebook has a percentage of 0%
“link to website”, 20% “call to act”, 0% “question”
and “quiz”, and obviously, 80% the rest has no
characteristic of interactivity. Moreover, the
percentage of brandposts on twitter is 0% “link to
website”, “question”, and “quiz”, 22% “call to act”,
5% “question”, and 78% the rest is the brandposts
having no characteristic of interactivity.Lastly, the
percentage of brandposts on Instagram is 0% “link
to website”, “call to act”, and “quiz”, 23%
“question”, and 67% the rest has no characteristic of
interactivity.In sum, the majority of both Siloam
Hospitals Group’s and RS. Premier
Bintaro’sbrandposts do not contain any interactive
messages.In addition, there is no brandpost in the
form of quiz and the percentage of “call to act” and
“question” brandposts is deemed quite low.
Brandpost Contents
Brandpost content is the information conveyed by
Siloam Hospitals Group and RS. Premier Bintaro on
social media. Based on the contents, brandpost is
divided into informational brandposts, entertainment
brandposts, and neutral brandpost which do not
contain any information related to a product or any
other interesting information.
The content of Siloam Hospital Group’s
brandposts on Facebook is in a percentage of 47%
informational, 0% entertainment, and 53% neutral.
On Twitter, the percentage of brandpost contents is
39% informational, 0% entertainment, and 61%
neutral, while on Instagram, the percentage is 35%
informational, 0% entertainment, and 65% neutral.
Otherwise, the content of RS. Premier
Bintaro’sbrandposts on Facebook is in a percentage
of 54% informational, 0% entertainment, and 46%
neutral. On Twitter, the percentage of brandpost
contents is 35% informational, 0% entertainment,
and 65% neutral, while on Instagram, the percentage
is 54% informational, 0% entertainment, and 46%
Frequency is the average number ofbrandposts
posted by each hospital on every social media within
a single day. Siloam Hospitals Group posted 1-2
daily bandposts on its Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram page, which is ideal. On the other hand,
RS. Premier Bintaro did not post daily on its
Facebook and Instagram page, but they posted 1-2
daily brandposts on Twitter. It shows that Siloam
Hospitals Group posted more often than RS. Premier
Bintaro which did not post daily except on Twitter.
This study goes over three social media which are
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. RS. Premier
Bintaro frequently uses Facebook in response to the
customers’ complaints, while Siloam Hospitals
Group mostly interacts with the customers on
Instagram. Also, it seems that both are not actively
interact with the customers on Twitter.
Level of Online Engagement
Interacting on social media with a brand owner
through comments and replies makes it easier for
customers to express their likes or dislikes towards
the brand. In this study, the concept of online
engagement emerges from the typology of COBRA.
The customer engagement on social media pages can
be measured through three sustainable levels
(Mutinga, et al., 2011). Therefore, the level of online
engagement is measured through “Consume” in
which the number of likes and views is analyzed,
“Contribute”, which is the interaction on brand post
measured by the number of comments and the
number of shares; two-way communication that
occurs in the form of positive, negative or neutral
comments; and emotional exchange measured by
positive and negative testimonials; and lastly
“Create”, in which the user-generated content
(UGC) and product reviews are measured.
1. Number of Likes
According the observation, the Siloam Hospitals
Group's neutral brandpost—in the form of text with
image containing educational information about
glaucoma—is liked the most on Facebook. On
Twitter, its most liked brandpost is the one—in the
form of text with image—containing information