The theoretical framework explains two concepts
that are used in the research; job satisfaction and
organizational citizenship behaviours.
Job satisfaction concept has been acknowledged
as a complex and multidimensional concepts which
cover cognitive, affective and behaviour aspects and
has been influenced by individuals aspect (e.g.
personality, motivation, values, perceptions ), and
team process or group dynamics (e.g.
communication, conflict, and leadership style)
(Robbins and Judge, 2013; Omar and Hussin, 2013).
To measure job satisfaction concept, previous
literature has been using a single global rating and
the summation of job facets (Robbins and Judge,
2013). The single global rating means that
researchers only ask one question, are you satisfied
with your job? The summation of job facets, on the
other hand, measures the details of the job
dimensions. For example, Okpara (2004) identifies 5
job satisfaction dimensions, that is related to salary,
promotion, supervision, job itself, and colleagues.
On the one hand, when employees have positive
ratings, they will have high job satisfaction. On the
other hand, if employees have negative scores on
their ratings, they will have low job satisfaction
(Robbins and Judge, 2013). Employees who are
satisfied with their job will tend for speak positive
about organization, help colleagues with their works,
and will do something that exceeds beyond normal
states (Mohammad, Habib and Alias, 2011)
The next concept that is used in this research is
organizational citizenship behaviours. This concept
is believed as behaviour that can give positive
impact for the organizational performance and
improve efficiency (Podsakoff et al., 2000), and it
has 7 dimensions: Helping Behaviour,
Sportsmanship, Organizational Loyalty,
Organizational Compliance, Individual Initiative,
Civic Virtue, and Self Development.
The first dimension is helping behaviour. It
means individuals behaviour that helps colleagues in
work to complete task in a voluntary manner. This
dimension has been considered as an important
dimension in organizational citizenship behaviour
concepts. The second dimension is sportsmanship.
The dimension is interpreted as the willingness to
tolerate discomfort that is not inevitable and to work
without complaint. The third dimension is
organizational loyalty. This dimension is related to
the willingness to promote, protect, commit, and
defend organization to any external threats. In
addition, the employees also are loyal to the
organizations in difficult conditions.
The fourth dimension is organizational
compliance. It means the employees internalize,
comply and accept organization rules and procedure,
even when someone is not watching or monitoring
them. The fifth dimension is individual initiative. It
means voluntary behaviour related to enthusiasm for
creatively and innovatively thinking and asking for
task improvement and the organizational
performance. The employees also encourage others
to do similar things.
The sixth dimension is civic virtue. It means the
interest to participate in organization, indicated by
willingness to participate in organizational activities,
monitor threats and opportunities from environment
external change for organizational improvement.
The last dimension is self-development. It means the
willingness to improve knowledge, expertise and
ability in a voluntary manner.
The research aims to describe the level of job
satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour
among private hospitals employees in Medan. The
respondents were medical and non-medical
employees in two private hospitals. We used a
purposive sampling technique where the respondents
were selected based on some criteria (Zikmund et
al., 2010): medical or non-medical employees, and
have been working for at least 6 months. The total
respondents of this study were 220 employees, with
a composition of 55% female employees, and 45%
male employees.
There are 5 empirical indicators used to measure
job satisfaction (Braun et al., 2013; Foote and Tang,
2008). Examples of the indicators: I enjoy my work;
My work does not make me bored; I will continue to
work. Meanwhile, organizational citizenship
behaviour has 7 empirical indicators. Some
examples are as follows: Helping coworkers and
clients with sincerity and joy; doing work without
Table 1: Criteria/Class