Regional autonomy on the one hand gives broad
authority to local governments, but on the other hand
gives greater responsibility for regional government
in an effort to improve the welfare of the community
(Huda, Herwanti and Pancawati, 2015). Some
regions are classified as lucky regions because they
have potential revenue sources. The decline in
economic activities in various regions can also cause
a decrease in PAD so that the regions will depend on
balancing funds that will cause symptoms of fiscal
stress (Setyawan et al., 2008).
Agency theory defines agency relations as a
contract where one or more (principals) hire other
people (agents) to do some services for their
interests by delegating some decision-making
authority to the agent. Conflicts of interest will arise
in delegating tasks given to agents (Huda, Herwanti
and Pancawati, 2015). The community that is trusted
by the DPRD is the principal and the government is
the agent. Agents are expected to take financial
policies that benefit the principal, so that there is no
information asymmetry in decision making that can
benefit both parties between the local government
and the community. Principals have regulator
authority and provide resources to agents in the form
of taxes, levies, balancing funds, management of
regional wealth and other legitimate income (Sandri,
Putri and Dwirandra, 2016).
The government is expected to explore the
potential that exists in its area, so that the regional
income can be used to finance regional expenditures,
especially those directly related to public services or
improving infrastructure that supports the
acceleration of regional economic growth. Setyawan
et al., (2008) explains that there is an indication that
high fiscal stress is increasingly encouraging regions
to increase their regional spending. Muryawan and
Sukarsa (2016) states that fiscal stress has a
significant effect on economic growth both directly
and through regional financial performance.
H2: fiscal stress has a significant effect on
regional financial performance
The regional government as the agent in carrying
out the mandate given by the community as the
principal, the local government must improve its
financial performance (Noviyanti and Kiswanto,
2016). Based on the differentiation of these
functions, the executive conducts planning,
implementation, and reporting on regional budgets,
which are manifestations of service to the public,
while the legislature plays an active role in
implementing legislation, budgeting, and
supervision (Anggraeni and Sutaryo, 2015). Budget
policies by local governments are used in order to
improve public services in order to improve people's
welfare which can be seen through human quality.
Government performance which is often used as a
reference in seeing the level of welfare of the
community is one of them financial performance.
Measuring instruments to assess the government's
financial performance are quite a lot, including the
financial ratio analysis of the Regional Budget
(APBD) (Harliyani and Haryadi, 2016).
Delavallade (2006) in Dewi and Sutrisna (2014)
states that the budget in the field of public
infrastructure is expected to be able to increase
people's access to welfare so that efficiency will
occur and in turn will improve human development.
Dewi and Sutrisna (2014); (Amalia and
Purbadharmaja, 2012); Anggraeni and Sutaryo
(2015) explain that regional financial independence
has an impact on increasing HDI.
H3: regional financial performance has a
significant effect on the human development
Determination of Government Regulation
Number 71 of 2010 the application of accrual-based
government accounting systems has a legal basis.
This means that the government has an obligation to
implement SAP accrual based not later than 2015.
This is in accordance with Law Number 17 of 2003
which mandates that the form and content of the
accountability report for the implementation of the
APBN/APBD be prepared and presented in
accordance with SAP. The preparation of the LKPD
in accordance with SAP is one form of government
accountability in financial management and by
publishing financial performance reports is one form
of transparency in regional government. Agency
theory is a relationship that is established based on
an agreement between two or more parties. Agency
relations in government are carried out based on
regional regulations and not solely to fulfil the
interests of principals. Through accountability and
transparency of performance carried out by local
governments, it will provide information for the
public in monitoring the government's performance
in financial management for public services.
One of the efforts to reform the management of
state finances in a sustainable manner is regional
financial management where one of the sources of
regional revenue comes from PAD. Good
management of government finances accompanied
by the application of good accrual accounting will
create a conducive atmosphere in the performance of
local governments to service the public and improve
the human development index.
H4: Completeness of Financial Report has a
significant effect on the human development
index through regional financial