first dimension is productivity which leads to the
achievement of maximum performance, namely the
achievement of targets related to quality, quantity
and time, the second is efficiency related to efforts
to compare inputs with the realization of their use or
how the work is carried out ".
Based on the above definition it can be seen that
productivity is a comparison between the results
obtained with the sacrifices that have been given.
The sacrifice is not only labor but also contributes to
other production factors, including capital and
expertise. Low productivity will cause in-efficient
use of labor which is also a waste for a company.
Therefore the role of employees and leaders really
determines the productivity of a company in
achieving its goals.
Work Productivity Indicator.
Productivity measurement is an important
management tool at all economic levels. In several
countries and companies in recent years there has
been an increase in interest in measure productivity.
Productivity indexes are also useful in
determining comparisons between temporal
countries such as growth rates and productivity
According to Gomes (2003: 160) indicators of
productivity are:
1. Knowlage.
That is a person's ability which is measured by
his knowledge of things related to assignments,
use of work tools and technical abilities of his
2. Skills
Is a specific skill that someone has related or
related to the completion of tasks quickly and
3. Abilities (Abilities).
That is the capacity or nature of the individual
who was born or studied which allows one to
perform or complete various kinds of tasks and
4. Attitudes (Atitudes).
Namely the regularity of feelings and thoughts
of someone who acts on aspects of the
Work Motivation
Motivation is one of the things that affect human
behavior, motivation is also referred to as a driver,
desire, support or needs - needs that can make
someone excited and motivated to reduce and fulfill
their own impulses, so they can act and act
according to certain ways that will bring in the
optimal direction.Motivation functions as a driver or
encouragement to employees to work hard for the
achievement of good corporate goals, for more
clarity following Rivai's opinion (2008: 445)
"Motivation is a set of attitudes and values that
affect individuals to achieve specific things
according with individual goals. According to
Greenberg and Baron in Wibowo (2011: 379) argue
that "Motivation is a series of processes that arouse
(arouse), direct (direct), and maintain (maintain)
human behavior toward achieving goals.
According to Hasibuan (2005: 143) states that:
"Motivation is the provision of driving power that
creates the enthusiasm of one's work so that they
want to work together, work effectively and be
integrated with all the power to achieve
satisfaction". According to Nawawi (2008: 351)
states: "motivation is a condition that encourages or
becomes because someone does an action / activity,
which takes place consciously".
Work Motivation indicators
Employee motivation will be determined by the
stimulus.The intended stimulus is the driving force
of employee motivation, thus giving effect to the
behavior of individual employees concerned.
Motivational indicators according to Claude S.
George in Hasibuan (2005: 163) are:
1) Fair and decent wages
2) Opportunities for advancement / promotion
3) Recognition as an individual.
4) Job security.
5) A good workplace.
6) Acceptance by groups.
7) Fair treatment.
8) Recognition of achievements
Conceptual Framework
Job promotion has an important meaning for the
employees as a whole, with the opportunity to offer
promotions, employees will be motivated to work
together and achieve, finally the tasks given by the
companywill be carried out as well as possible and
affect the work productivity of its employees. The
higher the chance for promotion, the higher the
productivity of his work,In addition to promotion, to
create high employee productivity, a conducive and
comfortable work environment is needed.
With the existence of the work environment, the
employees at work will feel calm so that they can
create optimal work productivity. Work motivation
provided by the company can support employee
work productivity.
Based on the description, the conceptual
framework of this research is as follows: