Design of Human Resources Management and Payroll Information
Systems with a Self-service Approach at Recreation Services
Dwia Pungky Arumdani
and Tb. M. Yusuf Khudri
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia
Keywords: Accounting Information System, HRD Management, Payroll, Self-Services, Cloud, On-Premis, FAST
Abstract: The database that is not yet integrated makes the payroll process at PT X often hampered because data
collection is late in entering HR payroll. Supporting data related to the payroll process at PT X are still in
the form of excel and hardcopy. The purpose of this study is to design human resource management and
payroll with a self-service approach at PT X. Human resources management and payroll information
systems with a self-service approach are expected to produce information supporting the payroll process
that facilitates the payroll system in collecting and processing payroll data. The self-service approach is
intended to make employees as entities that play an active role in information systems for managing human
resources and payroll so they can manage their data in real time. The study was conducted qualitative
research method with in-depth interviews, observations, and literatures studies. In this study, the type of
data used is primary data. The method used to design human resources management and payroll information
systems is the initial six phase of Framework for the Application of System Thinking method. This research
will also explain about comparison total cost of ownership between implementations using cloud based
compared to on-premise. The results of this study are expected to provide a design of information systems
for human resource management and payroll with a self-service approach that can be used by company to
minimize the risks that might occur in the payroll process and make the process effective and efficient.
One of the business processes in the company is the
human resource cycle and payroll which consists of
several business processes, such as the process of
recruiting, training, paying, evaluating, promoting,
and laying off employees from the company
(Romney and Steinbart, 2018). Human resource
information systems make it easier to store and
analyze human resource information, with a self-
service system enabling employees to access
frequently accessed information, such as personal
data, salary, benefits, training, and deductions easily
(Decenzo et al, 2016). Rahimzai & Teruhiko (2018),
in their research applied a web-based Employee
Self-Service module that allows employees, together
with professionals in the human resources
department to manage employee databases.
Generally, digitizing HRIS has produced a well-
integrated HR database and built in a coordinated
way using software database management
techniques (Tomanna et al., 2018).
Currently supporting data is related to the payroll
process, such as employee data information,
employee attendance data, and other supporting data
(overtime, leave, other benefits, incentives,
employee deductions, etc.) PT X is still in excel and
hardcopy, so HR payroll must reprocess the
information and data in accordance with the format
provided by the Apisoft application (HR payroll
system). The HR Payroll and Compensation Benefit
Supervisor (2018) said that often the process was
hampered because of late data collection into the HR
payroll, the database that has not been integrated
causes the process to be longer because it has to
match the data.
Arumdani, D. and Khudri, T.
Design of Human Resources Management and Payroll Information Systems with a Self-service Approach at Recreation Services Company.
DOI: 10.5220/0009509011901196
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1190-1196
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to Sirkemaa (2015), information
technology infrastructure may be seen as a basic
technology platform for other systems used in
various business activities and processes. This study
designed an information system for human resource
management and payroll with a self-service
approach at PT X. The analysis of total cost of
ownership was done to determine which
infrastructure is better in implementing information
systems for human resource management and
payroll with a self-service approach at PT. X.
This study only focuses on the cycle of human
resources or payroll cycle, as explained in the
previous chapter. According to Romney and
Steinbart (2018), states that human resource
management activities are limited to information
about hiring, transfer, training, and gathering
information about the use of working time that
occurs every day.
Payroll cycle activities are based on Romney and
Steinbart (2018), there are five input sources to the
payroll system, namely HRM Department,
Employees, Various Deputies, Banks, Government
Agencies, and Other Companies.
System modeling includes process modeling and
data modeling of the data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
which are translated into Context Diagrams,
Functional Decomposition Diagrams (FDD), Entity
Relationship Diagrams (ERD), and user interface.
The total cost of ownership (TCO) was
developed by Bill Kirwin, director at the Gartner
group (Gartner Inc.) in 1987, an information
technology research company and United States
advisory firm based in Stamford. All costs
associated with the use of computer hardware and
software include administrative fees, licensing fees,
distribution and configuration, hardware and
software updates, training and development,
maintenance, technical support, and all other costs
associated with obtaining, implementing, operation,
maintenance and improvement of computer systems
in organizations. Using the TCO approach, total
costs can be calculated from sum of Up-front costs
with Operational costs (Mtebe and Raisamo, 2014).
According to the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) quoted from Erl et al.
(2013), "Cloud computing is a model for enabling
networks that are ubiquitous, convenient, and on
demand access to a collection of shared computing
resources that are easily managed (such as networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can
be quickly available and released with the minimum
effort of management or service provider interaction.
Whereas the on-premise definition is a type of
software delivery model that is installed and
operated from in-house servers and customer
computing infrastructure. It uses the organization's
original computing resources and only requires a
copy of the software licensed or purchased from an
independent software vendor (Erl et al., 2013).
This study used a qualitative research methodology
with case studies to analyze access and inclusion in
organizational services (Yin, 2014). Case studies are
used in order to answer the questions that
researchers ask related to the ineffectiveness of the
payroll process at PT X.
The data source used in this study is primary
data. Primary data is a direct source of data
(Sugiyono, 2015). According to Sunyoto (2013),
primary data is original data collected by researchers
to answer their research problems specifically. The
data used in this study was collecting by obtained
directly from field observation activities, interviews
with informants, and related parties who directly
manage payroll data, including the HR department
head, HR payroll and compensation benefit
supervisor, and HR administration staff.
All data obtained will be analyzed using system
development methods, namely the FAST
(Framework for the Application of Systems
Technique) method. FAST consists of 8 stages,
namely scope definition, problem analysis,
requirement analysis, logical design, decision
analysis, physical design and integration,
construction and testing, and installation and
delivery (Whitten and Bentley, 2007). The section
focused on this research is only the initial 6 phases.
In the decision analysis phase, a comparison analysis
of on-premise cloud is carried out using the Total
Cost of Ownership method.
4.1 Scope Definition
The payroll system is part of the human resource
management system. Activities carried out from the
payroll system are processes of data from the
Design of Human Resources Management and Payroll Information Systems with a Self-service Approach at Recreation Services Company
management of human resources. The input source
of the payroll process is data that comes from many
actors. Based on the results of interviews,
documentation and observations of the author, the
following analysis of the scope of the problems that
occur in the human resource management system
and payroll PT X using the PIECES framework.
Data collection is late in entering HR Payroll, so
it requires integration of payroll systems with
human resource management systems so as to
speed up the salary calculation process.
There are some data that are not filled, tucked,
and not inputted, so data input is needed
automatically through a website-based system
with verification notifications via e-mail.
Storage of information supporting data on the
payroll process that still uses hardcopy meets the
storage filling cabinet, so that it is necessary to
store information on supporting data for the
payroll process in an online database.
Control or Security
The HR payroll section is often overtime at the
payroll period because the database is not yet
integrated so it needs to be re-validated to avoid
human error, so that the employee self-service
approach allows employees to do all matters
relating to human resource management online.
Management of the payroll process supporting
data cannot be managed by each employee at any
time, so a system is needed for employees to do
all matters relating to human resource
management online without the need for
departmental admin assistance.
Providing employee salaries often experiences
delays because the supporting data for the salary
calculation process are still done manually, so
that an information system for human resource
management and payroll is needed that is able to
provide the payroll process supporting data
quickly and accurately.
4.2 Problem Analysis
Based on the scope of the problems identified in the
previous phase, an analysis of the problems,
impacts, and problem solving related to the
information system of human resource management
and payroll is done manually as follows:
The problem with the number of manual
support forms for payroll processes that have an
impact on the payroll process supporting data
becomes incomplete and takes time in
recording, required payroll process support
forms are made with electronic forms (e-Form),
and approval processes are also conducted
through the system information on management
of human resources and payroll whose
notifications will be directly connected to e-
Long time process problems in managing
human resource data have an impact on the
payroll process supporting data to be inaccurate
or invalid, it is necessary to manage human
resource data by employees by storing data
online and can be accessed at any time.
Problems with data collection that is late in
entering HR Payroll have an impact on the
payroll process for a long time and the HR
payroll section must overtime in the payroll
period, required integration of supporting data
for the payroll process with the payroll system.
4.3 Requirement Analysis
The proposed system of human resource
management and payroll is expected to be able to
meet several needs as follows:
Record employee data in real time and easy to
access with the Internet network.
Facilitate electronic forms (e-forms) of
supporting data on payroll processes such as
leave forms, late or sick permission, loans,
compliment, outside service, overtime, and
evaluation with notifications connected via e-
Provide a smart reminder when an employee
will expire.
Integrated with attendance machines, so
attendance data can be processed directly in the
human resource management system and
Make payroll reports for each period to be given
to finance and accounting.
Send pay-slip to employee e-mails every period.
4.4 Logical Design
The design process displays functional
decomposition diagrams, context diagrams, data
flow diagrams, data dictionaries, process
specifications, and modeling databases on
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
information systems for managing human resources
and payroll.
Functional decomposition diagrams in
information systems management of human
resources and payroll are divided into four
subsystems at the first level, twenty subsystems at
level two, and eight subsystems at level 3, as shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Functional Decomposition Diagram
Data Flow Diagrams are used to find out the
relationships between entities in information systems
management of human resources and payroll. Data
flow diagram level 1, used to describe the flow of
data and documents that in and out the system. The
HR management system and payroll have 4
subsystems, consists of employee data management
subsystem, management of payroll supporting data,
calculation of net salary, and payroll reporting. Data
flow diagram level 1 as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Context Data Flow Diagram
4.5 Decision Analysis
This phase helps management in making decisions
in implementing systems for managing human
resources and payroll, what technology is useful and
can be applied to the management system of human
resources and payroll. In this case, there are two
solutions offered in the implementation of system
infrastructure, namely Cloud based and On-premise.
Analysis of the total costs needed to determine the
system infrastructure using the Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) approach. This TCO approach
divides costs into two categories, namely up-front
costs and operational costs.
So that,
Total cost = Up-front cost + Operational cost
Up-front costs are costs incurred by companies
in building information systems before the system
can be used, in the up-front cost infrastructure is the
cost of server devices, devices that support server
devices such as UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply),
NIC (Network Interface Card), Switches and cables
are needed in connecting server and network device.
While operational costs are costs incurred by the
company after the system can be used, such as
maintenance and development costs, hosting, and
data center maintenance costs.
This research in comparing TCO Cloud based
and On-premise makes several assumptions to be
able to compare resources even though with
different infrastructure models. Here are some
Analysis of TCO based on 36 months (3 years),
this is based on the life cycle standards of
computer infrastructure.
Costs are estimated to be based on prices in
System for managing human resources and
payroll for in-house
Cloud service prices are estimated monthly.
Minimum specifications for the HR
management system server and payroll used in
this research are based on the following
1. Processor: Intel Xeon Quad Core
2. Server Memory (RAM): 8GB, maksimum
3. Hard disk: minimum 500MB
PT X already has a server device and the following
data center which is sufficient for HR management
systems and payroll, namely Lenovo ThinkServer
Design of Human Resources Management and Payroll Information Systems with a Self-service Approach at Recreation Services Company
TS150. The TCO estimation on the implementation
of infrastructure on an On-premise basis at PT X
does not have an up-front cost. While Operational
costs will be described as follows:
Maintenance and development costs: these costs
are calculated based on the salary of the
technical staff at PT X. Minimum PT X requires
one technical staff to manage and maintain the
system. The scale of salary for computer science
graduates in Indonesia is estimated at Rp.
6,000,000 per month. So for one staff within a
period of 3 years, PT X will be charged a fee of
Rp. 216,000,000.
Hosting costs: PT X already has a corporate
domain that can be used for HR management
systems and payroll.
Data center maintenance costs: To be simple,
the electricity costs consumed by AC, computer
hardware is estimated by PT X to be Rp.
1,000,000 per month. Thus, PT X will be
charged a fee of Rp. 36,000,000 in 3 years.
Table 1: Summary of the estimated infrastructure
costs of On-Premise
Cost Item Monthly
Up-front cos
Operational cos
Data center
Total Rp.
TCO analysis for Cloud based is based on cloud
infrastructure services in Indonesia. Cloud based
infrastructure is not subject to up-front fees because
all services are already in a virtual machine, so what
is calculated in the following explanation is
operational cost. In this thesis, the infrastructure
cloud services used are:
1. Datacomm
The specifications used are in accordance with
the assumptions previously explained, by using 1
vCPU, 8GB memory, 500GB storage, and the
OS used is Windows a monthly fee of Rp.
3,599,999. So for a period of 3 years PT X is
charged a fee of Rp. 129,599,964.
2. Zettagrid
The specifications used are in accordance with
the assumptions described before, using 3.2 Ghz
CPU, 8GB memory, 500GB storage, and the OS
used is Windows Server 2008 R2 Web, and a
500GB network monthly fee of Rp. 3,330,000.
So for a period of 3 years PT X is charged a fee
of Rp. 119,880,000.
Based on the above analysis of two companies
offering cloud infrastructure services. Zettagrid
cloud service is cheaper than Datacomm. So, in this
research we will use the lowest price of the Zettagrid
infrastructure cloud service for comparison with On-
premise. Table 2 show the comparison of TCO
Cloud based with On-premise.
Table 2: Comparison of TCO Cloud based with On-
Cost Item On-premis Cloud based
Nill Nill
Operational cos
Nill Rp.
Data center
Total Rp.
Based on the comparison above, if PT X uses
cloud infrastructure services then the profit
difference obtained is Rp. 132,120,000. However,
PT X must also consider the advantages and
disadvantages of each of these services. Like cloud
infrastructure services, the technology used does not
provide access to full control of the company. So, if
a problem occurs, it will refer to the agreed SLA.
On-premise infrastructure gives the company
complete access to control.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
4.6 Physical Design
Physical Data Flow Diagrams are used to determine
the relationship between the implementation of
entities in information systems management of
human resources and payroll. There are four parts to
the physical data flow diagram, namely the physical
process implementations, physical data flows,
physical external agents, and physical data stores.
Information systems for managing human resources
and payroll use JavaScript as a physical process, and
MySQL as physical data storage. Overall the
implementation relationship between entities can be
seen on the physical data flow diagram in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Physical Data Flow Diagram
Physical entity relationship diagrams are used to
determine the data types used in the system database
model. The system for managing human resources
and payroll uses a MySQL database, so the data
types used include Integer, Char, Varchar, Text, and
DateTime. The physical entity relationship diagram
of the HR management system and payroll can be
seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Physical Entity Relationship Diagram
The architecture of the HR management system
and payroll is used to see the flow of services being
passed until it is stored in the database. The
supervisor of self service employees makes the
service online, so that it can be accessed in real time.
Thus, the HR management system and payroll are
made based on websites that can be accessed via
browser devices on desktop or mobile.
After carried out all stages of this study, several
conclusions can be conveyed by the researcher are:
1) providing a system of supervision and
convenience for employees and company
management in managing employee data quickly; 2)
provide control of frauds that can occur in the
management of payroll supporting data; 3) reduce
the risk of input errors or non-current data; 4) The
payroll process can be done on time because all
payroll supporting data has been integrated; 5)
Cloud based infrastructure services have lower TCO
when compared to On-premise.
Several suggestions can be conveyed are: 1)
Research carried out is still at six initial phases of
system development, it is expected that further
research reaches the implementation and
maintenance phase; 2) Companies can integrate e-
learning systems that help employees get knowledge
easily; and 3) The management system of human
resources and payroll is expected to be developed
into a mobile application, so there is no need to open
it through a browser.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science