determining the success of management
development in the region (Putra, 2015).
Poverty will prevent individuals from consuming
nutritious nutrition, get proper education and enjoy
the environment that supports healthy living. From
an economic point of view all of them will produce
less qualified human resources, or can be said to
have a low level of productivity. So that in
development this will affect the level of human
development in an area. This is consistent with the
research conducted by Mirza (2012) which states
that poverty has a negative effect on the Human
Development Index. This means that if the poverty
level rises, the HDI falls.
When viewed from the condition of North
Sumatra, the increase in Regional Taxes, GDRB was
followed by an increase in the Human Development
Index (HDI) but the poverty rate even increased in
2015. The following are GDRB data, poverty rates
and HDI in North Sumatra from 2013 - 2016.
Table 1: Regional Tax Data, GDRB and Poverty in
North Sumatra
Source: Central Statistics Agency (CSA)
If seen from the table above, the increase in
regional taxes from 2013 - 2016 was followed by an
increase in GDRB and HDI. This was not followed
by a decrease in the number of poor people. In 2014
to 2015 the number of poor people increased from
1360610 to 1508140.
Based on the data and description above
regarding the human development index, economic
growth, poverty and local / regency / city tax in
North Sumatra, the authors are motivated to conduct
further research under the title Poverty Analysis,
Economic Growth and Regional Taxes on Regency /
City Economic Growth in North Sumatra ".
Human Development Index (HDI)
The basic idea underlying this index is the
importance of paying attention to the quality of
human resources. HDI has played two key roles in
the field of economic development implemented: 1)
as a tool for popularizing human development as a
new understanding of welfare, and 2) as an
alternative to per capita GDP as a way to measure
the level of development for comparison between
countries and time (Elizabeth, 2007). To find out the
quality of life or welfare of the community, the
United Nations has determined the Human
Development Index (HDI) or Human Development
Index (HDI), which is a measure of human
development standards. This index is formed based
on four indicators namely: 1). life expectancy, 2).
literacy rates, 3). average school years and 4).
purchasing power. Life expectancy indicators
represent the dimensions of longevity and health
(health dimensions), while indicators of literacy and
school length reflect the output of the knowledge
dimension (education dimension). The indicators of
purchasing power ability (income) are used to
measure the dimensions of decent life (UNDP,
Etymologically, "poverty" comes from the word
"poor" which means it is not material and is
inadequate. The Central Bureau of Statistics defines
as the inability of individuals to meet the minimum
basic needs for decent living (BPS, 2016) further
stated that poverty is a condition that is below the
standard line of minimum needs, both for food and
non-food called the poverty line or also called a limit
poverty. According to (World Bank, 2004) one of
the causes of poverty is due to lack of income and
assets to meet basic needs such as food, clothing,
housing, acceptable levels of health and education.
In addition, poverty is also related to limited
employment and usually those who are categorized
as poor do not have jobs (unemployment), and their
education and health levels are generally inadequate.
The measure of poverty is not only living in food
shortages and low income levels, but looking at the
level of health, education and fair treatment before
the law and so on (Adisasmita, 2005).
Economic Growth
In general, economic growth is defined as increasing
the ability of an economy to produce goods and
services. Economic growth shows the extent to
which economic activity will generate additional
income for the community in a given period.
Because basically economic activity is a process of
using production factors to produce output, then this
process will in turn result in a return of service to the
factors of production owned by the community.
With the economic growth, it is expected that
people's income as the owner of production factors
will also increase (Sukirno, 2006: 423). According
to Kuznets economic growth is a long-term increase
in the ability of a country to provide more and more
Years GDRB (Rp)
Tax (Rp)
2013 469464020000 1416400 1937261087 68.36
2014 521954950000 1360600 2050583195 68.87
2015 571722010000 1508140 2290986197 69.51
2016 628394160000 1452550 2407715357 70.00