(Carnegig D,Garry Jacquiline Tuck, 2010) states that
governance is an organizational arrangement in
allocating and regulating organizational resources.
Good University Governance (GUG) reflects the
success of the university that produces qualified
graduates who are ready to compete in the world of
work. D requires high work and discipline in
educating, as well as teaching cultural values, ethics,
community relations and quality educators.
Based on the above problems, the authors are
interested in nailing research at the University
Medan Area to see how the implementation of good
governance is carried out by the Field University
Medan Area with several strategies and policies that
can create University goals. This research focuses on
the application of good university governance to
create Intellectual capital at the University Medan
Area. Research purposes
1. To find out the application of Good University
Governance has an effect on Human Capital
2. To find out the Good University Governance
has an effect on the Capital Structure
3. To know Good University Governance is
influential towards Relational Capital
4. How is the Impact of good University
Governance Implementation on University
2.1 Intellectual Capital
Intellectual capital is the knowledge, experience, and
capabilities of employees, as well as sources of
knowledge stored in databases, systems, work flows,
cultures, and management philosophies within the
organization. In (European Commission, 2006)
Intellectual capital (IC) The combination of
intangible resources and activities “allows
organizations to transform a bundle of material,
financial and human resources in a system capable
of creating stakeholder value” Intellectual capital
has a significant interest in gaining competitive
advantage and for an organization's capacity to
create value (Stewart, T.A., 1997) (Sudarsanam S
Sorwar, G, Marr,B, 2005) Sudarsanam et al., 2003)
(Sudarsanam S Sorwar, G, Marr,B, 2005).
The university's strategic objectives are defined
for each component of intellectual capital such as
human, structural and relational components
(Babayi,NF:Bohloli,z and Rahili,GH.R, 2012).
(Leitner K, H, 2002) has developed a model of
academic intellectual capital valuation based on a
systematic approach that relates to the three main
components of intellectual capital.
2.2 Human Capital
Human Capital consists of knowledge, skills and
abilities of employees. Forms of Human Capital
combine the capabilities of Employees in
organizations that help organizations solve business
problems. Human capital is internal capital among
individuals and organizations are unable to take over
and own them. Intellectual capital is described for
universities and higher education institutions. The
university's strategic objectives are defined for each
component of intellectual capital such as human,
structural and relational components
(Babayi,NF:Bohloli,z and Rahili,GH.R, 2012).
2.3 Capital Structure
Structural capital can be of any kind that exists in
organizations and supports employees (human
capital) in their work. Structural capital is under the
organization ownership, even when employees leave
the organization, it exists there (Lopez,D.C, 2008).
Structural Capital relates to the ability of the
organization to fulfil the organization's routine
processes and structures that support employees'
efforts to produce optimal intellectual performance
and overall business performance, for example: the
company's operational systems, manufacturing
processes, organizational culture, management
philosophy and all forms of intellectual property
owned by the organization.
2.4 Relational Capital
Relational Capital is a market relationship, power
relations and cooperation between companies,
educational institutions and people, which comes
from a strong sense of belonging and cooperative
capacity to progress. There are studies that apply
quantitative, empirical, and econometric techniques
in an effort to verify the existence of relational
capital and the importance of innovation activities in
companies or organizations. Development of one
goal requires cooperation with other parties that are
mutually beneficial. Relational capital is more
appropriately linked to the world of education
compared to customer capital. Relationships in the
world of education are not simply termed customer
2.5 Principles of Good Corporate Governance
According to Artikel 3 of (regulation of the minister
of state Per-1/MBU/2011, 2011):