The Analysis of Interdependency Macroeconomic Variables of
Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility using Vector Auto Regression
Period 2008-2017
Masnia Nasution
, Dede Ruslan
and Andri Zainal
Post Graduate of Economics, State University of Medan, Medan-Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, State University of Medan, Medan-Indonesia
Keywords: Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility, Macroeconomic Variables, VAR
Understanding volatility of rupiah exchange rate very important because interdependency of macro
economic variables. Fluctuation one of macroeconomic variables then rupiah exchange rate volatility certain
follow moving appreciation or depreciation suspend from fast or slow fluctuation one of macroeconomic
variables. Dornbusch theory state with the concept of "Overshooting" (soaring/fluctuating) with the
"Monetary Sticky Price" model. The basis of this model is the uncertainty of fluctuating high rupiah
exchange rate volatility. This study explores how the interdependence of macroeconomic variables on
rupiah exchange rate volatility. The data used series time data were conducted that accepted from Economic
and Financial Statistics Bank of Indonesia during the period of 2008-2017. The methods used in this
research were Vector Autoregression (VAR). The results of the study concluded that (1) in the short term
dominant cointegration towards inflation, the money supply, the export of non-oil and gas commodities (2)
while the medium term cointegration towards interest rates (3) and while in the long term cointegration of
gross domestic product (4) In addition, non commodity export shocks Oil and gas in the short term does not
provide a dominant contribution to the volatility of the rupiah exchange rate, in the medium term interest
rates make a dominant contribution to the volatility of the rupiah exchange rate, and in long-term growth
(GROW) make a dominant contribution to the volatility of the rupiah. Government policy simulations
emphasize interest rates to 6.5 percent so that inflation can subside after the 2008 global crisis, but not
reduce the money supply and increase economic growth, the government is important to simulate other
policies to better anticipate the global crisis.
Economic and financial stability is currently
inseparable from changes in the development of
macroeconomic variables that affect the volatility of
the rupiah exchange rate. One of the changes in the
development of macroeconomic variables is that
they are unstable, which can result in a turbulent
global financial crisis that has changed the world
economic order, especially Indonesia, and has a
significant effect on the volatility of the rupiah
(Bank Indonesia, 2016).
One of the theories of exchange rate volatility is
that introduced by Rudi Dornbusch (in Pilbeam,
2016) using the concept of "Overshooting" with the
"Sticky hgjsMonetary Price" model. The basis of
this model is the uncertainty of soaring high
exchange rate volatility. With the concept of
overshooting the exchange rate, it is assumed that
there are several parts of the economy that cause
instability from other parties, especially the
exogenous variables change, which results in short-
term effects on exchange rates that can be greater or
higher in long-term effects so that the exchange rate
exceeds its value in the long run. One exogenous
variable changes as the high interest rates affect the
depreciation of the exchange rate in the short term so
that the possibility of price increases can be
followed by exchange rate behavior, the
overshooting trend of exchange rates is in the long
As is known by the phenomenon that has
occurred in Indonesia in 1997/1998, there was an
economic crisis in which the turbulent
macroeconomy which quickly affected economic
fundamentals through the exchange rate channel.
Nasution, M., Ruslan, D. and Zainal, A.
The Analysis of Interdependency Macroeconomic Variables of Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility using Vector Auto Regression Period 2008-2017.
DOI: 10.5220/0009510306340642
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 634-642
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Assuming, from Dornbush's theory that there are
several macroeconomic variables such as inflation,
interest rates, and the money supply that affect
exchange rate volatility, where price increases will
create supply of goods which will increase relative
prices of domestic goods as a result of exchange
rates depreciated by 8,025 Rupiah/USD (Indonesian
Economic Report, 1998) so interest rates were also
high through behavioral balance in the money
market so that the money supply increased which
caused slow and depressed exchange rate
movements in the short term.
From this study it can be concluded that
exchange rate volatility applies to free floating
systems. From this phenomenon can be presented a
graph of the development of rupiah exchange rate
volatility from 2008 to 2017 in Figure 1. is Volatility
of Exchange Rate
Figure 1: Volatility of Exchange Rate
Source: Bank of Indonesia
From the graph it can be seen that the rupiah
exchange rate over the past ten years has fluctuated
quite as much as in 2008, 2013 and 2015. However,
consistent and prudent macroeconomic policies
accompanied by exchange rate stabilization
measures can generally reduce the pressure
excessive. Despite being hit by a variety of
fluctuations, the rupiah exchange rate moved
steadily from 2009 to 2013 in quarter III. However,
the impact of the wider global financial crisis
triggered a significant amount of asset release by
investors, which caused strong pressure on the
rupiah exchange rate during the third quarter of
2015. In 2015 in the quarter III the rupiah exchange
rate volatility experienced depreciation at the level
of Rp. 14,657, but in the fourth quarter of 2015 the
exchange rate volatility appreciated until the fourth
quarter of 2016 which had a good impact on
macroeconomic variables with 5.5 percent inflation
in 2016 to 4.25 percent. In 2017, the decline caused
by macroeconomic variables, the BI rate interest rate
rose above inflation, triggering the growth of the real
sector and declining capital costs and increasing
demand for banks which could then increase
economic growth.
Judging from the trend above, which causes the
development of exchange rate volatility inevitably
fluctuates from the impact of macroeconomic
variables. Next in Figure 1.2. is inflation, interest
rates, and gross domestic product
presented graphs of developments in inflation,
GDP, interest rates, JUB, and commodity exports
(non-oil and gas) that affect the volatility of the
rupiah exchange rate in 2008-2017.
Figure 2: Inflation, interest rates, and gross domestic
Figure 3: Money supply and commodity exports of
non-oil and gas
Source: SEKI, Bank of Indonesia
When seen the volatility trend of the rupiah
exchange rate in the past decade has depreciated, it
shows that the rupiah has declined against the US
dollar due to the global crisis. Figure 1.2 (a),
The Analysis of Interdependency Macroeconomic Variables of Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility using Vector Auto Regression Period
inflation shows a rising trend due to world oil prices
reaching 9.2 percent so the inflation trend reaches
11.06 percent and experienced a significant
economic slowdown of 6.01 percent. At the same
time, BI emphasized the interest rate (BI Rate) was
much lower, emphasizing interest rates would have
an impact on increasing the money supply (Pohan,
2008). But from the post-global crisis BI focused its
financial performance so that the economic crisis
could subside which was done by emphasizing the
price of oil to be cheaper and sharp enough to lower
oil prices so that inflation could subside around 2.78
percent so that the inflation trend declined and
returned within the target range the country
especially Indonesia to emphasize lower interest
rates and improve economic growth towards a
positive direction.
The decline in domestic inflation, in theory is
very much responded by the public to reduce the
price of commodity goods, the world of work to
increase employment and reduce unemployment,
and rising economic growth towards a positive
direction for the welfare of society. Likewise, the
trend in the interest rate in 2010 began to decline
due to appreciation in the rupiah exchange rate
appreciation, but JUB continued to show
improvement. The rupiah exchange rate during the
2011-2012 period has weakened to depreciate
against the US dollar, as shown in Figure 1.2 (a) is
inflation, interest rates, and gross domestic product)
where the same year inflation, interest rates indicate
a decline and economic growth also slowed by 6.11
percent, seen from Figure 1.2 (a) is inflation, interest
rates, and gross domestic product) so trend inflation,
interest rates, and economic growth intersect with
JUB in fact increase as in Figure 1.2 (b) is money
supply and commodity exports of non-oil and gas).
Seeing the condition of the rupiah exchange rate
increase, exports of goods will also increase abroad.
The export price of the goods tends to be cheap
compared to the prices of domestic goods, which
causes the supply of goods both domestic and
foreign to increase, in turn, will reduce the price of
the goods so that the CPI must be able to be
controlled with the target can help the inflation
process towards lower long term. And it is seen that
the inflation trend in 2012 has slightly increased, this
indicates that a significant increase in JUB can cause
the inflation rate to rise.
2.1. Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility
Overshooting exchange rates can occur when
exchange rates adjust faster than goods and services.
Dornbusch treats the exchange rate as a jump
variable where the exchange rate adjusts quickly to
the disruption of the economy, while other variables
such as output, price, and interest rates are in
adjustment to be slow to barely move. Dornbusch
extends the version of the perfect capital mobility
from Mundel-Fleming. Dornbusch includes
exchange rate expectations to explain volatility in
exchange rates and include dynamic elements
(Dornbusch, 1980).
The characteristics of the Dornbusch model are
sticky prices in the short term. Overshooting the
model involves the process of adjusting in exchange
rates and immovable prices at the same speed level.
Suppose there is a monetary expansion. Short-term
expansion of monetary policy causes interest rates to
fall. This reduction in interest rates immediately
pushes adjustments in exchange rates but prices
adjust gradually. In response to a shock to the
economy, the exchange rate will be overshooting the
level of balance. First of all the exchange rate will
move to a level above the balance then it will
gradually return to the long-term balance.
2.2. Macroeconomic Variables
Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that
studies the phenomenon of economic indicators in
aggregate or whole, for example economic growth,
unemployment, inflation, interest rates, circulation
of money in an economy. Macroeconomic
explanations include economic changes that affect
all households, companies, and markets simultan
(Mankiw, 2004: 500). And there are also four keys
in the macro market, namely (1) natural resources,
(2) exports of goods and services or commodities,
(3) loanable funds, and (4) foreign exchange
(exchange rates) (Sobel, 2009).
Inflation is one indicator of macroeconomic
variables in analyzing the economy of a country,
especially related to the broad impact on aggregate
macroeconomic variables. According to Lerner
(Gunawan, 1995), inflation is a situation where there
is an excess demand for goods and services as a
whole. According to Keynesian theory, inflation is
an excess of money supply compared to demand and
without expansion of money supply, excess
aggregate demand can occur if the increase in
consumption expenditure, investment, government
expenditure, and exports, thus inflation can be
caused by monetary and non-monetary factors
(Gunawan, 1995).
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Interest rate
Interest rate stability is expected, because the
stability of interest rates also encourages financial
market stability so that the ability of financial
markets to channel funds from people who have
productive investment opportunities can run
smoothly and economic activities also remain stable
According to Mishkin (2008: 60) and interest rates
are one indicator of macroeconomic variables in
analyzing the economy of a country is mainly
related to the widespread impact on macroeconomic
variables in the aggregate (Gunawan, 1995).
Therefore, Bank Indonesia is in charge of
maintaining the stability of interest rates to create a
more stable financial market.
Gross Domestik Product
According to Robert B. Barsky in N. Gregory
Mankiw (2005; 15), Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
is the total income from the production of goods
equal to the amount of wages and profits in the
upper half of the circulation of money. Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) is the market value of coal
and final services produced in the economy for a
certain period of time. GDP is often considered the
best measure of economic performance. This
statistic is calculated every three months by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis from a large number
of primary data sources. The goal of GDP is to
summarize economic activity in the value of a single
currency over a long-term period.
Money Supply
The amount of money is one of the indicators of
economic macro variables, which in the form of
capital, which are based on the balance of the
quantity of money. The amount of money is in the
wild (just supply) holding the investor in the
economy of a country. The amount of money that is
released in the economy of a country will be able to
give a boost to the exchange rate of its currency
against foreign currencies. The increase in the offer
of money or the amount of money will increase the
price of goods which are measured by the value of
money and will also increase the price of foreign
exchange measured by the domestic currency
(Triyono, 2008).
Exports Of Non-Oil And Gas Commodities
Countries that have implemented an open economic
system will interact freely with other economies
throughout the world. One of the activities of
international economic interaction is by conducting
commodity exports (Non-oil and gas). According to
Tietenberg (2014: 149) that commodity exports
(non-oil and gas) are energy resources that are
endless and renewable. Resources (Non-oil and gas)
do not have a limited amount at a certain time so that
if the resources are depleted, this will certainly not
interfere and will not hinder the sustainability of
economic development. The non-oil and gas sector
consists of the agriculture, mining and minerals sub-
sectors, as well as the processing industry. These
three non-oil and gas subsectors have important
contributions to Indonesia's economic and financial
This study discusses the analysis of interdependency
of macroeconomic variables on the volatility of the
rupiah exchange rate. This study use the Vector
Auto Regression (VAR) method to see the short and
long term endogenous variables which are
considered to have interdependence between
macroeconomic variables towards the volatility of
the rupiah exchange rate. The type of data used in
this study is secondary data that is time series in the
observation period Q: 1 2008 up to Q: IV 2017. The
data sources used for this study are allowed from
Indonesia Financial and Economic Statistics (SEKI)
published by Bank of Indonesia (BI), the Indonesian
Economic Report (LPI), and the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS).
The Vector Auto Regression (VAR) method first
proposed by Sims (1980) appears as a solution to the
problem of the complexity of estimation and
inference processes because of the presence of
endogenous variables on both sides of the equation
(variable endogeneity) which are dependent and
independent. While economic theory alone as a basis
for consideration of simultaneous equations will not
be sufficiently complete in providing strict and
precise specifications for dynamic relationships
between variables (Yahya, 2017).
The VAR stage is to do stationary testing of the
data used in determining the maximum lag and
optimal lag that will be used to perform stationary
tests, cointegration tests, estimation of the VAR
model, impulse response, and variance
The Analysis of Interdependency Macroeconomic Variables of Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility using Vector Auto Regression Period
Stationary Data Test (Root Test Unit / Unit Root
The first step in processing time series data is by
testing stationarity or unit root test. Stationary data
will tend to approach average values and fluctuate
around the average or have a constant range. If the
data is stationary, then the method chosen is the
VAR method and if it is not stationary then use the
VECM method. (Ayyuniyyah, Laily and Beik,
2013). The assessment of Dickey and Fuller's
methods (Gujarati, 1998) are as follows:
Y = observed variable
Δ =   – 1
T = time trend
Cointegration Test (Optimal Lag Length)
To determine the length of lag used supporting
parameters, namely: AIC (Akaike Information
Criterion), SIC (Schwarz Information Criterion), and
LR (Likelihood Ratio). Determination of the number
of lags used from the VAR equation with AIC, SIC,
or LR is the smallest amount of lag. The value of
AIC, SIC, or LR is useful for choosing the best
model. However, if there is a contradiction between
the values of AIC, SIC, and LR, the criteria of SIC is
used because the SIC criteria provide a scale that is
greater than the other criteria.
According to Enders (2014) the calculations of
AIC and SC are as follows:
AIC (k)= ln
T = number of observations used
K = lag length
SSR = Redisual Sum of Squares
N = number of money parameters estimated
Johansen Cointegration Test
In this study the cointegration test used was the
cointegration test developed by Johansen. This test
can be used to determine the cointegration of a
number of variables (vectors). In the Johansen
cointegration test carried out with two statistical
tests, the first to test the null hypothesis can use trace
test statistics which require that the number of
cointegration directions is less than or equal to p and
this test can be done as follows:
trace(r) = -T i
 + 1, ...  declares the value of the smallest
eigenvectors ( ).
Vector Auto Regression (VAR) of Analysis Model
VAR is a system and equation with the number of
endogenous variables as much as n. VAR is a
multivariate time series which assumes that all
variables are endogenous variables. Sims (1980)
states that there is true simultaneity between all
variables. Then all related variables must be treated
correctly, there must be no difference in treatment
between endogenous and exogenous variables.
Enders (2014) formulates primitive first order
bivariate systems which are written as follows:
yt = b10–b12 zt+γ11 yt-1+γ12 zt-1+εyt
Impulse Response Function (IRF)
Impulse Response is one of the important analyzes
in the VAR / VECM model. This impulse response
analysis tracks the response of endogenous variables
in the VAR / VECM system due to shock or changes
in the disturbance variable (e). The impulse response
in this study was conducted to determine the
interdependence response of macroeconomic
variables to the volatility of the rupiah exchange
Forecasting Error Variance Decomposition
In addition to the impulse response in the VAR /
VECM model it also provides analysis of
Forecasting Error Variance Decomposition or often
called variance decomposition. In a variance
decomposition, it can be seen the relative
importance of each variable in the VAR / VECM
system due to shock. Variance decomposition is
useful for predicting the contribution percentage of
each variable due to changes in certain variables in
the VAR / VECM system.
Granger Causality Analysis
In economic analysis, the causal relationship
between variables does not only run in one direction.
So through the granger causality test in essence it
can indicate whether a variable has a two-way
relationship or only one direction. In regression
analysis, even though we have made the influence of
one variable on other variables, it is not explained
the direction of the relationship of the variable. In
other words, the extension of the relationship
between variables does not indicate causality or
direction of the relationship. Causality Test
generally uses a test developed by Genger, with the
Granger Causality Test method.
Equation models that can be formed from the
above conditions are:
 ∝
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Y : Dependent Variable (NTR)
_0 : constants
_1 : matrix parameter n x n, for every 1 = 1, 2, ... p
X_1 : INF
X_2 : SB
X_3 : GDP
X_4 : JUB
To reinforce the causality model above, an F-
Test can be done for each regression. To test the
hypothesis, the F test is used as follows:
where :
m = number of lags
k = number of parameters estimated in unrestricted
This research is a follow-up study from previous
studies that produced a design method of analysis
that produces about:
Development of Volatility in Rupiah Exchange
Throughout 2008 to 2017, there were three peaks
where the exchange rate volatility depreciated,
namely in 2008, 2013, and 2015 where in all three
years all goods needs rose continuously which
resulted in a weak rupiah exchange rate. However,
consistent and prudent macroeconomic policies
accompanied by measures of exchange rate
stabilization can generally reduce the occurrence of
excessive pressure. Despite being hit by a variety of
fluctuations, the rupiah exchange rate moved
steadily from 2009 to 2013 in quarter III. However,
the impact of the wider global financial crisis
triggered a significant amount of asset release by
investors, which caused strong pressure on the
rupiah exchange rate during the third quarter of
In general, the volatility of the rupiah exchange
rate experienced instability until the end of
December 2015. It began the volatility of the
exchange rate in 2008 in Q4 IV at the level of Rp.
10,950 per US dollar due to the inflation rate of
11.06 percent resulting in an increase in world prices
and a drop in commodity prices which depressed the
rupiah, so that the rupiah exchange rate depressed.
In 2013, in Q4 IV there was volatility in the rupiah
exchange rate experiencing instability at the level of
Rp. 12,250 due to the interest rate (BI) rate
increasing until early 2014 from 5.75 percent to 7.75
percent in the fight against the depreciating rupiah
which limited the foreign exchange liquidity and
balance of payments deficit.
In 2015 in the quarter III the rupiah exchange
rate volatility experienced depreciation at the level
of Rp. 14,657, but in the fourth quarter of 2015 the
exchange rate volatility appreciated until the fourth
quarter of 2016 which had a good impact on
macroeconomic variables with 5.5 percent inflation
in 2016 to 4.25 percent. In 2017, the decline caused
by macroeconomic variables, thes BI rate interest
rate rose above inflation, triggering the growth of the
real sector and declining capital costs and increasing
demand for banks which could then increase
economic growth.
Development of Macroeconomic Variables
Macroeconomic variables used in this study are
inflation, interest rates, gross domestic product,
money supply, and exports of non-oil and gas
commodities. This macroeconomic variable is also
an endogenous variable which is considered to have
an interdependence between the variable volatility of
the rupiah exchange rate.
The following is briefly explained the
development of macroeconomic variables used in
this study, as follows:
In the fourth quarter of 2008 there was a global
crisis where all goods needs increased due to world
oil prices reaching 9.2 percent so the inflation trend
reached 11.06 percent and experienced a significant
economic slowdown of 6.01 percent. At the same
time, BI emphasized the interest rate (BI Rate) was
much lower, emphasizing interest rates would have
an impact on increasing the money supply (Pohan,
2008). But from the post-global crisis BI focused its
financial performance so that the economic crisis
could subside which was done by emphasizing the
price of oil to be cheaper and sharp enough to lower
oil prices so that inflation could subside around 2.78
percent so that the inflation trend declined and
returned within the target range the country
especially Indonesia to emphasize lower interest
rates and improve economic growth towards a
positive direction.
The decline in domestic inflation, in theory is
very much responded by the public to reduce the
price of commodity goods, the world of work to
increase employment and reduce unemployment,
and rising economic growth towards a positive
The Analysis of Interdependency Macroeconomic Variables of Rupiah Exchange Rate Volatility using Vector Auto Regression Period
direction for public welfare. Likewise, the trend in
the interest rate in 2010 began to decline due to
appreciation in the rupiah exchange rate
appreciation, but JUB continued to show
improvement. The rupiah exchange rate during the
2011-2012 period has weakened to depreciate
against the US dollar, where with the same year
inflation, interest rates indicate a decline and
economic growth also slowed by 6.11 percent but
the amount of money in circulation is still increasing
where Indonesian banks cannot attract the amount of
money in society to be reduced so that economic
growth does not continue to slow down and even the
volatility of the rupiah exchange rate continues to
depreciate to date.
Stationarity Test
The augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF test)
results on the NTR (Rupiah Exchange Rate), INF
(Inflation), Interest Rate, GDP (Gross Domestic
Product), JUB (Money Supply), the EKNM (Export
of Non-oil Commodities) are presented in table 1
ull Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit
root process)
Series: Y, X1, X2, X3,
X4, X5
Date: 08/17/18
Time: 12:44
Sample: 2008 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0 to
Total number of observations: 224
Cross-sections included: 6
Tabel 1:Unit Root Test
Method Statistic Prob.**
ADF-Fisher Chi square 142.733 0.0000
ADF - Choi Z-stat 10.3213 0.0000
** Probabilities for Fisher tests are computed
using an asymptotic Chi-square distribution. All
other tests assume asymptotic normality.
ADF test results D (UNTITLED)
Series Prob. Lag MaxLag Obs
D(Y) 0.0001 0 9 38
D(X1) 0.0000 0 9 38
D(X2) 0.0014 0 9 38
D(X3) 0.0013 3 9 35
D(X4) 0.0000 0 9 38
D(X5) 0.0000 1 9 37
All variables of the Prob value. His <0.05, it is
stationary at first difference. At first different the
stationary has been tested then the results are
stationary so we continue with the regress VAR
Cointegration Test
Cointegration tests are conducted to see whether
among the variables there are cointegrated, either
randomly or irregularly, at least among the variables
there is one that is cointegrated. Based on the results
of the tests carried out, the results obtained as shown
in table 5.2 are;
VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria
Endogenous variables: D(Y) D(X1) D(X2) D(X3) D
(X4) D(X5)
Exogenous variables: C
Date: 08/17/18 Time: 20:16
Sample: 1 40
Included observations: 36
Table 2: Lag Optimal Test
0 -1367.740 NA 5.62e+25
1 -1328.157 63.77176
4.75e+25 76.11985
2 -1296.410 40.56647
7.16e+25 76.35609
3 -1236.229 56.83708*
3.10e+25* 75.01273*
* indicates lag order selected by the criterion
LR: sequential modified LR test statistic
(each test at 5% level)
FPE: Final prediction error
IC: Akaike information criterion
SC:Schwarz information criterion
HQ: Hannan-Quinn information criterion
From the results obtained, it is known that the
optimum lag is 3 which is indicated by the most
number of asterisks (*) in lag 3
Vector Auto Regression (VAR) of Analysis Model
VAR Model - Substituted Coefficients:
D(Y)=-0.113884585481*D(Y(-1))- 0.715797471729*
D(Y(-2))-0.481357171336*D(Y(-3))+ 33.4506413885
*D(X1(-1))+18.9930119224*D(X1(-2))+ 172.743648
182*D(X1(-3))+362.822243193*D(X2(-1))+ 25.7217
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
144651134*D(X3(-3))- 0.000871801654563*D(X4(-
857*D(X4(-3))+0.000143214123963*D(X5(-1))+ 0.00
(X5(-3)) - 267.534125709
1))-0.00721322599839*D(X2(-2))- 0.61870857 3721*
+ 1.5361745813e-06*D(X4(-3)) + 2.01008955641e-
07*D(X5(-1))-1.65476499611e-07*D(X5(-2))- 2.8712
23832e-07*D(X5(-1)) - 2.56920654825e-07*D(X5(-
(X2(-1))-0.0709165261706*D(X2(-2))-0.332571 989
(-2))-1.10069273157e-06*D(X4(-3))-1.5955 3449912
338794e-08*D(X5(-3)) - 0.00504545026802
278535342473*D(X5(-1))+0.00053566869689* (X5(-
(X1(-1))-145331.046896*D(X1(-2))- 25190.1328579*
775*D(X3(-3))+0.33810791237*D(X4(-1))+2.73511 0
87054718*D(X5(-1))-0.570856084071*D(X5(-2))- 0.3
The VAR estimation test results show variable
endogen, are inflation, interest rates, gross domestic
product, money supply, and non-oil commodities
during the past period have an interdependence on
the current volatility of the exchange rate, where one
variable contributes to the other variables and
contribute to the variable itself.
The integrated macroeconomic variables in the
long-term universe in the short and medium term are
only directly related variables that contribute
according to existing random surprises.
In the short-term dominant cointegration of
inflation, the money supply, exports of non-oil and
gas commodities while medium-term cointegration
of interest rates and long-term cointegration of gross
domestic product
In addition, short-term export shocks of non-oil
and gas commodities do not make a dominant
contribution to the volatility of the rupiah exchange
rate, in the medium term interest rates make a
dominant contribution to the volatility of the rupiah
exchange rate, and in long-term growth (GROW)
make a dominant contribution to volatility rupiah
exchange rate. Government policy simulations
emphasize interest rates to 6.5 percent so that
inflation can subside after the 2008 global crisis, but
not reduce the money supply and increase economic
growth, the government is important to simulate
other policies to better anticipate the global crisis.
Based on the results of the study, it is known that
related and cointegrated macroeconomic variables in
the long run are therefore in determining policies so
that the authorized parties see the effects of
macroeconomic variables in the short, medium and
long term.
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