financed by regional government spending not yet
effective and not on target, especially assistance
with agricultural production tools (Alsintan), so that
local governments need to reevaluate programs that
are needed by farmers in the area.
General allocation funds in the short term affect
economic growth, but in the long run do not affect
economic growth. General allocation funds from the
central government, it is mandatory for local
governments to manage them properly, because it
will be beneficial to the development and progress
of the region. In the short term, the lack of funding
for regional development can be covered by the
transfer of general allocation funds from the central
government so as to encourage economic growth,
but for most regions in the long run the lack of
personnel expenditure due to increases in salaries
and employee welfare costs is funded by general
allocation funds has an impact on reducing regional
development programs, and ultimately inhibits
regional economic development.
BPK's opinion on short-term regional financial
reports has a negative relationship with economic
growth. Local governments in any way will do so
that financial statements are categorized as
unqualified, in the short term these financial
statements will burden development targets because
indicators that are not yet commonly done by the
behavior of local government employees. In the long
term, all activities that use the government budget
must be transparent and accountable and the targets
set can be achieved. So that the BPK's opinion in the
long run will encourage economic growth in the
Sumatra region.
This study has limitations, especially not all
provinces can be used as studies because of limited
data, and secondly there are still many
macroeconomic variables that can be used as a
determinant variable in economic growth in the
provinces in Sumatra.
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