Introduction to Accounting Accounting is a
basic, compulsory and very important subject in the
accounting department and includes the financial
KDBK accounting. Accounting introductory books
have been found, but presentative introductory
accounting teaching materials to be used in
Indonesian lectures in the accounting department
have not been found.
The above phenomenon is reinforced by
empirical reality that occurs in Accounting Study
Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, showing that
first, in the 2017/2018 academic year there were 28
students who did not graduate in the Introduction to
Accounting courses. This number increased
considerably compared to the 2016/2017 school
year, which was 15 students. This raises a question
mark why this can happen even though the KKNI
curriculum aims to improve student competence,
which is reflected in the student graduation rate in
the Introduction to Accounting course. Second,
students are busy making six assignments from each
subject, so they are less able to manage time to
explore and inspire the introductory course of
accounting as the main subject in the accounting
department. Third, in the 2016/2017 academic year,
introductory accounting has 4 credits and added 1
credit practice so that it becomes 5 credits. Then, in
the pre-accounting 2017/2018 school year, 4 credits
were reduced by 1 so that there were only 3 credits.
This SKS reduction, has a negative impact, namely
first, the lack of depth in understanding each
introductory accounting material taught. Second,
there is no accounting introduction material that
needs special emphasis. Third, there is less
maximum fighting power from students to master
accounting introductory subjects.
In the learning process students are required to
be actively involved in teaching and learning
activities by using the Student Center Learning
(SCL) to be able to help students to play an active
role in the learning process and be more fluent and
able to make and complete financial reports properly
and correctly.
The presentative introductory accounting
teaching material means, first, the results of research
through an in-depth study based on the IQF,
second,materials introductory teachingmust meet the
most basic knowledge and skills that must exist.
Third, introductory accounting teaching materials
must be easily learned by students. Fourth, teaching
materials must be completed with Semester Lecture
Plans (RPS).
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background research, the problem of
this research can be formulated as follows: Is the
existing KKNI-based introductory accounting
teaching material optimizing six tasks? Does the
introductory teaching material for accounting
already have the most basic knowledge and skills? Is
the introductory teaching material for accounting
guaranteed to be easily learned by students equipped
with RPS? Has an evaluation of the advantages and
disadvantages of the implementation of an accountat
introductory teaching material been carried out to
make improvements?
1.3 Research
Objectives This study aims: To produce introductory
accounting teaching materials based on KKNI by
optimizing six tasks, forming accounting
introductory teaching materials that have the most
basic knowledge achievements and the most basic
skills, ensuring that introductory teaching materials
are easily learned by students equipped with RPS,
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for
further improvement.
2.1 Learning Materials Teaching
Materials must be made fun so that students can
easily understand the material presented so that one
of the obligations of the lecturer is to provide a
pleasant learning atmosphere. Teaching materials
are one way to make learning fun. Mulyasa (2006:
96) revealed that teaching material is something that
contains a message of learning, both special and
general in nature that can be utilized for the benefit
of learning. Prastowo (2012: 17) teaching materials
are basically all materials that are arranged
systematically, which displays a complete figure of
competencies that will be mastered by students and
used in the learning process with the aim of planning
and reviewing the implementation of learning. Well-
designed teaching materials by lecturers will be able
to make learning more effective and students'
understanding of accounting increases.
Wadjdi (2004: 105) explains that good teaching
materials are materials that: (1) can arouse students'
learning interest, (2) have instructional clarity, (3)
present material with good structure, (4) provide
opportunities for students to practice and provide
feedback to students, and (5) create two-way
communication. In addition to the above matters to
stimulate creativity and interest in student learning,
teaching materials are designed as attractive as
possible including the use of colors, shapes, font
sizes and letter thickening, as well as lines and
linesnneeded to clarify the contents of the message.