sharia service units (office channeling) in branch
offices makes online banking a standard of service.
Online banking can be an added value for Islamic
bank products. Technological innovation can reach
microfinance rural areas or can be used as a tool to
help small and medium business enterprises to
develop. There has been banking competition
leading to branchless banking to reach people in the
Digital capabilities that can create these values in
practice can be used as follows: First, digital
technology increases bank connectivity not only
with customers but also with employees and
suppliers. This extends from online interactivity and
payment solutions to cellular functions and
opportunities to increase the bank's brand on social
media. Second, digital withdrawal on large data and
sophisticated analysis to expand and improve
decision making. This kind of analysis is being used
by the most innovative banks in many fields,
including sales, product design, price and
underwriting and truly extraordinary customer
experience designs. Third, direct processing, which
automates and digitizes a number of repetitive
processes, low value and low risk. Process
applications, for example, increase productivity and
facilitate regulatory compliance, while direct
imaging and processing processes lead to lighter and
paperless workflows. Fourth, digitalization is a
means to encourage innovation across business
products and models, including social marketing
with the support of crowd sourced and digitally
centered business models.
4.3 Obstacles and Challenges of
Implementation Inovation Strategy
of Sharia Bank In Digital Economy
The Financial Services Authority (OJK) said that
there are at least three challenges faced by banks in
Indonesia in digital banking services, namely the
evaluation of Bank Indonesia (BI) digital banking
service trials related to bank information systems,
network availability, and consumer education and
protection (Salam , 2018).
In addition to the three challenges related to
digital Bank Indonesia above, in digital practice
banks still face various obstacles that disrupt the
digital development of the Islamic banking
economy, including network infrastructure that is
less extensive so that it cannot be accessed by
everyone. The low interest of the Indonesian people
who carry out digital economic activities, only about
35% of the Indonesian people conduct financial
digital transactions. Business contributions in the
digital sector are still minimal for Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).
The next challenge is facing bank CEOs to take
leadership in the development and implementation
of a comprehensive change program that
simultaneously addresses the culture, systems and
capabilities needed. Some of the digital economic
challenges to the development of banking business
are the security or security department. With the
increasingly sophisticated security technology along
with the increasingly sophisticated theft technology
in the digital realm. One of the most common crimes
is identity theft or phishing. Phishing is the theft of
other people's important data such as full names,
residential addresses, and telephone numbers used to
break into customer accounts. All that is done by
users (users) who are not responsible, such as the
emergence of new criminal acts in the form of
threats hacking websites to steal company data,
rampant fraud under the guise of online business and
so on.
The development of technology and the internet
that is increasingly fast and agile is actually very
helpful for effectiveness and efficiency in efforts to
inclusion and financial literacy of Islamic banking
operations. However, various technical and
operational obstacles must be interpreted as
challenges and must be used as a trigger to create
and produce something that will help human work
more organized and directed. The digital world has
entered the financial industry such as e-commerce,
which is increasingly increasing transactions from
day to day.
People in this digital era want and like
convenience. They will openly accept all openness
and technological progress. In the financial industry,
there are already various electronic money that is
intended to facilitate various daily human activities.
Ranging from electronic money attached to mobile
phones to balances in certain applications to
facilitate payment. Opportunities and challenges in
this digital era will be felt by all sectors including
the financial industry and the Islamic banking
To overcome the various problems mentioned
above, there are at least several steps that can be
taken by Islamic banking as an effort to develop
digital banking: First, consumer experience, namely
digital companies must give the best impression to
consumers in using their services. Because
consumers in the digital world are very easy to turn
to other companies. Second, cyber security, namely
banking together with the government must work
together in providing security for transactions
carried out.
Third, connect online with offline. Fourth,
companies must also use data-based analysis to